Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

The dissertation deals with the problems of stereoscopic depth estimation and coding in multiview video systems, which are vital for development of the next generation three-dimensional television. The depth estimation algorithms known from literature, along with theoretical foundations are discussed. The problem of estimation of depth maps with high quality, expressed by means of accuracy, precision and temporal consistency, has been stated. Next, original solutions have been proposed. Author has proposed a novel, theoretically founded approach to depth estimation which employs Maximum A posteriori Probability (MAP) rule for modeling of the cost function used in optimization algorithms. The proposal has been presented along with a method for estimation of parameters of such model. In order ... toggle 4 keywords

depth estimation disparity estimation depth coding multiview coding


Stankiewicz, Olgierd
Poznan University of Technology
Publication Year
Upload Date
Nov. 26, 2014

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