Massive MIMO Technologies for 5G and Beyond-5G Wireless Networks

Massive multiple input multiple output (MIMO) is a promising 5G and beyond-5G wireless access technology that can provide huge throughput, compared with the current technology, in order to satisfy some requirements for the future generations of wireless networks. The research described in this thesis proposes the design of some applications of the massive MIMO technology that can be implemented in order to increase the spectral efficiency per cell of the future wireless networks through a simple and low complexity signal processing. In particular, massive MIMO is studied in conjunction with two other topics that are currently under investigation for the future wireless systems, both in academia and in industry: the millimeter wave frequencies and the distributed antenna systems. The first part of the thesis gives a brief overview on the requirements of the future wireless networks and it explains some ...

D'Andrea, Carmen — Università di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale

High performance cache-aided downlink systems: novel algorithms and analysis

The thesis first addresses the worst-user bottleneck of wireless coded caching, which is known to severely diminish cache-aided multicasting gains. We present a novel scheme, called aggregated coded caching, which can fully recover the coded caching gains by capitalizing on the shared side information brought about by the effectively unavoidable file-size constraint. The thesis then transitions to scenarios with transmitters with multi-antenna arrays. In particular, we now consider the multi-antenna cache-aided multi-user scenario, where the multi-antenna transmitter delivers coded caching streams, thus being able to serve multiple users at a time, with a reduced radio frequency (RF) chains. By doing so, coded caching can assist a simple analog beamformer (only a single RF chain), thus incurring considerable power and hardware savings. Finally, after removing the RF-chain limitation, the thesis studies the performance of the vector coded caching technique, and reveals ...

ZHAO, Hui — Sorbonne University, EURECOM

Multiple-Antenna Systems: From Generic to Hardware-Informed Precoding Designs

5G-and-beyond communication systems are expected to be in a heterogeneous form of multiple-antenna cellular base stations (BSs) overlaid with small cells. The fully-digital BS structures can incur significant power consumption and hardware complexity. Moreover, the wireless BSs for small cells usually have strict size constraints, which incur additional hardware effects such as mutual coupling (MC). Consequently, the transmission techniques designed for future wireless communication systems should respect the hardware structures at the BSs. For this reason, in this thesis we extend generic downlink precoding to more advanced hardware-informed transmission techniques for a variety of BS structures. This thesis firstly extends the vector perturbation (VP) precoding to multiple-modulation scenarios, where existing VP-based techniques are sub-optimal. Subsequently, this thesis focuses on the downlink transmission designs for hardware effects in the form of MC, limited number of radio frequency (RF) chains, and low-precision ...

LI, ANG — University College London

Large Multiuser MIMO Detection: Algorithms and Architectures

After decades of research on multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) technology, including paradigm shifts from point-to-point to multiuser MIMO (MU-MIMO), an ample literature exists on techniques to exploit the spatial dimension to increase link throughput and network capacity of wireless communication systems. Massive MIMO, which supports hundreds of antennas at the base station (BS), is celebrated as the key enabling technology of the upcoming fifth generation (5G) wireless communication standard. However, the use of large MIMO systems in the future is also indispensable, especially for high-speed wireless backhaul connectivity. Large MIMO systems use tens of antennas in communication terminals, and can afford a large number of antennas on both the transmitter and the receiver sides. While favorable propagation in massive MIMO ensures that reliable performance can be achieved by simple linear processing, the inherent symmetry in large MIMO renders the computational complexity ...

Sarieddeen, Hadi — American University of Beirut (AUB)

Modeling and Digital Mitigation of Transmitter Imperfections in Radio Communication Systems

To satisfy the continuously growing demands for higher data rates, modern radio communication systems employ larger bandwidths and more complex waveforms. Furthermore, radio devices are expected to support a rich mixture of standards such as cellular networks, wireless local-area networks, wireless personal area networks, positioning and navigation systems, etc. In general, a "smart'' device should be flexible to support all these requirements while being portable, cheap, and energy efficient. These seemingly conflicting expectations impose stringent radio frequency (RF) design challenges which, in turn, call for their proper understanding as well as developing cost-effective solutions to address them. The direct-conversion transceiver architecture is an appealing analog front-end for flexible and multi-standard radio systems. However, it is sensitive to various circuit impairments, and modern communication systems based on multi-carrier waveforms such as Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) and Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple ...

Kiayani, Adnan — Tampere University of Technology

Massive MIMO and Multi-hop Mobile Communication Systems

Since the late 1990s, massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) has been suggested to improve the achievable data rate in wireless communication systems. To overcome the high path losses in the high frequency bands, the use of massive MIMO will be a must rather than an option in future wireless communication systems. At the same time, due to the high cost and high energy consumption of the traditional fully digital beamforming architecture, a new beamforming architecture is required. Among the proposed solutions, the hybrid analog digital (HAD) beamforming architecture has received considerable attention. The promising massive MIMO gains heavily rely on the availability of accurate channel state information (CSI). This thesis considers a wideband massive MIMO orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) system. We propose a channel estimation method called sequential alternating least squares approximation (SALSA) by exploiting a hidden tensor structure in ...

Gherekhloo, Sepideh — Technische Universität Ilmenau

Transmission Strategies for Interfering Networks with Finite Rate and Outdated Channel Feedback

The emergence of very capable mobile terminals, e.g. smartphones or tablets, has dramatically increased the demand of wireless data traffic in recent years. Current growth forecasts elucidate that wireless communication standards will not be able to afford future traffic demands, thus many research efforts have been oriented towards increasing the efficiency of wireless networks. Wireless communications introduce many issues not present in wired systems, e.g. multipath effects or interference. Some of these issues may be tackled by the use of multiple antennas, i.e. MIMO technologies. This solution allows increasing not only the reliability and robustness of the communications, i.e. the diversity gain, but also its efficiency, i.e. the multiplexing gain or degrees of freedom (DoF). The DoF describe the slope of channel capacity at very high signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) regime. For a point-to-point (P2P) communication, assuming that the wireless channel response ...

Torrellas, Marc — Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

Massive MIMO: Fundamentals and System Designs

The last ten years have seen a massive growth in the number of connected wireless devices. Billions of devices are connected and managed by wireless networks. At the same time, each device needs a high throughput to support applications such as voice, real-time video, movies, and games. Demands for wireless throughput and the number of wireless devices will always increase. In addition, there is a growing concern about energy consumption of wireless communication systems. Thus, future wireless systems have to satisfy three main requirements: i) having a high throughput; ii) simultaneously serving many users; and iii) having less energy consumption. Massive multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) technology, where a base station (BS) equipped with very large number of antennas (collocated or distributed) serves many users in the same time-frequency resource, can meet the above requirements, and hence, it is a promising candidate technology ...

Ngo, Quoc Hien — Linköping University

High-End Performance with Low-End Hardware: Analysis of Massive MIMO Base Station Transceivers

Massive MIMO (multiple-input–multiple-output) is a multi-antenna technology for cellular wireless communication, where the base station uses a large number of individually controllable antennas to multiplex users spatially. This technology can provide a high spectral efficiency. One of its main challenges is the immense hardware complexity and cost of all the radio chains in the base station. To make massive MIMO commercially viable, inexpensive, low-complexity hardware with low linearity has to be used, which inherently leads to more signal distortion. This thesis investigates how the degenerated linearity of some of the main components—power amplifiers, analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) and low-noise amplifiers—affects the performance of the system, with respect to data rate, power consumption and out-of-band radiation. The main results are: Spatial processing can reduce PAR (peak-to-average ratio) of the transmit signals in the downlink to as low as 0B; this, however, does ...

Mollén, Christopher — Linköpings universitet

Sparse sensor arrays for active sensing - Array configurations and signal processing

Multisensor systems are a key enabling technology in, e.g., radar, sonar, medical ultrasound, and wireless communications. Using multiple sensors provides spatial selectivity, improves the signal-to-noise ratio, and enables rejecting unwanted interference. Conventional multisensor systems employ a simple array of uniformly spaced sensors with a linear or rectangular geometry. However, a uniform array spanning a large electrical aperture may become prohibitively expensive, as many sensors and costly RF-IF front ends are needed. In contrast, sparse sensor arrays require drastically fewer resources to achieve comparable performance in terms of spatial resolution and the number of identifiable scatterers or sources. This is facilitated by the co-array: a virtual array structure consisting of the pairwise differences or sums of physical sensor positions. Most recent works on co-array-based sparse array design focus exclusively on passive sensing. Active sensing, where sensors transmit signals and observe their ...

Robin Rajamäki — Aalto University

Phase Noise and Wideband Transmission in Massive MIMO

In the last decades the world has experienced a massive growth in the demand for wireless services. The recent popularity of hand-held devices with data exchange capabilities over wireless networks, such as smartphones and tablets, increased the wireless data traffic even further. This trend is not expected to cease in the foreseeable future. In fact, it is expected to accelerate as everyday apparatus unrelated with data communications, such as vehicles or household devices, are foreseen to be equipped with wireless communication capabilities. Further, the next generation wireless networks should be designed such that they have increased spectral and energy efficiency, provide uniformly good service to all of the accommodated users and handle many more devices simultaneously. Massive multiple-input multiple-output (Massive MIMO) systems, also termed as large-scale MIMO, very large MIMO or full-dimension MIMO, have recently been proposed as a candidate ...

Pitarokoilis, Antonios — Linköping University

A Rate-Splitting Approach to Multiple-Antenna Broadcasting

Signal processing techniques for multiple-antenna transmission can exploit the spatial dimension of the wireless channel to serve multiple users simultaneously, achieving high spectral efficiencies. Realizing such gains; however, is strongly dependent on the availability of highly accurate and up-to-date Channel State Information at the Transmitter (CSIT). This stems from the necessity to deal with multiuser interference through preprocessing; as receivers cannot coordinate in general. In wireless systems, CSIT is subject to uncertainty due to estimation and quantization errors, delays and mismatches. This thesis proposes optimized preprocessing techniques for broadcasting scenarios where a multi-antenna transmitter communicates with single-antenna receivers under CSIT uncertainties. First, we consider a scenario where the transmitter communicates an independent message to each receiver. The most popular preprocessing techniques in this setup are based on linear precoding (or beamforming). Despite their near-optimum rate performances when highly accurate CSIT ...

Joudeh, Hamdi — Imperial College London

Digital compensation of front-end non-idealities in broadband communication systems

The wireless communication industry has seen a tremendous growth in the last few decades. The ever increasing demand to stay connected at home, work, and on the move, with voice and data applications, has continued the need for more sophisticated end-user devices. A typical smart communication device these days consists of a radio system that can access a mixture of mobile cellular services (GSM, UMTS, etc), indoor wireless broadband services (WLAN-802.11b/g/n), short range and low energy personal communications (Bluetooth), positioning and navigation systems (GPS), etc. A smart device capable of meeting all these requirements has to be highly flexible and should be able to reconfigure radio transmitters and receivers as and when required. Further, the radio modules used in these devices should be extremely small so that the device itself is portable. In addition, the device should also be economical ...

Tandur, Deepaknath — Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

Separability of Closely Spaced Users in Massive MIMO Systems

Massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) evolved to a key enabling physical layer (PHY) technology for the fifth generation (5G) of mobile communication systems and beyond. While the envisioned use cases of such communications systems are diverse, so are the challenges to meet their respective requirements. As a large-scale evolution of already well-established MIMO communications technologies, massive MIMO promises benefits with respect to all possible use cases. Theoretical works on massive MIMO, however, typically assumes i.i.d. Rayleigh fading channels without spatial channel correlation. The application of this model is justified through the assumption of rich scattering environments, which is claimed to hold, for example, in indoor environments. Spatial correlation of wireless channels leads to inter-stream interference in single-user MIMO communications systems and to inter-user interference in multi-user MIMO systems with linear precoding. Channel correlation is therefore crucial for the performance of such ...

Stefan Pratschner — TU Wien

Advanced Multi-Dimensional Signal Processing for Wireless Systems

The thriving development of wireless communications calls for innovative and advanced signal processing techniques targeting at an enhanced performance in terms of reliability, throughput, robustness, efficiency, flexibility, etc.. This thesis addresses such a compelling demand and presents new and intriguing progress towards fulfilling it. We mainly concentrate on two advanced multi-dimensional signal processing challenges for wireless systems that have attracted tremendous research attention in recent years, multi-carrier Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) systems and multi-dimensional harmonic retrieval. As the key technologies of wireless communications, the numerous benefits of MIMO and multi-carrier modulation, e.g., boosting the data rate and improving the link reliability, have long been identified and have ignited great research interest. In particular, the Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM)-based multi-user MIMO downlink with Space-Division Multiple Access (SDMA) combines the twofold advantages of MIMO and multi-carrier modulation. It is the essential element ...

Cheng, Yao — Ilmenau University of Technology

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