Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

Single-channel speech enhancement refers to the reduction of noise signal components in a single-channel signal composed of both speech and noise. Spectral speech enhancement methods are among the most popular approaches to solving this problem. Since the short-time spectral amplitude has been identified as a highly perceptually relevant quantity, most conventional approaches rely on processing the amplitude spectrum only, ignoring any information that may be contained in the spectral phase. As a consequence, the noisy short-time spectral phase is neither enhanced for the purpose of signal reconstruction nor is it used for refining short-time spectral amplitude estimates. This thesis investigates the use of the spectral phase and its structure in algorithms for single-channel speech enhancement. ... toggle 8 keywords

speech enhancement noise reduction spectral phase signal reconstruction harmonic model speech quality speech intelligibility STFT


Johannes Stahl
Graz University of Technology
Publication Year
Upload Date
Feb. 14, 2019

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