Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

Digital holography is a discipline of science that measures or reconstructs the wavefield of light by means of interference. The wavefield encodes three-dimensional information, which has many applications, such as interferometry, microscopy, non-destructive testing and data storage. Moreover, digital holography is emerging as a display technology. Holograms can recreate the wavefield of a 3D object, thereby reproducing all depth cues for all viewpoints, unlike current stereoscopic 3D displays. At high quality, the appearance of an object on a holographic display system becomes indistinguishable from a real one. High-quality holograms need large volumes of data to be represented, approaching resolutions of billions of pixels. For holographic videos, the data rates needed for transmitting and encoding of ... toggle 20 keywords

digital holography diffraction computer generated holography sparse transforms holographic display holographic imaging data compression wavelets transforms JPEG 2000 directional transforms wavelet packets phase unwrapping phase-only filters microscopy cell sorting inverse problems computational imaging phase retrieval time-frequency modelling


Blinder, David
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Publication Year
Upload Date
Nov. 21, 2018

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