Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

A large part of human speech communication takes place in noisy environments and is supported by technical devices. For example, a hearing-impaired person might use a hearing aid to take part in a conversation in a busy restaurant. These devices, but also telecommunication in noisy environments or voiced-controlled assistants, make use of speech enhancement and separation algorithms that improve the quality and intelligibility of speech by separating speakers and suppressing background noise as well as other unwanted effects such as reverberation. If the devices are equipped with more than one microphone, which is very common nowadays, then multi-channel speech enhancement approaches can leverage spatial information in addition to single-channel tempo-spectral information to perform the task. ... toggle 5 keywords

speech processing machine learning multi-channel speech enhancement speech separation


Tesch, Kristina
Universität Hamburg
Publication Year
Upload Date
Feb. 19, 2024

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