Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

This thesis concerns the use of spatial and tonal adaptivity in improving the resolution of aliased image sequences under scene or camera motion. Each of the five content chapters focuses on a different subtopic of super-resolution: image registration (chapter 2), image fusion (chapter 3 and 4), super-resolution restoration (chapter 5), and super-resolution synthesis (chapter 6). Chapter 2 derives the Cramer-Rao lower bound of image registration and shows that iterative gradient-based estimators achieve this performance limit. Chapter 3 presents an algorithm for image fusion of irregularly sampled and uncertain data using robust normalized convolution. The size and shape of the fusion kernel is adapted to local curvilinear structures in the image. Each data sample is assigned ... toggle 1 keyword



Pham, Tuan Q.
Delft University of Technology
Publication Year
Upload Date
Dec. 14, 2008

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