Robust Speech Recognition on Intelligent Mobile Devices with Dual-Microphone

Despite the outstanding progress made on automatic speech recognition (ASR) throughout the last decades, noise-robust ASR still poses a challenge. Tackling with acoustic noise in ASR systems is more important than ever before for a twofold reason: 1) ASR technology has begun to be extensively integrated in intelligent mobile devices (IMDs) such as smartphones to easily accomplish different tasks (e.g. search-by-voice), and 2) IMDs can be used anywhere at any time, that is, under many different acoustic (noisy) conditions. On the other hand, with the aim of enhancing noisy speech, IMDs have begun to embed small microphone arrays, i.e. microphone arrays comprised of a few sensors close each other. These multi-sensor IMDs often embed one microphone (usually at their rear) intended to capture the acoustic environment more than the speaker’s voice. This is the so-called secondary microphone. While classical microphone ...

López-Espejo, Iván — University of Granada

Noise Robust ASR: Missing data techniques and beyond

Speech recognition performance degrades in the presence of background noise. In this thesis, several methods are developed to improve the noise robustness. Most of the work pertains to the use of sparse representations of speech: speech segments are described as a sparse linear combination of example speech segments, exemplars. Using techniques from missing data theory and compressed sensing, it is proposed to find, for each noisy speech observation, a sparse linear combination of exemplars using only speech features that are not corrupted by noise. This linear combination of clean speech exemplars is then used to reconstruct and estimate of the clean speech. Later in the thesis, it is proposed to augment this model by expressing noisy speech as a linear combination of speech and noise exemplars. Additionally, the weights of labelled exemplars in the sparse representation is used directly for ...

Gemmeke, Jort — Radboud University Nijmegen

Speech derereverberation in noisy environments using time-frequency domain signal models

Reverberation is the sum of reflected sound waves and is present in any conventional room. Speech communication devices such as mobile phones in hands-free mode, tablets, smart TVs, teleconferencing systems, hearing aids, voice-controlled systems, etc. use one or more microphones to pick up the desired speech signals. When the microphones are not in the proximity of the desired source, strong reverberation and noise can degrade the signal quality at the microphones and can impair the intelligibility and the performance of automatic speech recognizers. Therefore, it is a highly demanded task to process the microphone signals such that reverberation and noise are reduced. The process of reducing or removing reverberation from recorded signals is called dereverberation. As dereverberation is usually a completely blind problem, where the only available information are the microphone signals, and as the acoustic scenario can be non-stationary, ...

Braun, Sebastian — Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

The Removal of Environmental Noise in Cellular Communications by Perceptual Techniques

This thesis describes the application of a perceptually based spectral subtraction algorithm for the enhancement of non-stationary noise corrupted speech. Through examination of speech enhancement techniques, explanations are given for the choice of magnitude spectral subtraction and how the human auditory system can be modelled for frequency domain speech enhancement. It is discovered, that the cochlea provides the mechanical speech enhancement in the auditory system, through the use of masking. Frequency masking is used in spectral subtraction, to improve the algorithm execution time, and to shape the enhancement process making it sound natural to the ear. A new technique for estimation of background noise is presented, which operates during speech sections as well as pauses. This uses two microphones placed on opposite ends of the cellular handset. Using these, the algorithm determines whether the signal is speech, or noise, by ...

Tuffy, Mark — University Of Edinburgh

Kernel PCA and Pre-Image Iterations for Speech Enhancement

In this thesis, we present novel methods to enhance speech corrupted by noise. All methods are based on the processing of complex-valued spectral data. First, kernel principal component analysis (PCA) for speech enhancement is proposed. Subsequently, a simplification of kernel PCA, called pre-image iterations (PI), is derived. This method computes enhanced feature vectors iteratively by linear combination of noisy feature vectors. The weighting for the linear combination is found by a kernel function that measures the similarity between the feature vectors. The kernel variance is a key parameter for the degree of de-noising and has to be set according to the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Initially, PI were proposed for speech corrupted by additive white Gaussian noise. To be independent of knowledge about the SNR and to generalize to other stationary noise types, PI are extended by automatic determination of the ...

Leitner, Christina — Graz University of Technology

Robust Direction-of-Arrival estimation and spatial filtering in noisy and reverberant environments

The advent of multi-microphone setups on a plethora of commercial devices in recent years has generated a newfound interest in the development of robust microphone array signal processing methods. These methods are generally used to either estimate parameters associated with acoustic scene or to extract signal(s) of interest. In most practical scenarios, the sources are located in the far-field of a microphone array where the main spatial information of interest is the direction-of-arrival (DOA) of the plane waves originating from the source positions. The focus of this thesis is to incorporate robustness against either lack of or imperfect/erroneous information regarding the DOAs of the sound sources within a microphone array signal processing framework. The DOAs of sound sources is by itself important information, however, it is most often used as a parameter for a subsequent processing method. One of the ...

Chakrabarty, Soumitro — Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

Deep Learning-based Speaker Verification In Real Conditions

Smart applications like speaker verification have become essential in verifying the user's identity for availing of personal assistants or online banking services based on the user's voice characteristics. However, far-field or distant speaker verification is constantly affected by surrounding noises which can severely distort the speech signal. Moreover, speech signals propagating in long-range get reflected by various objects in the surrounding area, which creates reverberation and further degrades the signal quality. This PhD thesis explores deep learning-based multichannel speech enhancement techniques to improve the performance of speaker verification systems in real conditions. Multichannel speech enhancement aims to enhance distorted speech using multiple microphones. It has become crucial to many smart devices, which are flexible and convenient for speech applications. Three novel approaches are proposed to improve the robustness of speaker verification systems in noisy and reverberated conditions. Firstly, we integrate ...

Dowerah Sandipana — Universite de Lorraine, CNRS, Inria, Loria

Cognitive-driven speech enhancement using EEG-based auditory attention decoding for hearing aid applications

Identifying the target speaker in hearing aid applications is an essential ingredient to improve speech intelligibility. Although several speech enhancement algorithms are available to reduce background noise or to perform source separation in multi-speaker scenarios, their performance depends on correctly identifying the target speaker to be enhanced. Recent advances in electroencephalography (EEG) have shown that it is possible to identify the target speaker which the listener is attending to using single-trial EEG-based auditory attention decoding (AAD) methods. However, in realistic acoustic environments the AAD performance is influenced by undesired disturbances such as interfering speakers, noise and reverberation. In addition, it is important for real-world hearing aid applications to close the AAD loop by presenting on-line auditory feedback. This thesis deals with the problem of identifying and enhancing the target speaker in realistic acoustic environments based on decoding the auditory attention ...

Aroudi, Ali — University of Oldenburg, Germany

Integrating monaural and binaural cues for sound localization and segregation in reverberant environments

The problem of segregating a sound source of interest from an acoustic background has been extensively studied due to applications in hearing prostheses, robust speech/speaker recognition and audio information retrieval. Computational auditory scene analysis (CASA) approaches the segregation problem by utilizing grouping cues involved in the perceptual organization of sound by human listeners. Binaural processing, where input signals resemble those that enter the two ears, is of particular interest in the CASA field. The dominant approach to binaural segregation has been to derive spatially selective filters in order to enhance the signal in a direction of interest. As such, the problems of sound localization and sound segregation are closely tied. While spatial filtering has been widely utilized, substantial performance degradation is incurred in reverberant environments and more fundamentally, segregation cannot be performed without sufficient spatial separation between sources. This dissertation ...

Woodruff, John — The Ohio State University

Automatic Speaker Characterization; Identification of Gender, Age, Language and Accent from Speech Signals

Speech signals carry important information about a speaker such as age, gender, language, accent and emotional/psychological state. Automatic recognition of speaker characteristics has a wide range of commercial, medical and forensic applications such as interactive voice response systems, service customization, natural human-machine interaction, recognizing the type of pathology of speakers, and directing the forensic investigation process. This research aims to develop accurate methods and tools to identify different physical characteristics of the speakers. Due to the lack of required databases, among all characteristics of speakers, our experiments cover gender recognition, age estimation, language recognition and accent/dialect identification. However, similar approaches and techniques can be applied to identify other characteristics such as emotional/psychological state. For speaker characterization, we first convert variable-duration speech signals into fixed-dimensional vectors suitable for classification/regression algorithms. This is performed by fitting a probability density function to acoustic ...

Bahari, Mohamad Hasan — KU Leuven

Audio Visual Speech Enhancement

This thesis presents a novel approach to speech enhancement by exploiting the bimodality of speech production and the correlation that exists between audio and visual speech information. An analysis into the correlation of a range of audio and visual features reveals significant correlation to exist between visual speech features and audio filterbank features. The amount of correlation was also found to be greater when the correlation is analysed with individual phonemes rather than across all phonemes. This led to building a Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) that is capable of estimating filterbank features from visual features. Phoneme-specific GMMs gave lower filterbank estimation errors and a phoneme transcription is decoded using audio-visual Hidden Markov Model (HMM). Clean filterbank estimates along with mean noise estimates were then utilised to construct visually-derived Wiener filters that are able to enhance noisy speech. The mean noise ...

Almajai, Ibrahim — University of East Anglia

Improving Estimates of Genome CNAs by developing Probabilistic Masks for Microarray Data

Copy Number Alterations (CNA)s are hallmarks of cancer, which are gains or losses in copies of Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) sections. Nowadays, CNAs are routinely measured by different techniques for diagnostic and prognostic purposes. The array-Comparative Genomic Hybridization (aCGH), Array-Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (aSNP) and Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) are examples of technologies that enable cost-efficient high resolution detection of CNAs. Intensive noise as well as technical and biological biases inherent to modern technologies of CNAs probing often cause inconsistency between the estimates provided by different methods. Efficient and accurate detection of the breakpoint positions in heterogeneous cancer samples measured under such conditions is a challenging practical and methodological problem. Despite the necessity of accurate CNA estimates, there is no much information regarding the estimation errors. Based on studies of the confidence limits for noisy stepwise signals, an efficient algorithm has been ...

Jorge Ulises Munoz Minjares — Universidad de Guanajuato

Prediction and Optimization of Speech Intelligibility in Adverse Conditions

In digital speech-communication systems like mobile phones, public address systems and hearing aids, conveying the message is one of the most important goals. This can be challenging since the intelligibility of the speech may be harmed at various stages before, during and after the transmission process from sender to receiver. Causes which create such adverse conditions include background noise, an unreliable internet connection during a Skype conversation or a hearing impairment of the receiver. To overcome this, many speech-communication systems include speech processing algorithms to compensate for these signal degradations like noise reduction. To determine the effect on speech intelligibility of these signal processing based solutions, the speech signal has to be evaluated by means of a listening test with human listeners. However, such tests are costly and time consuming. As an alternative, reliable and fast machine-driven intelligibility predictors are ...

Taal, Cees — Delft University of Technology

Advances in DFT-Based Single-Microphone Speech Enhancement

The interest in the field of speech enhancement emerges from the increased usage of digital speech processing applications like mobile telephony, digital hearing aids and human-machine communication systems in our daily life. The trend to make these applications mobile increases the variety of potential sources for quality degradation. Speech enhancement methods can be used to increase the quality of these speech processing devices and make them more robust under noisy conditions. The name "speech enhancement" refers to a large group of methods that are all meant to improve certain quality aspects of these devices. Examples of speech enhancement algorithms are echo control, bandwidth extension, packet loss concealment and noise reduction. In this thesis we focus on single-microphone additive noise reduction and aim at methods that work in the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) domain. The main objective of the presented research ...

Hendriks, Richard Christian — Delft University of Technology

Extraction of efficient and characteristic features of multidimensional time series

In numerous signal processing applications one disposes of multiple probes, delivering simultaneously information about one or multiple observed processes. The resulting multidimensional time series are often highly redundant and may contain stochastic contributions. The perception of the useful information becomes therefore very difficult and sometimes impossible. Thus, the major issue of concern of this thesis resides in the development of novel algorithms for the extraction of the salient and characteristic features of multidimensional time series. The proposed algorithms are based on parametric signal processing, namely we assume that the features of the experimental data can be represented efficiently by a specific model. We present a global framework for the selection of a specific model out of the large span of techniques proposed in the literature. For the selection of the model classes we use, in addition to prior knowledge about ...

Vetter, Rolf — Swiss Federal Institute of Technology

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