Direction of Arrival Estimation and Localization Exploiting Sparse and One-Bit Sampling

Data acquisition is a necessary first step in digital signal processing applications such as radar, wireless communications and array processing. Traditionally, this process is performed by uniformly sampling signals at a frequency above the Nyquist rate and converting the resulting samples into digital numeric values through high-resolution amplitude quantization. While the traditional approach to data acquisition is straightforward and extremely well-proven, it may be either impractical or impossible in many modern applications due to the existing fundamental trade-off between sampling rate, amplitude quantization precision, implementation costs, and usage of physical resources, e.g. bandwidth and power consumption. Motivated by this fact, system designers have recently proposed exploiting sparse and few-bit quantized sampling instead of the traditional way of data acquisition in order to reduce implementation costs and usage of physical resources in such applications. However, before transition from the tradition data ...

Saeid Sedighi — University of Luxembourg

Bayesian data fusion for distributed learning

This dissertation explores the intersection of data fusion, federated learning, and Bayesian methods, with a focus on their applications in indoor localization, GNSS, and image processing. Data fusion involves integrating data and knowledge from multiple sources. It becomes essential when data is only available in a distributed fashion or when different sensors are used to infer a quantity of interest. Data fusion typically includes raw data fusion, feature fusion, and decision fusion. In this thesis, we will concentrate on feature fusion. Distributed data fusion involves merging sensor data from different sources to estimate an unknown process. Bayesian framework is often used because it can provide an optimal and explainable feature by preserving the full distribution of the unknown given the data, called posterior, over the estimated process at each agent. This allows for easy and recursive merging of sensor data ...

Peng Wu — Northeastern University

Towards 6G-Enabled Internet of Things with IRS-Empowered Backscatter-Assisted WPCNs

While 5G wireless systems offer significant enhancements to their 4G counterparts in terms of bandwidth, connectivity, latency, etc. they are unable to meet the requirements of the applications envisioned for the next decade. The demands of applications such as super-smart city, autonomous vehicles, smart health-care, etc. are much greater than what 5G systems can afford. This means that we cannot yet expect the widespread realization of IoT/IoE and have to wait for 6G to finally fulfill this long-awaited promise. As an enabler and a key player for the success of IoT/IoE, WPCN has been the center of attention in the past decade and attracted a large number of journal and conference publications. Despite the extensive efforts in this area, WPCN still lacks the required performance for being seamlessly fitted into the next generation IoT/IoE environments. The main objective of this ...

Ramezani, Parisa — The University of Sydney

Enabling Technologies and Cyber-Physical Systems for Mission-Critical Scenarios

Reliable transport systems, defense, public safety and quality assurance in the Industry 4.0 are essential in a modern society. In a mission-critical scenario, a mission failure would jeopardize human lives and put at risk some other assets whose impairment or loss would significantly harm society or business results. Even small degradations of the communications supporting the mission could have large and possibly dire consequences. On the one hand, mission-critical organizations wish to utilize the most modern, disruptive and innovative communication systems and technologies, and yet, on the other hand, need to comply with strict requirements, which are very different to those of non critical scenarios. The aim of this thesis is to assess the feasibility of applying emerging technologies like Internet of Things (IoT), Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) and 4G broadband communications in mission-critical scenarios along three key critical infrastructure sectors: ...

Fraga-Lamas, Paula — University of A Coruña

Advanced Signal Processing Concepts for Multi-Dimensional Communication Systems

The widespread use of mobile internet and smart applications has led to an explosive growth in mobile data traffic. With the rise of smart homes, smart buildings, and smart cities, this demand is ever growing since future communication systems will require the integration of multiple networks serving diverse sectors, domains and applications, such as multimedia, virtual or augmented reality, machine-to-machine (M2M) communication / the Internet of things (IoT), automotive applications, and many more. Therefore, in the future, the communication systems will not only be required to provide Gbps wireless connectivity but also fulfill other requirements such as low latency and massive machine type connectivity while ensuring the quality of service. Without significant technological advances to increase the system capacity, the existing telecommunications infrastructure will be unable to support these multi-dimensional requirements. This poses an important demand for suitable waveforms with ...

Cheema, Sher Ali — Technische Universität Ilmenau

Decentralized Estimation Under Communication Constraints

In this thesis, we consider the problem of decentralized estimation under communication constraints in the context of Collaborative Signal and Information Processing. Motivated by sensor network applications, a high volume of data collected at distinct locations and possibly in diverse modalities together with the spatially distributed nature and the resource limitations of the underlying system are of concern. Designing processing schemes which match the constraints imposed by the system while providing a reasonable accuracy has been a major challenge in which we are particularly interested in the tradeoff between the estimation performance and the utilization of communications subject to energy and bandwidth constraints. One remarkable approach for decentralized inference in sensor networks is to exploit graphical models together with message passing algorithms. In this framework, after the so-called information graph of the problem is constructed, it is mapped onto the ...

Uney, Murat — Middle East Technical University

Representation Learning in Distributed Networks

The effectiveness of machine learning (ML) in today's applications largely depends on the goodness of the representation of data used within the ML algorithms. While the massiveness in dimension of modern day data often requires lower-dimensional data representations in many applications for efficient use of available computational resources, the use of uncorrelated features is also known to enhance the performance of ML algorithms. Thus, an efficient representation learning solution should focus on dimension reduction as well as uncorrelated feature extraction. Even though Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and linear autoencoders are fundamental data preprocessing tools that are largely used for dimension reduction, when engineered properly they can also be used to extract uncorrelated features. At the same time, factors like ever-increasing volume of data or inherently distributed data generation impede the use of existing centralized solutions for representation learning that require ...

Gang, Arpita — Rutgers University-New Brunswick

Stochastic Schemes for Dynamic Network Resource Allocation

Wireless networks and power distribution grids are experiencing increasing demands on their efficiency and reliability. Judicious methods for allocating scarce resources such as power and bandwidth are of paramount importance. As a result, nonlinear optimization and signal processing tools have been incorporated into the design of contemporary networks. This thesis develops schemes for efficient resource allocation (RA) in such dynamic networks, with an emphasis in stochasticity, which is accounted for in the problem formulation as well as in the algorithms and schemes to solve those problems. Stochastic optimization and decomposition techniques are investigated to develop low-complexity algorithms with specific applications in cross-layer design of wireless communications, cognitive radio (CR) networks and smart power distribution systems. The costs and constraints on the availability of network resources, together with diverse quality of service (QoS) requirements, render network design, management, and operation challenging ...

Lopez Ramos, Luis Miguel — King Juan Carlos University

Robust and multiresolution video delivery : From H.26x to Matching pursuit based technologies

With the joint development of networking and digital coding technologies multimedia and more particularly video services are clearly becoming one of the major consumers of the new information networks. The rapid growth of the Internet and computer industry however results in a very heterogeneous infrastructure commonly overloaded. Video service providers have nevertheless to oer to their clients the best possible quality according to their respective capabilities and communication channel status. The Quality of Service is not only inuenced by the compression artifacts, but also by unavoidable packet losses. Hence, the packet video stream has clearly to fulll possibly contradictory requirements, that are coding eciency and robustness to data loss. The rst contribution of this thesis is the complete modeling of the video Quality of Service (QoS) in standard and more particularly MPEG-2 applications. The performance of Forward Error Control (FEC) ...

Frossard, Pascal — Swiss Federal Institute of Technology

Toward sparse and geometry adapted video approximations

Video signals are sequences of natural images, where images are often modeled as piecewise-smooth signals. Hence, video can be seen as a 3D piecewise-smooth signal made of piecewise-smooth regions that move through time. Based on the piecewise-smooth model and on related theoretical work on rate-distortion performance of wavelet and oracle based coding schemes, one can better analyze the appropriate coding strategies that adaptive video codecs need to implement in order to be efficient. Efficient video representations for coding purposes require the use of adaptive signal decompositions able to capture appropriately the structure and redundancy appearing in video signals. Adaptivity needs to be such that it allows for proper modeling of signals in order to represent these with the lowest possible coding cost. Video is a very structured signal with high geometric content. This includes temporal geometry (normally represented by motion ...

Divorra Escoda, Oscar — EPFL / Signal Processing Institute

Privacy Protecting Biometric Authentication Systems

As biometrics gains popularity and proliferates into the daily life, there is an increased concern over the loss of privacy and potential misuse of biometric data held in central repositories. The major concerns are about i) the use of biometrics to track people, ii) non-revocability of biometrics (eg. if a fingerprint is compromised it can not be canceled or reissued), and iii) disclosure of sensitive information such as race, gender and health problems which may be revealed by biometric traits. The straightforward suggestion of keeping the biometric data in a user owned token (eg. smart cards) does not completely solve the problem, since malicious users can claim that their token is broken to avoid biometric verification altogether. Put together, these concerns brought the need for privacy preserving biometric authentication methods in the recent years. In this dissertation, we survey existing ...

Kholmatov, Alisher — Sabanci University

Deep Learning Techniques for Visual Counting

The explosion of Deep Learning (DL) added a boost to the already rapidly developing field of Computer Vision to such a point that vision-based tasks are now parts of our everyday lives. Applications such as image classification, photo stylization, or face recognition are nowadays pervasive, as evidenced by the advent of modern systems trivially integrated into mobile applications. In this thesis, we investigated and enhanced the visual counting task, which automatically estimates the number of objects in still images or video frames. Recently, due to the growing interest in it, several Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)-based solutions have been suggested by the scientific community. These artificial neural networks, inspired by the organization of the animal visual cortex, provide a way to automatically learn effective representations from raw visual data and can be successfully employed to address typical challenges characterizing this task, ...

Ciampi Luca — University of Pisa

Contributions to Human Motion Modeling and Recognition using Non-intrusive Wearable Sensors

This thesis contributes to motion characterization through inertial and physiological signals captured by wearable devices and analyzed using signal processing and deep learning techniques. This research leverages the possibilities of motion analysis for three main applications: to know what physical activity a person is performing (Human Activity Recognition), to identify who is performing that motion (user identification) or know how the movement is being performed (motor anomaly detection). Most previous research has addressed human motion modeling using invasive sensors in contact with the user or intrusive sensors that modify the user’s behavior while performing an action (cameras or microphones). In this sense, wearable devices such as smartphones and smartwatches can collect motion signals from users during their daily lives in a less invasive or intrusive way. Recently, there has been an exponential increase in research focused on inertial-signal processing to ...

Gil-Martín, Manuel — Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Adaptive Signal Processing for Power Line Communications

This thesis represents a significant part of the research activity conducted during the PhD program in Information Technologies, supported by Selta S.p.A, Cadeo, Italy, focused on the analysis and design of a Power Line Communications (PLC) system. In recent times the PLC technologies have been considered for integration in Smart Grids architectures, as they are used to exploit the existing power line infrastructure for information transmission purposes on low, medium and high voltage lines. The characterization of a reliable PLC system is a current object of research as well as it is the design of modems for communications over the power lines. In this thesis, the focus is on the analysis of a full-duplex PLC modem for communication over high-voltage lines, and, in particular, on the design of the echo canceller device and innovative channel coding schemes. The first part ...

Tripodi, Carlo — Università degli Studi di Parma

Unsupervised Domain Adaptation with Private Data

The recent success of deep learning is conditioned on the availability of large annotated datasets for supervised learning. Data annotation, however, is a laborious and a time-consuming task. When a model fully trained on an annotated source domain is applied to a target domain with different data distribution, a greatly diminished generalization performance can be observed due to domain shift. Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (UDA) aims to mitigate the impact of domain shift when the target domain is unannotated. The majority of UDA algorithms assume joint access between source and target data, which may violate data privacy restrictions in many real world applications. In this thesis I propose source-free UDA approaches that are well suited for scenarios when source and target data are only accessible sequentially. I show that across several application domains, for the adaptation process to be successful it ...

Stan Serban — University of Southern California

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