Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

One in five experiences hearing loss. The World Health Organization estimates that this number will increase to one in four in 2050. Luckily, effective hearing devices such as hearing aids and cochlear implants exist with advanced speaker enhancement algorithms that can significantly improve the quality of life of people suffering from hearing loss. State-of-the-art hearing devices, however, underperform in a so-called `cocktail party' scenario, when multiple persons are talking simultaneously (such as at a family dinner or reception). In such a situation, the hearing device does not know which speaker the user intends to attend to and thus which speaker to enhance and which other ones to suppress. Therefore, a new problem arises in cocktail ... toggle 4 keywords

auditory attention decoding hearing aids biomedical signal processing EEG


Geirnaert, Simon
KU Leuven
Publication Year
Upload Date
July 1, 2022

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