Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

In the last decades, air traffic spread more and more in the world, connecting more and more places. At the same time, the need to manage all the flights correctly and securely increased. Air traffic authorities imposed and updated several standards for the air traffic management (ATM) system, keeping in pace with the growing traffic flow. To achieve this, special voice communication systems (VCS) were developed. They ensure the communication between the pilots and the operators from the ground control centers. When a communication is initiated between the aircraft’s pilot and the ground air traffic control operator, various systems are used. The pilot speaks through the aircraft’s radio station and the signal is received by ... toggle 5 keywords

signal processing time delay estimation voice activity detection speech enhancement voice quality


Marinescu, Radu-Sebastian
University Politehnica of Bucharest
Publication Year
Upload Date
May 5, 2014

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