Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

Time-varying systems are encountered in various fields of engineering. If the time-varying behavior of a system is undesired, it produces a distorted output signal. Dedicated time-varying systems can be cascaded with the original system to correct the impact of the undesired time-varying behavior on the output signal. In applications where a high reconstruction accuracy is important, the computational cost of designing and employing flexible digital correction systems remains challenging. In particular, the computational load becomes a major challenge if the digital correction system needs to be redesigned for each time instant. In this thesis, low complexity correction methods for the design of linear time-varying correction filters are presented. These filters can be applied to postcorrect ... toggle 1 keyword

filter design


Michael Soudan
Graz University of Technology
Publication Year
Upload Date
Aug. 28, 2015

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