Signal Design for Active Sensing and Communications (2014)
Dynamic Scheme Selection in Image Coding
This thesis deals with the coding of images with multiple coding schemes and their dynamic selection. In our society of information highways, electronic communication is taking everyday a bigger place in our lives. The number of transmitted images is also increasing everyday. Therefore, research on image compression is still an active area. However, the current trend is to add several functionalities to the compression scheme such as progressiveness for more comfortable browsing of web-sites or databases. Classical image coding schemes have a rigid structure. They usually process an image as a whole and treat the pixels as a simple signal with no particular characteristics. Second generation schemes use the concept of objects in an image, and introduce a model of the human visual system in the design of the coding scheme. Dynamic coding schemes, as their name tells us, make ...
Fleury, Pascal — Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
Sparse sensor arrays for active sensing - Array configurations and signal processing
Multisensor systems are a key enabling technology in, e.g., radar, sonar, medical ultrasound, and wireless communications. Using multiple sensors provides spatial selectivity, improves the signal-to-noise ratio, and enables rejecting unwanted interference. Conventional multisensor systems employ a simple array of uniformly spaced sensors with a linear or rectangular geometry. However, a uniform array spanning a large electrical aperture may become prohibitively expensive, as many sensors and costly RF-IF front ends are needed. In contrast, sparse sensor arrays require drastically fewer resources to achieve comparable performance in terms of spatial resolution and the number of identifiable scatterers or sources. This is facilitated by the co-array: a virtual array structure consisting of the pairwise differences or sums of physical sensor positions. Most recent works on co-array-based sparse array design focus exclusively on passive sensing. Active sensing, where sensors transmit signals and observe their ...
Robin Rajamäki — Aalto University
Advanced Signal Processing Concepts for Multi-Dimensional Communication Systems
The widespread use of mobile internet and smart applications has led to an explosive growth in mobile data traffic. With the rise of smart homes, smart buildings, and smart cities, this demand is ever growing since future communication systems will require the integration of multiple networks serving diverse sectors, domains and applications, such as multimedia, virtual or augmented reality, machine-to-machine (M2M) communication / the Internet of things (IoT), automotive applications, and many more. Therefore, in the future, the communication systems will not only be required to provide Gbps wireless connectivity but also fulfill other requirements such as low latency and massive machine type connectivity while ensuring the quality of service. Without significant technological advances to increase the system capacity, the existing telecommunications infrastructure will be unable to support these multi-dimensional requirements. This poses an important demand for suitable waveforms with ...
Cheema, Sher Ali — Technische Universität Ilmenau
Synthetic test patterns and compression artefact distortion metrics for image codecs
This thesis presents a framework of test methodology to assess spatial domain compression artefacts produced by image and intra-frame coded video codecs. Few researchers have studied this broad range of artefacts. A taxonomy of image and video compression artefacts is proposed. This is based on the point of origin of the artefact in the image communication model. This thesis presents objective evaluation of distortions known as artefacts due to image and intra-frame coded video compression made using synthetic test patterns. The American National Standard Institute document ANSI T1 801 qualitatively defines blockiness, blur and ringing artefacts. These definitions have been augmented with quantitative definitions in conjunction with test patterns proposed. A test and measurement environment is proposed in which the codec under test is exercised using a portfolio of test patterns. The test patterns are designed to highlight the artefact ...
Punchihewa, Amal — Massey University, New Zealand
A Unified Framework for Communications through MIMO Channels
MULTIPLE-INPUT MULTIPLE-OUTPUT (MIMO) CHANNELS constitute a unified way of modeling a wide range of different physical communication channels, which can then be handled with a compact and elegant vector-matrix notation. The two paradigmatic examples are wireless multi-antenna channels and wireline Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) channels. Research in antenna arrays (also known as smart antennas) dates back to the 1960s. However, the use of multiples antennas at both the transmitter and the receiver, which can be naturally modeled as a MIMO channel, has been recently shown to offer a significant potential increase in capacity. DSL has gained popularity as a broadband access technology capable of reliably delivering high data rates over telephone subscriber lines. A DSL system can be modeled as a communication through a MIMO channel by considering all the copper twisted pairs within a binder as a whole rather ...
Palomar, Daniel Perez — Technical University of Catalonia (UPC)
MIMO Radars with Sparse Sensing
Multi-input and multi-output (MIMO) radars achieve high resolution of arrival direction by transmitting orthogonal waveforms, performing matched filtering at the receiver end and then jointly processing the measurements of all receive antennas. This dissertation studies the use of compressive sensing (CS) and matrix completion (MC) techniques as means of reducing the amount of data that need to be collected by a MIMO radar system, without sacrificing the system’s good resolution properties. MIMO radars with sparse sensing are useful in networked radar scenarios, in which the joint processing of the measurements is done at a fusion center, which might be connected to the receive antennas via a wireless link. In such scenarios, reduced amount of data translates into bandwidth and power saving in the receiver-fusion center link. First, we consider previously defined CS-based MIMO radar schemes, and propose optimal transmit antenna ...
Sun, Shunqiao — Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Interference Alignment in MIMO Networks: Feasibility and Transceiver Design
Wireless communications have gone through an exponential growth in the last several years and it is forecast that this growth will be sustained for the coming decades. This ever-increasing demand for radio resources is now facing one of its main limitations: inter-user interference, arising from the fact of multiple users accessing the propagation medium simultaneously which limits the total amount of data that can be reliably communicated through the wireless links. Traditionally, interference has been dealt with by allocating disjoint channel resources to distinct users. However, the advent of a novel interference coordination technique known as interference alignment (IA) brought to the forefront the promise of a much larger spectral efficiency. This dissertation revolves around the idea of linear interference alignment for a network consisting of several mutually interfering transmitter-receiver pairs, which is com-monly known as interference channel. In particular, ...
Fernandez, Oscar Gonzalez — University of Cantabria
Biosignal processing and activity modeling for multimodal human activity recognition
This dissertation's primary goal was to systematically study human activity recognition and enhance its performance by advancing human activities' sequential modeling based on HMM-based machine learning. Driven by these purposes, this dissertation has the following major contributions: The proposal of our HAR research pipeline that guides the building of a robust wearable end-to-end HAR system and the implementation of the recording and recognition software Activity Signal Kit (ASK) according to the pipeline; Collecting several datasets of multimodal biosignals from over 25 subjects using the self-implemented ASK software and implementing an easy mechanism to segment and annotate the data; The comprehensive research on the offline HAR system based on the recorded datasets and the implementation of an end-to-end real-time HAR system; A novel activity modeling method for HAR, which partitions the human activity into a sequence of shared, meaningful, and activity ...
Liu, Hui — University of Bremen
Polar Coding for the Wiretap Broadcast Channel
In the next era of communications, where heterogeneous, asynchronous and ultra-low latency networks are drawn on the horizon, classical cryptography might be inadequate due to the excessive cost of maintaining a public-key infrastructure and the high computational capacity required in the devices. Moreover, it is becoming increasingly difficult to guarantee that the computational capacity of adversaries would not be able to break the cryptograms. Consequently, information-theoretic security, and particularly its application to keyless secrecy communication, might play an important role in the future development of these systems. The notion of secrecy in this case does not rely on any assumption of the computational power of eavesdroppers, and is based instead on guaranteeing statistical independence between the information message and the observed cryptogram. This is possible by constructing channel codes that exploit the noisy behavior of the channels involved in the ...
del Olmo Alòs, Jaume — Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Point Cloud Quality Assessment
Nowadays, richer 3D visual representation formats are emerging, notably light fields and point clouds. These formats enable new applications in many usage domains, notably virtual and augmented reality, geographical information systems, immersive communications, and cultural heritage. Recently, following major improvements in 3D visual data acquisition, there is an increasing interest in point-based visual representation, which models real-world objects as a cloud of sampled points on their surfaces. Point cloud is a 3D representation model where the real visual world is represented by a set of 3D coordinates (the geometry) over the objects with some additional attributes such as color and normals. With the advances in 3D acquisition systems, it is now possible to capture a realistic point cloud to represent a visual scene with a very high resolution. These point clouds may have up to billions of points and, thus, ...
Javaheri, Alireza — Instituto Superior Técnico - University of Lisbon
Sensing physical fields: Inverse problems for the diffusion equation and beyond
Due to significant advances made over the last few decades in the areas of (wireless) networking, communications and microprocessor fabrication, the use of sensor networks to observe physical phenomena is rapidly becoming commonplace. Over this period, many aspects of sensor networks have been explored, yet a thorough understanding of how to analyse and process the vast amounts of sensor data collected remains an open area of research. This work, therefore, aims to provide theoretical, as well as practical, advances this area. In particular, we consider the problem of inferring certain underlying properties of the monitored phenomena, from our sensor measurements. Within mathematics, this is commonly formulated as an inverse problem; whereas in signal processing, it appears as a (multidimensional) sampling and reconstruction problem. Indeed it is well known that inverse problems are notoriously ill-posed and very demanding to solve; meanwhile ...
Murray-Bruce, John — Imperial College London
Towards Massive Connectivity via Uplink Code-Domain NOMA
Abstract Future mobile networks are envisioned to provide wireless access to a massive number of devices. The substantial increase in connectivity comes mainly from machine-type communication (MTC), for which a large number of low-rate transmissions take place. Accommodating access for such a large number of user equipment (UEs) can be inefficient if applied to current network architectures, which are mainly based on orthogonal multiple access (OMA) and scheduling-based transmissions. This is due to the resulting control overhead and increased access delay. The framework of non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) has attracted attention recently as a promising solution to tackle these issues. It allows multiple UEs to access the network simultaneously over the same resources, and provides naturally, the support for grant-free access, in which no explicit scheduling of the UEs is required. Motivated by the potential benefits of NOMA in enabling ...
Bashar Tahir — TU Wien
Best Signal Selection with Automatic Delay Compensation in VoIP Environment
In the last decades, air traffic spread more and more in the world, connecting more and more places. At the same time, the need to manage all the flights correctly and securely increased. Air traffic authorities imposed and updated several standards for the air traffic management (ATM) system, keeping in pace with the growing traffic flow. To achieve this, special voice communication systems (VCS) were developed. They ensure the communication between the pilots and the operators from the ground control centers. When a communication is initiated between the aircraft’s pilot and the ground air traffic control operator, various systems are used. The pilot speaks through the aircraft’s radio station and the signal is received by several ground radio stations. Then, the signal from each ground radio station arrives on different paths to the control center. Here one of the received ...
Marinescu, Radu-Sebastian — University Politehnica of Bucharest
RIS Analysis from Communication and Electromagnetic Perspectives
The next generation of wireless communication networks will facilitate the connection of a large number of devices and a broad range of services. Serving such a large amount of user equipment (UEs) can be of very high cost if using active antenna solutions such as increasing the number of base stations (BSs), using massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) antennas, and deploying relays between the BSs and the UEs. In this context, a passive antenna solution, such as reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RISs), would be more beneficial and attractive. RIS has become an emerging technology with diverse applications in future wireless networks, owing to its ability to dynamically control and optimize the propagation environment. The rapid evolution driven by escalating performance demands of coverage in blocked line-of-sight (LOS) scenarios has prompted the exploration of RIS. Motivated by the potential benefits of RIS in ...
Le Hao — TU Wien
Ultra Wideband Communications: from Analog to Digital
The aim of this thesis is to investigate key issues encountered in the design of transmission schemes and receiving techniques for Ultra Wideband (UWB) communication systems. Based on different data rate applications, this work is divided into two parts, where energy efficient and robust physical layer solutions are proposed, respectively. Due to a huge bandwidth of UWB signals, a considerable amount of multipath arrivals with various path gains is resolvable at the receiver. For low data rate impulse radio UWB systems, suboptimal non-coherent detection is a simple way to effectively capture the multipath energy. Feasible techniques that increase the power efficiency and the interference robustness of non-coherent detection need to be investigated. For high data rate direct sequence UWB systems, a large number of multipath arrivals results in severe inter-/intra-symbol interference. Additionally, the system performance may also be deteriorated by ...
Song, Nuan — Ilmenau University of Technology
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