Algorithmic Analysis of Complex Audio Scenes

In this thesis, we examine the problem of algorithmic analysis of complex audio scenes with a special emphasis on natural audio scenes. One of the driving goals behind this work is to develop tools for monitoring the presence of animals in areas of interest based on their vocalisations. This task, which often occurs in the evaluation of nature conservation measures, leads to a number of subproblems in audio scene analysis. In order to develop and evaluate pattern recognition algorithms for animal sounds, a representative collection of such sounds is necessary. Building such a collection is beyond the scope of a single researcher and we therefore use data from the Animal Sound Archive of the Humboldt University of Berlin. Although a large portion of well annotated recordings from this archive has been available in digital form, little infrastructure for searching and ...

Bardeli, Rolf — University of Bonn

Speech recognition in noisy conditions using missing feature approach

The research in this thesis addresses the problem of automatic speech recognition in noisy environments. Automatic speech recognition systems obtain acceptable performances in noise free conditions but these performances degrade dramatically in presence of additive noise. This is mainly due to the mismatch between the training and the noisy operating conditions. In the time-frequency representation of the noisy speech signal, some of the clean speech features are masked by noise. In this case the clean speech features cannot be correctly estimated from the noisy speech and therefore they are considered as missing or unreliable. In order to improve the performance of speech recognition systems in additive noise conditions, special attention should be paid to the problems of detection and compensation of these unreliable features. This thesis is concerned with the problem of missing features applied to automatic speaker-independent speech recognition. ...

Renevey, Philippe — Swiss Federal Institute of Technology

Motion Analysis and Modeling for Activity Recognition and 3-D Animation based on Geometrical and Video Processing Algorithms

The analysis of audiovisual data aims at extracting high level information, equivalent with the one(s) that can be extracted by a human. It is considered as a fundamental, unsolved (in its general form) problem. Even though the inverse problem, the audiovisual (sound and animation) synthesis, is judged easier than the previous, it remains an unsolved problem. The systematic research on these problems yields solutions that constitute the basis for a great number of continuously developing applications. In this thesis, we examine the two aforementioned fundamental problems. We propose algorithms and models of analysis and synthesis of articulated motion and undulatory (snake) locomotion, using data from video sequences. The goal of this research is the multilevel information extraction from video, like object tracking and activity recognition, and the 3-D animation synthesis in virtual environments based on the results of analysis. An ...

Panagiotakis, Costas — University of Crete

Audio-visual processing and content management techniques, for the study of (human) bioacoustics phenomena

The present doctoral thesis aims towards the development of new long-term, multi-channel, audio-visual processing techniques for the analysis of bioacoustics phenomena. The effort is focused on the study of the physiology of the gastrointestinal system, aiming at the support of medical research for the discovery of gastrointestinal motility patterns and the diagnosis of functional disorders. The term "processing" in this case is quite broad, incorporating the procedures of signal processing, content description, manipulation and analysis, that are applied to all the recorded bioacoustics signals, the auxiliary audio-visual surveillance information (for the monitoring of experiments and the subjects' status), and the extracted audio-video sequences describing the abdominal sound-field alterations. The thesis outline is as follows. The main objective of the thesis, which is the technological support of medical research, is presented in the first chapter. A quick problem definition is initially ...

Dimoulas, Charalampos — Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece

Video Processing for Remote Respiration Monitoring

Monitoring of vital signs is a key tool in medical diagnostics to asses the onset and the evolution of several diseases. Among fundamental vital parameters, such as the hearth rate, blood pressure and body temperature, the Respiratory Rate (RR) plays an important role. For this reason, respiration needs to be carefully monitored in order to detect potential signs or events indicating possible changes of health conditions. Monitoring of the respiration is generally carried out in hospital and clinical environments by the use of expensive devices with several sensors connected to the patient's body. A new research trend, in order to reduce healthcare service costs and make monitoring of vital signs more comfortable, is the development of low-cost systems which may allow remote and contactless monitoring; in such a context, an appealing method is to rely on video processing-based solutions. In ...

Alinovi, Davide — University of Parma

Direct Pore-based Identification For Fingerprint Matching Process

Fingerprint, is considered one of the most crucial scientific tools in solving criminal cases. This biometric feature is composed of unique and distinctive patterns found on the fingertips of each individual. With advancing technology and progress in forensic sciences, fingerprint analysis plays a vital role in forensic investigations and the analysis of evidence at crime scenes. The fingerprint patterns of each individual start to develop in early stagesof life and never change thereafter. This fact makes fingerprints an exceptional means of identification. In criminal cases, fingerprint analysis is used to decipher traces, evidence, and clues at crime scenes. These analyses not only provide insights into how a crime was committed but also assist in identifying the culprits or individuals involved. Computer-based fingerprint identification systems yield faster and more accurate results compared to traditional methods, making fingerprint comparisons in large databases ...

Vedat DELICAN, PhD — Istanbul Technical University

Tissue Characterisation from Intravascular Ultrasound using Texture Analysis

Intravascular ultrasound has, over the past decade, significantly changed the clinical diagnosis and therapeutic strategy of coronary and vascular disease assessment, as it not only allows visualisation of the vessel lumen, but gives a unique view of the pathophysiologic structure of the artery wall. This information is currently unavailable from the universally accepted instrument for artery assessment, angiography, which has on several occasions had its diagnostic accuracy questioned. With intravascular ultrasound, there is the potential to categorise diseased arterial tissue belonging to distinct pathological groups which can ultimately aid in the understanding of individual lesions as well as making a significant contribution to treatment choice and management of cardiac patients. The high resolution image information offered by intravascular ultrasound provides excellent crosssectional views of coronary artery disease at the level of the disease process itself. This information can be used ...

Nailon, William Henry — University Of Edinburgh

Fire Detection Algorithms Using Multimodal Signal and Image Analysis

Dynamic textures are common in natural scenes. Examples of dynamic textures in video include fire, smoke, clouds, volatile organic compound (VOC) plumes in infra-red (IR) videos, trees in the wind, sea and ocean waves, etc. Researchers extensively studied 2-D textures and related problems in the fields of image processing and computer vision. On the other hand, there is very little research on dynamic texture detection in video. In this dissertation, signal and image processing methods developed for detection of a specific set of dynamic textures are presented. Signal and image processing methods are developed for the detection of flames and smoke in open and large spaces with a range of up to $30$m to the camera in visible-range (IR) video. Smoke is semi-transparent at the early stages of fire. Edges present in image frames with smoke start loosing their sharpness ...

Toreyin, Behcet Ugur — Bilkent University

Distributed Detection and Localization

This thesis delves into the detection and localization aspects of distributed Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). Specifically, the research concentrates on WSNs in which sensors autonomously carry out detection tasks and transmit their decisions to a fusion center (FC). The FC’s role is to make a comprehensive decision about the presence of a specific event of interest and estimate its potential location. Given its broad significance, the thesis specializes in applying WSNs for industrial monitoring, particularly in the process and energy industry. Three distinct approaches are explored in this thesis: (i) per-sample/batch detection, (ii) quickest detection, and (iii) sequential detection. Each framework proposes a set of detection and associated localization rules. A primary objective of this work is to develop detection and localization strategies that leverage existing information about the monitored environment, bridging the gap between monitoring systems and the knowledge ...

Gianluca Tabella — Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Face recognition, a landmarks tale

Face recognition is a technology that appeals to the imagination of many people. This is particularly reflected in the popularity of science-fiction films and forensic detective series such as CSI, CSI New York, CSI Miami, Bones and NCIS. Although these series tend to be set in the present, their application of face recognition should be considered science-fiction. The successes are not, or at least not yet, realistic. This does, however, not mean that it does not, or will never, work. To the contrary, face recognition is used in places where the user does not need or want to cooperate, for example entry to stadiums or stations, or the detection of double entries into databases. Another important reason to use face recognition is that it can be a user-friendly biometric security. Face recognition works reliably and robustly when there is little ...

Beumer, Gert M. — University of Twente

Parametric and non-parametric approaches for multisensor data fusion

Multisensor data fusion technology combines data and information from multiple sensors to achieve improved accuracies and better inference about the environment than could be achieved by the use of a single sensor alone. In this dissertation, we propose parametric and nonparametric multisensor data fusion algorithms with a broad range of applications. Image registration is a vital first step in fusing sensor data. Among the wide range of registration techniques that have been developed for various applications, mutual information based registration algorithms have been accepted as one of the most accurate and robust methods. Inspired by the mutual information based approaches, we propose to use the joint R´enyi entropy as the dissimilarity metric between images. Since the R´enyi entropy of an image can be estimated with the length of the minimum spanning tree over the corresponding graph, the proposed information-theoretic registration ...

Ma, Bing — University of Michigan

Contributions to Human Motion Modeling and Recognition using Non-intrusive Wearable Sensors

This thesis contributes to motion characterization through inertial and physiological signals captured by wearable devices and analyzed using signal processing and deep learning techniques. This research leverages the possibilities of motion analysis for three main applications: to know what physical activity a person is performing (Human Activity Recognition), to identify who is performing that motion (user identification) or know how the movement is being performed (motor anomaly detection). Most previous research has addressed human motion modeling using invasive sensors in contact with the user or intrusive sensors that modify the user’s behavior while performing an action (cameras or microphones). In this sense, wearable devices such as smartphones and smartwatches can collect motion signals from users during their daily lives in a less invasive or intrusive way. Recently, there has been an exponential increase in research focused on inertial-signal processing to ...

Gil-Martín, Manuel — Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Optimized Merging of Search-Coil and Fluxgate Data for the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission

he main objective of the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission is to characterize fine-scale structures in the Earth’s magnetotail and magnetopause. These dynamic structures traverse the MMS spacecraft formation at high speed and generate magnetic field signatures that cross the sensitive frequency bands of both search-coil and fluxgate magnetometers. An improved understanding of these events is only possible by combining data from both instrument types for magnetospheric event analysis. This combination is done using a model-based sensor fusion approach that merges data from both instrument types to a virtual instrument with flat gain curve, linear phase and known timing properties as well as the highest sensitivity and lowest noise floor. The generation of the underlying instrument models requires precise knowledge of the instrument frequency responses and timing. This knowledge was obtained in a dedicated end-to-end measurement campaign using a purpose-built magnetic ...

Fischer, David — Signal Processing and Speech Communication Laboratory, TU Graz; Space Research Institute Graz, Austrian Academy of Sciences

Sound Event Detection by Exploring Audio Sequence Modelling

Everyday sounds in real-world environments are a powerful source of information by which humans can interact with their environments. Humans can infer what is happening around them by listening to everyday sounds. At the same time, it is a challenging task for a computer algorithm in a smart device to automatically recognise, understand, and interpret everyday sounds. Sound event detection (SED) is the process of transcribing an audio recording into sound event tags with onset and offset time values. This involves classification and segmentation of sound events in the given audio recording. SED has numerous applications in everyday life which include security and surveillance, automation, healthcare monitoring, multimedia information retrieval, and assisted living technologies. SED is to everyday sounds what automatic speech recognition (ASR) is to speech and automatic music transcription (AMT) is to music. The fundamental questions in designing ...

[Pankajakshan], [Arjun] — Queen Mary University of London

Camera based motion estimation and recognition for human-computer interaction

Communicating with mobile devices has become an unavoidable part of our daily life. Unfortunately, the current user interface designs are mostly taken directly from desktop computers. This has resulted in devices that are sometimes hard to use. Since more processing power and new sensing technologies are already available, there is a possibility to develop systems to communicate through different modalities. This thesis proposes some novel computer vision approaches, including head tracking, object motion analysis and device ego-motion estimation, to allow efficient interaction with mobile devices. For head tracking, two new methods have been developed. The first method detects a face region and facial features by employing skin detection, morphology, and a geometrical face model. The second method, designed especially for mobile use, detects the face and eyes using local texture features. In both cases, Kalman filtering is applied to estimate ...

Hannuksela, Jari — University of Oulou

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