Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

The growing risk of privacy violation and espionage associated with the rapid spread of mobile communications renewed interest in the original concept of sending encrypted voice as audio signal over arbitrary voice channels. The usual methods used for encrypted data transmission over analog telephony turned out to be inadequate for modern vocal links (cellular networks, VoIP) equipped with voice compression, voice activity detection, and adaptive noise suppression algorithms. The limited available bandwidth, nonlinear channel distortion, and signal fadings motivate the investigation of a dedicated, joint approach for speech encoding and encryption adapted to modern noisy voice channels. This thesis aims to develop, analyze, and validate secure and efficient schemes for real-time speech encryption and transmission ... toggle 6 keywords

secure voice communications data over voice channels voice encryption joint speech coding formal verification semantic security


Krasnowski, Piotr
Université Côte d'Azur
Publication Year
Upload Date
Jan. 23, 2022

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