Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

In today's audio production and reproduction as well as in music performance practices it has become common practice to alter reverberation artificially through electronics or electro-acoustics. For music productions, radio plays, and movie soundtracks, the sound is often captured in small studio spaces with little to no reverberation to save real estate and to ensure a controlled environment such that the artistically intended spatial impression can be added during post-production. Spatial sound reproduction systems require flexible adjustment of artificial reverberation to the diffuse sound portion to help the reconstruction of the spatial impression. Many modern performance spaces are multi-purpose, and the reverberation needs to be adjustable to the desired performance style. Employing electro-acoustic feedback, also ... toggle 5 keywords

artificial reverberation feedback delay network losslessness mixing matrix reverberation enhancement


Schlecht, Sebastian Jiro
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Publication Year
Upload Date
Feb. 12, 2018

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