Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

In digital speech-communication systems like mobile phones, public address systems and hearing aids, conveying the message is one of the most important goals. This can be challenging since the intelligibility of the speech may be harmed at various stages before, during and after the transmission process from sender to receiver. Causes which create such adverse conditions include background noise, an unreliable internet connection during a Skype conversation or a hearing impairment of the receiver. To overcome this, many speech-communication systems include speech processing algorithms to compensate for these signal degradations like noise reduction. To determine the effect on speech intelligibility of these signal processing based solutions, the speech signal has to be evaluated by means ... toggle 11 keywords

noise reduction objective measure speech enhancement speech intelligibility prediction auditory modeling perceptual model near-end speech enhancement intelligibility improvement transients cochlear implants channel selection.


Taal, Cees
Delft University of Technology
Publication Year
Upload Date
Sept. 16, 2013

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