Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

Nowadays, in a time where cities contain millions of people and where travelling across the world is becoming easier and easier, the necessity of automatically identifying a person is starting to be compelling. The physical appearance and the behavioural characteristics have been discovered useful to univocally describe a person. The analytic study of the human body measures with the aim of recognising or verifying the identity of a person, is called biometrics, literally "life measure". In the last century, several biometric traits have been investigated according to the most updated technologies available at the moment, improving recognition, computational time and memory capacity. Starting from the 90’s, research on biometrics has received a huge boost thanks ... toggle 1 keyword

face biometrics 3d lightfield


CHIESA Valeria
EURECOM Sophia Antipolis
Publication Year
Upload Date
Nov. 18, 2019

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