The human visual system as a complete solution for image processing (2007)
New insights into Crowd Density Analysis in Video Surveillance Systems
Crowd analysis has recently emerged as an increasingly important problem for crowd monitoring and management in the visual surveillance community. In this thesis, our objectives are to address the problems of crowd density estimation and to investigate the usefulness of such estimation as additional information to other applications. Towards the first goal, we focus on the problems related to the estimation of the crowd density using low level features in order to avert typical problems in detection of high density crowd. We demonstrate in this dissertation, that the proposed approaches perform better than the baseline methods, either for counting people, or alternatively for estimating the crowd level. Afterwards, we propose a novel approach, in which local information at the pixel level substitutes the overall crowd level or person count. It is based on modeling time-varying dynamics of the crowd density ...
Hajer, Fradi — TELECOM ParisTech
The analysis of audiovisual data aims at extracting high level information, equivalent with the one(s) that can be extracted by a human. It is considered as a fundamental, unsolved (in its general form) problem. Even though the inverse problem, the audiovisual (sound and animation) synthesis, is judged easier than the previous, it remains an unsolved problem. The systematic research on these problems yields solutions that constitute the basis for a great number of continuously developing applications. In this thesis, we examine the two aforementioned fundamental problems. We propose algorithms and models of analysis and synthesis of articulated motion and undulatory (snake) locomotion, using data from video sequences. The goal of this research is the multilevel information extraction from video, like object tracking and activity recognition, and the 3-D animation synthesis in virtual environments based on the results of analysis. An ...
Panagiotakis, Costas — University of Crete
The present doctoral thesis aims towards the development of new long-term, multi-channel, audio-visual processing techniques for the analysis of bioacoustics phenomena. The effort is focused on the study of the physiology of the gastrointestinal system, aiming at the support of medical research for the discovery of gastrointestinal motility patterns and the diagnosis of functional disorders. The term "processing" in this case is quite broad, incorporating the procedures of signal processing, content description, manipulation and analysis, that are applied to all the recorded bioacoustics signals, the auxiliary audio-visual surveillance information (for the monitoring of experiments and the subjects' status), and the extracted audio-video sequences describing the abdominal sound-field alterations. The thesis outline is as follows. The main objective of the thesis, which is the technological support of medical research, is presented in the first chapter. A quick problem definition is initially ...
Dimoulas, Charalampos — Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece
Video Sequence Analysis for Content Description, Summarization and Content-Based Retrieval
The main research area of this Ph.D. thesis is video sequence processing and analysis for description and indexing of visual content. Its objective is to contribute in the development of a computational system with the capabilities of object-based segmentation of audiovisual material, automatic content description, summarization for preview and browsing, as well as content-based retrieval. The thesis consists of four parts. The first introduces video sequence analysis, segmentation and object extraction based on color, motion, and depth field. A fusion technique is proposed that combines individual cue segmentations and allows for reliable identification of semantic objects. The second part refers to automatic description and annotation of the visual content by means of feature vectors, summarization, implemented by optimal selection of a limited set of key frames and shots, and content-based search and retrieval. In the third part, the problem of ...
Avrithis, Yannis — National Technical University of Athens
Video Processing for Remote Respiration Monitoring
Monitoring of vital signs is a key tool in medical diagnostics to asses the onset and the evolution of several diseases. Among fundamental vital parameters, such as the hearth rate, blood pressure and body temperature, the Respiratory Rate (RR) plays an important role. For this reason, respiration needs to be carefully monitored in order to detect potential signs or events indicating possible changes of health conditions. Monitoring of the respiration is generally carried out in hospital and clinical environments by the use of expensive devices with several sensors connected to the patient's body. A new research trend, in order to reduce healthcare service costs and make monitoring of vital signs more comfortable, is the development of low-cost systems which may allow remote and contactless monitoring; in such a context, an appealing method is to rely on video processing-based solutions. In ...
Alinovi, Davide — University of Parma
Digital Processing Based Solutions for Life Science Engineering Recognition Problems
The field of Life Science Engineering (LSE) is rapidly expanding and predicted to grow strongly in the next decades. It covers areas of food and medical research, plant and pests’ research, and environmental research. In each research area, engineers try to find equations that model a certain life science problem. Once found, they research different numerical techniques to solve for the unknown variables of these equations. Afterwards, solution improvement is examined by adopting more accurate conventional techniques, or developing novel algorithms. In particular, signal and image processing techniques are widely used to solve those LSE problems require pattern recognition. However, due to the continuous evolution of the life science problems and their natures, these solution techniques can not cover all aspects, and therefore demanding further enhancement and improvement. The thesis presents numerical algorithms of digital signal and image processing to ...
Hussein, Walid — Technische Universität München
Content-based search and browsing in semantic multimedia retrieval
Growth in storage capacity has led to large digital video repositories and complicated the discovery of specific information without the laborious manual annotation of data. The research focuses on creating a retrieval system that is ultimately independent of manual work. To retrieve relevant content, the semantic gap between the searcher's information need and the content data has to be overcome using content-based technology. Semantic gap constitutes of two distinct elements: the ambiguity of the true information need and the equivocalness of digital video data. The research problem of this thesis is: what computational content-based models for retrieval increase the effectiveness of the semantic retrieval of digital video? The hypothesis is that semantic search performance can be improved using pattern recognition, data abstraction and clustering techniques jointly with human interaction through manually created queries and visual browsing. The results of this ...
Rautiainen, Mika — University of Oulou
The subject of the thesis is the emergence and analysis of visual texture microstructure for efficient modeling, descriptive feature extraction and image representation. Main objectives are the problems of image texture modeling and analysis in Computer Vision systems, with emphasis on the subproblems of texture detection, segmentation and separation in images. Advanced modeling and analysis methods are developed in parallel directions: a) Multiband models of narrowband components and spatial modulations, b) Energy methods for texture feature extraction, c) Variational techniques of image decomposition and texture separation. The proposed methods are applied on a database of digitized soilsection images to quantify and evaluate the biological quality of soils and in different types and collections of natural images. The developed model is the common ground to approach texture in its different forms and applications. In total, a complete system for texture processing ...
Evangelopoulos, Georgios — National Technical University of Athens
Recent improvements in the development of inertial and visual sensors allow building small, lightweight, and cheap motion capture systems, which are becoming a standard feature of smartphones and personal digital assistants. This dissertation describes developments of new motion sensing strategies using the inertial and inertial-visual sensors. The thesis contributions are presented in two parts. The first part focuses mainly on the use of inertial measurement units. First, the problem of sensor calibration is addressed and a low-cost and accurate method to calibrate the accelerometer cluster of this unit is proposed. The method is based on the maximum likelihood estimation framework, which results in a minimum variance unbiased estimator.Then using the inertial measurement unit, a probabilistic user-independent method is proposed for pedestrian activity classification and gait analysis.The work targets two groups of applications including human activity classificationand joint human activity and ...
Panahandeh Ghazaleh — KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Video person recognition strategies using head motion and facial appearance
In this doctoral dissertation, we principally explore the use of the temporal information available in video sequences for person and gender recognition; in particular, we focus on the analysis of head and facial motion, and their potential application as biometric identifiers. We also investigate how to exploit as much video information as possible for the automatic recognition; more precisely, we examine the possibility of integrating the head and mouth motion information with facial appearance into a multimodal biometric system, and we study the extraction of novel spatio-temporal facial features for recognition. We initially present a person recognition system that exploits the unconstrained head motion information, extracted by tracking a few facial landmarks in the image plane. In particular, we detail how each video sequence is firstly pre-processed by semiautomatically detecting the face, and then automatically tracking the facial landmarks over ...
Matta, Federico — Eurécom / Multimedia communications
Adaptive Nonlocal Signal Restoration and Enhancement Techniques for High-Dimensional Data
The large number of practical applications involving digital images has motivated a significant interest towards restoration solutions that improve the visual quality of the data under the presence of various acquisition and compression artifacts. Digital images are the results of an acquisition process based on the measurement of a physical quantity of interest incident upon an imaging sensor over a specified period of time. The quantity of interest depends on the targeted imaging application. Common imaging sensors measure the number of photons impinging over a dense grid of photodetectors in order to produce an image similar to what is perceived by the human visual system. Different applications focus on the part of the electromagnetic spectrum not visible by the human visual system, and thus require different sensing technologies to form the image. In all cases, even with the advance of ...
Maggioni, Matteo — Tampere University of Technology
Contributions to Human Motion Modeling and Recognition using Non-intrusive Wearable Sensors
This thesis contributes to motion characterization through inertial and physiological signals captured by wearable devices and analyzed using signal processing and deep learning techniques. This research leverages the possibilities of motion analysis for three main applications: to know what physical activity a person is performing (Human Activity Recognition), to identify who is performing that motion (user identification) or know how the movement is being performed (motor anomaly detection). Most previous research has addressed human motion modeling using invasive sensors in contact with the user or intrusive sensors that modify the user’s behavior while performing an action (cameras or microphones). In this sense, wearable devices such as smartphones and smartwatches can collect motion signals from users during their daily lives in a less invasive or intrusive way. Recently, there has been an exponential increase in research focused on inertial-signal processing to ...
Gil-Martín, Manuel — Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Good Features to Correlate for Visual Tracking
Estimating object motion is one of the key components of video processing and the first step in applications which require video representation. Visual object tracking is one way of extracting this component, and it is one of the major problems in the field of computer vision. Numerous discriminative and generative machine learning approaches have been employed to solve this problem. Recently, correlation filter based (CFB) approaches have been popular due to their computational efficiency and notable performances on benchmark datasets. The ultimate goal of CFB approaches is to find a filter (i.e., template) which can produce high correlation outputs around the actual object location and low correlation outputs around the locations that are far from the object. Nevertheless, CFB visual tracking methods suffer from many challenges, such as occlusion, abrupt appearance changes, fast motion and object deformation. The main reasons ...
Gundogdu, Erhan — Middle East Technical University
In this thesis, a number of novel watermarking techniques for different 3D representations are presented. A novel watermarking method is proposed for the mono-view video, which might be interpreted as the basic implicit representation of 3D scenes. The proposed method solves the common flickering problem in the existing video watermarking schemes by means of adjusting the watermark strength with respect to temporal contrast thresholds of human visual system (HVS), which define the maximum invisible distortions in the temporal direction. The experimental results indicate that the proposed method gives better results in both objective and subjective measures, compared to some recognized methods in the literature. The watermarking techniques for the geometry and image based representations of 3D scenes, denoted as 3D watermarking, are examined and classified into three groups, as 3D-3D, 3D-2D and 2D-2D watermarking, in which the pair of symbols ...
Koz, Alper — Middle East Technical University, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Motion detection and human recognition in video sequences
This thesis is concerned with the design of a complete framework that allows the real-time recognition of humans in a video stream acquired by a static camera. For each stage of the processing chain, which takes as input the raw images of the stream and eventually outputs the identity of the persons, we propose an original algorithm. The first algorithm is a background subtraction technique named ViBe. The purpose of ViBe is to detect the parts of the images that contain moving objects. The second algorithm determines which moving objects correspond to individuals. The third algorithm allows the recognition of the detected individuals from their gait. Our background subtraction algorithm, ViBe, uses a collection of samples to model the history of each pixel. The current value of a pixel is classified by comparison with the closest samples that belong to ...
Olivier, Barnich — University of Liege
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