Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

The multi-frequency Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) signals are designed to overcome the inherent performance limitations of single-frequency receivers. However, the processing of multiple frequency signals in a time-varying GNSS signal environment which are potentially affected by multipath, ionosphere scintillation, blockage, and interference is quite challenging, as each signal is influenced differently by channel effects according to its Radio Frequency (RF). In order to get the benefit of synchronously/coherently generated multiple frequency signals, advanced receiver signal processing techniques need to be developed. The aim of this research thesis is to extract the best performance benefits out of multifrequency GNSS signals in a time-varying GNSS signal environment. To accomplish this objective, it is necessary to analyze ... toggle 3 keywords

adaptive kalman filter centralised dynamics multi-frequency gnss signal tracking dual-frequency signal processing


Bolla, Padma
Tampere University of Technology, Finland and Samara University, Russia
Publication Year
Upload Date
Jan. 14, 2019

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