Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

Future wireless networks are envisioned to accommodate the heterogeneous needs of entirely different systems. New services obeying various constraints will coexist with legacy cellular users in the same frequency band. This coexistence is hardly achievable with OFDM, the physical layer used by current systems, because of its poor spectral containment. Thus, a myriad of multi-carrier waveforms with enhanced spectral localization have been proposed for future wireless devices. In this thesis, we investigate the coexistence of new systems based on these waveforms with legacy OFDM users. We provide the first theoretical and experimental analysis of the inter-system interference that arises in those scenarii. Then, we apply this analysis to evaluate the merits of different enhanced waveforms ... toggle 11 keywords

coexistence 5G OFDM filter banks FBMC OFDM/OQAM GFDM FMT FBMC-PAM COQAM interference analysis.


Quentin Bodinier
Université of Rennes 1 (UR1) and CentraleSupélec (CS)
Publication Year
Upload Date
Oct. 29, 2019

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