Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

The envisioned rapid and exponential increase of wireless data traffic demand in the next years imposes rethinking current wireless cellular networks due to the scarcity of the available spectrum. In this regard, three main drivers are considered to increase the capacity of today's most advanced (4G systems) and future (5G systems and beyond) cellular networks: i) use more bandwidth (more Hz) through spectral aggregation, ii) enhance the spectral efficiency per base station (BS) (more bits/s/Hz/BS) by using multiple antennas at BSs and users (i.e. MIMO systems), and iii) increase the density of BSs (more BSs/km2) through a dense and heterogeneous deployment (known as dense heterogeneous cellular networks). We focus on the last two drivers. First, ... toggle 8 keywords

MIMO dense networks interference management signal processing traffic-aware resource management improper gaussian signaling coordinated multi-point transmission flexible duplexing.


Lagen, Sandra
Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya
Publication Year
Upload Date
Feb. 13, 2017

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