Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

The wireless communication industry has seen a tremendous growth in the last few decades. The ever increasing demand to stay connected at home, work, and on the move, with voice and data applications, has continued the need for more sophisticated end-user devices. A typical smart communication device these days consists of a radio system that can access a mixture of mobile cellular services (GSM, UMTS, etc), indoor wireless broadband services (WLAN-802.11b/g/n), short range and low energy personal communications (Bluetooth), positioning and navigation systems (GPS), etc. A smart device capable of meeting all these requirements has to be highly flexible and should be able to reconfigure radio transmitters and receivers as and when required. Further, the ... toggle 9 keywords

iq imbalance CFO OFDM MIMO adaptive equalization rf impairments dirty rf front-end non-idealities broadband communication systems


Tandur, Deepaknath
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Publication Year
Upload Date
Dec. 8, 2010

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