Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

The fabrication of miniature electronics and sensors has encouraged the creation of a wide range of wireless enabled devices designed to be worn on the human body. This has led to the prominence of so-called wearable communications, which have emerged to satisfy the demand for wireless connectivity between these devices and with external networks. The work in this thesis has focused on the characterization of the composite fading (i.e combined multipath and shadowing) observed in wearable communications channels. It has also investigated the mitigation of the deleterious effects of both of these propagation phenomena in wearable communications. In order to accurately characterize the behaviour of the composite fading signal observed in wearable communications channels, new ... toggle 7 keywords

composite fading diversity $\eta$-$\mu$ / inverse gamma composite fading model fisher-snedecor f distribution inverse gamma distribution $\kappa$-$\mu$ / inverse gamma composite fading model wearable communication


Seong Ki Yoo
Queen's University Belfast
Publication Year
Upload Date
Dec. 15, 2019

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