Joint Downlink Beamforming and Discrete Resource Allocation Using Mixed-Integer Programming

Multi-antenna processing is widely adopted as one of the key enabling technologies for current and future cellular networks. Particularly, multiuser downlink beamforming (also known as space-division multiple access), in which multiple users are simultaneously served with spatial transmit beams in the same time and frequency resource, achieves high spectral efficiency with reduced energy consumption. To harvest the potential of multiuser downlink beamforming in practical systems, optimal beamformer design shall be carried out jointly with network resource allocation. Due to the specifications of cellular standards and/or implementation constraints, resource allocation in practice naturally necessitates discrete decision makings, e.g., base station (BS) association, user scheduling and admission control, adaptive modulation and coding, and codebook-based beamforming (precoding). This dissertation focuses on the joint optimization of multiuser downlink beamforming and discrete resource allocation in modern cellular networks. The problems studied in this thesis involve ...

Cheng, Yong — Technische Universität Darmstadt

Coordination Strategies for Interference Management in MIMO Dense Cellular Networks

The envisioned rapid and exponential increase of wireless data traffic demand in the next years imposes rethinking current wireless cellular networks due to the scarcity of the available spectrum. In this regard, three main drivers are considered to increase the capacity of today's most advanced (4G systems) and future (5G systems and beyond) cellular networks: i) use more bandwidth (more Hz) through spectral aggregation, ii) enhance the spectral efficiency per base station (BS) (more bits/s/Hz/BS) by using multiple antennas at BSs and users (i.e. MIMO systems), and iii) increase the density of BSs (more BSs/km2) through a dense and heterogeneous deployment (known as dense heterogeneous cellular networks). We focus on the last two drivers. First, the use of multi-antenna systems allows exploiting the spatial dimension for several purposes: improving the capacity of a conventional point-to-point wireless link, increasing the number ...

Lagen, Sandra — Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya

Quality of Service Optimization in the Broadcast Channel with Imperfect Transmit Channel State Information

This work considers a Broadcast Channel (BC) system, where the transmitter is equipped with multiple antennas and each user at the receiver side could have one or more antennas. Depending on the number of antennas at the receiver side, such a system is known as Multiple-User Multiple-Input Single-Output (MU-MISO), for single antenna users, or Multiple-UserMultiple-InputMultiple-Output (MU-MIMO), for several antenna users. This model is suitable for current wireless communication systems. Regarding the direction of the data flow, we differentiate between downlink channel or BC, and uplink channel or Multiple Access Channel (MAC). In the BC the signals are sent from the Base Station (BS) to the users, whereas the information from the users is sent to the BS in the MAC. In this work we focus on the BC where the BS applies linear precoding taking advantage of multiple antennas. The ...

González-Coma, José Pablo — University of a Coruña

Limited Feedback Transceiver Design for Downlink MIMO OFDM Cellular Networks

Feedback in wireless communications is tied to a long-standing and successful history, facilitating robust and spectrally efficient transmission over the uncertain wireless medium. Since the application of multiple antennas at both ends of the communication link, enabling multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) transmission, the importance of feedback information to achieve the highest performance is even more pronounced. Especially when multiple antennas are employed by the transmitter to handle the interference between multiple users, channel state information (CSI) is a fundamental prerequisite. The corresponding multi-user MIMO, interference alignment and coordination techniques are considered as a central part of future cellular networks to cope with the growing inter-cell-interference, caused by the unavoidable densification of base stations to support the exponentially increasing demand on network capacities. However, this vision can only be implemented with efficient feedback algorithms that provide accurate CSI at the transmitter without ...

Schwarz, Stefan — Vienna University of Technology

Design of Limited Feedback for Robust MMSE Precoding in Multiuser MISO Systems

In this thesis, we consider a multiuser system with a transmitter equipped with multiple antennas and only one antenna at each receiver user. This system, which is termed MUMISO (Multi User Multiple Input/Single Output), is of use to model the downlink of a wireless communication system, where multiple antennas at the base station transmit to several users with usually only one antenna at each receiving unit. This downlink channel is also called Broadcast Channel (BC). When considering this broadcast channel, the centralized transmitter clearly has more degrees of freedom than each of the receivers. Therefore, it is appropriate to separate the signals by applying precoding at the transmitter. To be able to design precoding, the transmitter needs knowledge about the channel states of the different receivers. In the case of Frequency Division Duplex (FDD) systems, this knowledge can be obtained ...

Castro Castro, Paula María — University of Coruna (UDC)

Multi-Cell Multi-User MIMO Aspects: Delay, Transceiver Design, User Selection and Topology

In order to meet ever-growing needs for capacity in wireless networks, transmission techniques and the system models used to study their performances have rapidly evolved. From single-user single-antenna point-to-point communications to modern multi-cell multi-antenna cellular networks there have been large advances in technology. Along the way, several assumptions are made in order to have either more realistic models, but also to allow simpler analysis. We analyze three aspects of actual networks and try to benefit from them when possible or conversely, to mitigate their negative impact. This sometimes corrects overly optimistic results, for instance when delay in the channel state information (CSI) acquisition is no longer neglected. However, this sometimes also corrects overly pessimistic results, for instance when in a broadcast channel (BC) the number of users is no longer limited to be equal to the number of transmit antennas ...

Lejosne, Yohan — Telecom ParisTech

System-Level Modeling and Optimization of MIMO HSDPA Networks

Interaction between the Medium Access Control (MAC)-layer and the physical-layer routines is one of the basic concepts of modern wireless networks. Physical-layer dependent resource allocation and scheduling guarantee efficient network utilization. Accordingly, classical link-level analyses, focusing only on the physical-layer are not sufficient anymore for optimum transceiver structure and algorithm development. This thesis presents the development and application of a system-level description suitable for the downlink of Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) enhanced High-Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA), with particular focus on the Double Transmit Antenna Array (D-TxAA) transmission mode. The system-level model allows for investigating and evaluating transmission systems and algorithms in the context of cellular networks. Two separate models are proposed to obtain a complete system-level description: (i) a link-quality model, analytically describing the MIMO HSDPA link quality in a so-called equivalent fading parameter structure, and (ii) a link-performance model, ...

Wrulich, Martin — Vienna University of Technology

Unified approach for optimisation of single-user and multi-user multiple-input multiple-output wireless systems

Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems will be applied in wireless communications in order to increase the performance, spectral efficiency, and reliability. Theoretically, the channel capacity of those systems grows linearly with the number of transmit and receive antennas. An important performance metric beneath capacity is the normalised mean square error (MSE) under the assumption of optimal linear reception. Clearly, both performance measures depend on the properties of the MIMO channel as well as on the considered system approach, e.g. on the type of channel state information which is available at the transmitter. It has been shown that even partial CSI at the transmitter can increase the performance. In this thesis, we analyse the performance and design optimal transmit strategies of singleand multiuser MIMO systems with respect to the statistical properties of the fading channel and under different types of CSI at ...

Jorswieck, Eduard — TU Berlin / Mobile Communications

Low-Complexity Iterative Detection Algorithms for Multi-Antenna Systems

Multiple input multiple output (MIMO) techniques have been widely employed by dif- ferent wireless systems with many advantages. By using multiple antennas, the system is able to transmit multiple data streams simultaneously and within the same frequency band. The methods known as spatial multiplexing (SM) and spatial diversity (SD) im- proves the high spectral efficiency and link reliability of wireless communication systems without requiring additional transmitting power. By introducing channel coding in the transmission procedure, the information redundancy is introduced to further improve the reliability of SM links and the quality of service for the next generation communication systems. However, the throughput performance of these systems is limited by interference. A number of different interference suppression techniques have been reported in the literature. Theses techniques can be generally categorised into two aspects: the preprocessing techniques at the transmitter side and ...

Peng Li — University of York

Signal Processing for Multicell Multiuser MIMO Wireless Communication Systems

Multi-user multi-antenna wireless communication systems have become essential due to the widespread of smart applications and the use of the Internet. Ultra-dense deployment of small cell networks has been recognized as an effective way to meet the exponentially growing mobile data traffic and to accommodate increasingly diversified mobile applications for beyond 5G and future wireless networks. Small cells using low power nodes are meant to be deployed in hot spots, where the number of users varies strongly with time and between adjacent cells. As a result, small cells are expected to have burst-like traffic, which makes the static time division duplex (TDD) frame configuration strategy, where a common TDD pattern is selected for the whole network, not able to meet the users' requirements and the traffic fluctuations. Dynamic TDD (DTDD) technology which allows the cells to independently adapt their TDD ...

Nwalozie, Gerald Chetachi — Technische Universität Ilmenau

Impairments in coordinated cellular networks: analysis, impact on performance and mitigation

Base station cooperation is recognized as a key technology for future wireless cellular communication networks. Considering antennas of distributed base stations and those of multiple terminals within those cells as a distributed multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system, this technique has the potential to eliminate inter-cell interference by joint signal processing and to enhance spectral efficiency in this way. Although the theoretical gains are meanwhile well-understood, it still remains challenging to realize the full potential of such cooperative schemes in real-world systems. Among other factors, such as the limited overhead for pilot symbols and for the feedback and backhaul, these performance limitations are related to channel and synchronization impairments, such as channel estimation, feedback quantization and channel aging, as well as imperfect carrier and sampling synchronization among the base stations. Because of these impairments, joint data precoding results to be mismatched with ...

Manolakis, Konstantinos — Technische Universität Berlin

Fairness Analysis of Wireless Beamforming Schedulers

This dissertation is devoted to the analysis of fairness at the physical layer in multi-antenna multi-user communications, which implies a new view on traditional techniques. However, the degree of equality/inequality of any resource distribution has been extensively studied in other fields such as Economics or Social Sciences. Indeed, engineers usually aim at optimizing the total performance, but when multiple users come into play, the overall optimization might not necessarily be the best thing to do. For instance in wireless systems, the user with a bad channel condition might suffer the consequences from the selective choice based on the instantaneous channel quality made by a centralized entity. In this sense, the problem has four different perspectives: antenna processing, power allocation, bit allocation, and combination of space diversity (SDMA) with multiple subcarriers (OFDM). The technical contribution of the author starts with the ...

Bartolomé Calvo, Diego — CTTC-Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya

Resource Allocation & Physical Layer Security inWireless Communication Systems

In this thesis, the problem of resource allocation is investigated in multiuser, multi-antenna downlink wireless systems in which spatial multiplexing is employed in the physical layer. The thesis consists of two main parts; in the first, the interest is focused on optimizing system’s performance in terms of users’ transmission rate. Under this context, a low complexity but highly performing user selection algorithm is presented for the flat-fading channel, when zero-forcing beamforming is employed at the BS and the aim is to maximize system’s throughput. For the more interesting case where the transmission is performed simultaneously over a number of parallel subchannels, two fairness-aware resource allocation problems are investigated in the sense that certain QoS constraints are considered. Typically, this kind of problems fall within the NP class because of the integer nature of the involved user selection procedure. Hence, several ...

Karachontzitis, Sotiris — University of Patras

Distributed Space-Time Coding Techniques with Limited Feedback in Cooperative MIMO Networks

Multi-input multi-output (MIMO) wireless networks and distributed MIMO relaying wireless networks have attracted significant attention in current generation of wireless communication networks, and will play a key role in the next generation of wireless net- works. The improvement of network capacity, data rate and reliability can be achieved at the cost of increasing computational complexity of employing space-time coding (STC) and distributed STC (DSTC) in MIMO and distributed MIMO relaying networks, respectively. Efficient designs and algorithms to achieve high diversity and coding gains with low computational complexity in encoding and decoding of STC and DSTC schemes are essential. In this thesis, DSTC designs with high diversity and coding gains and efficient detection and code matrices optimization algorithms in cooperative MIMO networks are proposed. Firstly, adaptive power allocation (PA) algorithms with different criteria for a coop- erative MIMO network equipped with ...

Peng, Tong — University of York

Distributed Coordination in Multiantenna Cellular Networks

Wireless communications are important in our highly connected world. The amount of data being transferred in cellular networks is steadily growing, and consequently more capacity is needed. This thesis considers the problem of downlink capacity improvement from the perspective of multicell coordination. By employing multiple antennas at the transmitters and receivers of a multicell network, the inherent spatial selectivity of the users can be exploited in order to increase the capacity through linear precoding and receive filtering. For the coordination between cells, distributed algorithms are often sought due to their low implementation complexity and robustness. In this context, the thesis considers two problem domains: base station clustering and coordinated precoding. Base station clustering corresponds to grouping the cell base stations into disjoint clusters in order to reduce the coordination overhead. This is needed in intermediate-sized to large networks, where the ...

Brandt, Rasmus — KTH Royal Institute of Technology

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