Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

Playing techniques are expressive elements in music performances that carry important information about music expressivity and interpretation. When displaying playing techniques in the time-frequency domain, we observe that each has a distinctive spectro-temporal pattern. Based on the patterns of regularity, we group commonly-used playing techniques into two families: pitch modulation-based techniques (PMTs) and pitch evolution-based techniques (PETs). The former are periodic modulations that elaborate on stable pitches, including vibrato, tremolo, trill, and flutter-tongue; while the latter contain monotonic pitch changes, such as acciaccatura, portamento, and glissando. In this thesis, we present a general framework based on the scattering transform for playing technique recognition. We propose two variants of the scattering transform, the adaptive scattering and ... toggle 7 keywords

music signal analysis music performance analysis scattering transform audio classification instrumental playing techniques performer identification chick calls


Wang, Changhong
Queen Mary University of London
Publication Year
Upload Date
Feb. 2, 2022

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