Complex Baseband Modeling and Digital Predistortion for Wideband RF Power Amplifiers

Modern modulation methods as used in 3rd generation mobile communications (UMTS) generate strongly fluctuating transmission signal envelopes with high peak-to-average power ratios. These properties result in significant distortion due to the nonlinear behavior of the radio-frequency power amplifier (RF PA). We propose different nonlinear model structures for such amplifiers, based on memory polynomials and frequency-domain Volterra kernel expansion, where we can reduce the number of free parameters by 80% compared to traditional Volterra series approaches. Because these nonlinear models incorporate memory, we are able to model the nonlinear distortion of RF PAs with sufficient accuracy (e.g., −30 dB relative modeling error ), including the wideband case (bandwidth B = 20 MHz as needed for four-carrier WCDMA). Furthermore, we propose a method to construct RF PA models from frequency-dependent AM/AM and AM/PM conversions. For the compensation of the nonlinearities, we analyze ...

Singerl, Peter — Graz University of Technology

Spatial Modulation Schemes and Modem Architectures For Millimeter Wave Radio Systems

The rapid growth of wireless industry opens the door to several use cases such as internet of things and device to device communications which require boosting the reliability and the spectral efficiency (SE) of the wireless access network, while reducing the energy consumption at the terminals. The vast spectrum available in millimeter-wave (mmWave) frequency band is one of the most promising candidates to achieve high speed communications. However, the propagation of the radio signals at high carrier frequencies suffers from severe path-loss which reduces the coverage area. Fortunately, the small wavelengths of the mmWave signals allow packing a large number of antennas not only at the base station (BS) but also at the user terminal (UT). These massive antenna arrays can be exploited to attain high beamforming and combining gains and overcome the path-loss associated with the mmWave propagation. Conventional ...

Raafat, Ahmed — Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya

Massive MIMO: Fundamentals and System Designs

The last ten years have seen a massive growth in the number of connected wireless devices. Billions of devices are connected and managed by wireless networks. At the same time, each device needs a high throughput to support applications such as voice, real-time video, movies, and games. Demands for wireless throughput and the number of wireless devices will always increase. In addition, there is a growing concern about energy consumption of wireless communication systems. Thus, future wireless systems have to satisfy three main requirements: i) having a high throughput; ii) simultaneously serving many users; and iii) having less energy consumption. Massive multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) technology, where a base station (BS) equipped with very large number of antennas (collocated or distributed) serves many users in the same time-frequency resource, can meet the above requirements, and hence, it is a promising candidate technology ...

Ngo, Quoc Hien — Linköping University

Phase Noise and Wideband Transmission in Massive MIMO

In the last decades the world has experienced a massive growth in the demand for wireless services. The recent popularity of hand-held devices with data exchange capabilities over wireless networks, such as smartphones and tablets, increased the wireless data traffic even further. This trend is not expected to cease in the foreseeable future. In fact, it is expected to accelerate as everyday apparatus unrelated with data communications, such as vehicles or household devices, are foreseen to be equipped with wireless communication capabilities. Further, the next generation wireless networks should be designed such that they have increased spectral and energy efficiency, provide uniformly good service to all of the accommodated users and handle many more devices simultaneously. Massive multiple-input multiple-output (Massive MIMO) systems, also termed as large-scale MIMO, very large MIMO or full-dimension MIMO, have recently been proposed as a candidate ...

Pitarokoilis, Antonios — Linköping University

Study of a new multicarrier waveform with low PAPR

OFDM is a multicarrier modulation system widely used in wireline and wireless applications such as DVB-T/T2, Wifi, and LTE, due to its resilience against frequency selective channels compared with the single carrier modulation systems. However, the OFDM signal suffers from large amplitude variations. The fluctuations of the OFDM envelope generate non-linear distortions when we introduce the signal into a non-linear device like the power amplifier. Reducing the variations of the signal improves the power amplifier efficiency, reduces the energy consumption and decreases CO2 emissions. The peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) has been introduced as a random variable that measures the power variations of the signal. There exist several multicarrier modulation systems based on different modulation basis and shaping filters. We first prove in this work that the PAPR depends on this modulation structure. Moreover, the behaviour of the PAPR regarding the ...

Chafii, Marwa — CentraleSupélec/IETR

On MIMO Systems and Adaptive Arrays for Wireless Communication. Analysis and Practical Aspects

This thesis is concerned with the use of multiple antenna elements in wireless communication over frequency non-selective radio channels. Both measurement results and theoretical analysis are presented. New transmit strategies are derived and compared to existing transmit strategies, such as beamforming and space time block coding (STBC). It is found that the best transmission algorithm is largely dependent on the channel characteristics, such as the number of transmit and receive antennas and the existence of a line of sight component. Rayleigh fading multiple input multiple output (MIMO) channels are studied using an eigenvalue analysis and exact expressions for the bit error rates and outage capacities for beamforming and STBC is found. In general are MIMO fading channels correlated and there exists a mutual coupling between antenna elements. These findings are supported by indoor MIMO measurements. It is found that the ...

Wennstram, Mattias — Uppsala University

RIS Analysis from Communication and Electromagnetic Perspectives

The next generation of wireless communication networks will facilitate the connection of a large number of devices and a broad range of services. Serving such a large amount of user equipment (UEs) can be of very high cost if using active antenna solutions such as increasing the number of base stations (BSs), using massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) antennas, and deploying relays between the BSs and the UEs. In this context, a passive antenna solution, such as reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RISs), would be more beneficial and attractive. RIS has become an emerging technology with diverse applications in future wireless networks, owing to its ability to dynamically control and optimize the propagation environment. The rapid evolution driven by escalating performance demands of coverage in blocked line-of-sight (LOS) scenarios has prompted the exploration of RIS. Motivated by the potential benefits of RIS in ...

Le Hao — TU Wien

Sparse Bayesian learning, beamforming techniques and asymptotic analysis for massive MIMO

Multiple antennas at the base station side can be used to enhance the spectral efficiency and energy efficiency of the next generation wireless technologies. Indeed, massive multi-input multi-output (MIMO) is seen as one promising technology to bring the aforementioned benefits for fifth generation wireless standard, commonly known as 5G New Radio (5G NR). In this monograph, we will explore a wide range of potential topics in multi-user MIMO (MU-MIMO) relevant to 5G NR, • Sum rate maximizing beamforming (BF) design and robustness to partial channel state information at the transmitter (CSIT) • Asymptotic analysis of the various BF techniques in massiveMIMO and • Bayesian channel estimationmethods using sparse Bayesian learning. While massive MIMO has the aforementioned benefits, it makes the acquisition of the channel state information at the transmitter (CSIT) very challenging. Since it requires large amount of uplink (UL) ...

Christo Kurisummoottil Thomas — EURECOM ( SORBONNE UNIVERSITY, FRANCE)

Multiple-Antenna Systems: From Generic to Hardware-Informed Precoding Designs

5G-and-beyond communication systems are expected to be in a heterogeneous form of multiple-antenna cellular base stations (BSs) overlaid with small cells. The fully-digital BS structures can incur significant power consumption and hardware complexity. Moreover, the wireless BSs for small cells usually have strict size constraints, which incur additional hardware effects such as mutual coupling (MC). Consequently, the transmission techniques designed for future wireless communication systems should respect the hardware structures at the BSs. For this reason, in this thesis we extend generic downlink precoding to more advanced hardware-informed transmission techniques for a variety of BS structures. This thesis firstly extends the vector perturbation (VP) precoding to multiple-modulation scenarios, where existing VP-based techniques are sub-optimal. Subsequently, this thesis focuses on the downlink transmission designs for hardware effects in the form of MC, limited number of radio frequency (RF) chains, and low-precision ...

LI, ANG — University College London

Large Multiuser MIMO Detection: Algorithms and Architectures

After decades of research on multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) technology, including paradigm shifts from point-to-point to multiuser MIMO (MU-MIMO), an ample literature exists on techniques to exploit the spatial dimension to increase link throughput and network capacity of wireless communication systems. Massive MIMO, which supports hundreds of antennas at the base station (BS), is celebrated as the key enabling technology of the upcoming fifth generation (5G) wireless communication standard. However, the use of large MIMO systems in the future is also indispensable, especially for high-speed wireless backhaul connectivity. Large MIMO systems use tens of antennas in communication terminals, and can afford a large number of antennas on both the transmitter and the receiver sides. While favorable propagation in massive MIMO ensures that reliable performance can be achieved by simple linear processing, the inherent symmetry in large MIMO renders the computational complexity ...

Sarieddeen, Hadi — American University of Beirut (AUB)

Low-Complexity Iterative Detection Algorithms for Multi-Antenna Systems

Multiple input multiple output (MIMO) techniques have been widely employed by dif- ferent wireless systems with many advantages. By using multiple antennas, the system is able to transmit multiple data streams simultaneously and within the same frequency band. The methods known as spatial multiplexing (SM) and spatial diversity (SD) im- proves the high spectral efficiency and link reliability of wireless communication systems without requiring additional transmitting power. By introducing channel coding in the transmission procedure, the information redundancy is introduced to further improve the reliability of SM links and the quality of service for the next generation communication systems. However, the throughput performance of these systems is limited by interference. A number of different interference suppression techniques have been reported in the literature. Theses techniques can be generally categorised into two aspects: the preprocessing techniques at the transmitter side and ...

Peng Li — University of York

Impairments in coordinated cellular networks: analysis, impact on performance and mitigation

Base station cooperation is recognized as a key technology for future wireless cellular communication networks. Considering antennas of distributed base stations and those of multiple terminals within those cells as a distributed multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system, this technique has the potential to eliminate inter-cell interference by joint signal processing and to enhance spectral efficiency in this way. Although the theoretical gains are meanwhile well-understood, it still remains challenging to realize the full potential of such cooperative schemes in real-world systems. Among other factors, such as the limited overhead for pilot symbols and for the feedback and backhaul, these performance limitations are related to channel and synchronization impairments, such as channel estimation, feedback quantization and channel aging, as well as imperfect carrier and sampling synchronization among the base stations. Because of these impairments, joint data precoding results to be mismatched with ...

Manolakis, Konstantinos — Technische Universität Berlin

Massive MIMO Technologies for 5G and Beyond-5G Wireless Networks

Massive multiple input multiple output (MIMO) is a promising 5G and beyond-5G wireless access technology that can provide huge throughput, compared with the current technology, in order to satisfy some requirements for the future generations of wireless networks. The research described in this thesis proposes the design of some applications of the massive MIMO technology that can be implemented in order to increase the spectral efficiency per cell of the future wireless networks through a simple and low complexity signal processing. In particular, massive MIMO is studied in conjunction with two other topics that are currently under investigation for the future wireless systems, both in academia and in industry: the millimeter wave frequencies and the distributed antenna systems. The first part of the thesis gives a brief overview on the requirements of the future wireless networks and it explains some ...

D'Andrea, Carmen — Università di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale

Digital Pre-distortion of Microwave Power Amplifiers

With the advent of spectrally efficient wireless communication systems employing modulation schemes with varying amplitude of the communication signal, linearisation techniques for nonlinear microwave power amplifiers have gained significant interest. The availability of fast and cheap digital processing technology makes digital pre-distortion an attractive candidate as a means for power amplifier linearisation since it promises high power efficiency and fleexibility. Digital pre-distortion is further in line with the current efforts towards software defined radio systems, where a principal aim is to substitute costly and inflexible analogue circuitry with cheap and reprogrammable digital circuitry. Microwave power amplifiers are most efficient in terms of delivered microwave output power vs. supplied power if driven near the saturation point. In this operational mode, the amplifier behaves as a nonlinear device, which introduces undesired distortions in the information bear- ing microwave signal. These nonlinear distortions ...

Aschbacher, E. — Vienna University of Technology

Generalized Noncoherent Ultra-Wideband Receivers

This thesis investigates noncoherent multi-channel ultra-wideband receivers. Noncoherent ultra-wideband receivers promise low power consumption and low processing complexity as they, in contrast to coherent receiver architectures, relinquish the need of complex carrier frequency and phase recovering. Unfortunately, their peak data rate is limited by the delay spread of the multipath radio channel. Noncoherent multi-channel receivers can break this rate limit due to their capability to demodulate multi-carrier signals. Such receivers use an analog front-end to separate the received signals into their sub-channels. In this work, the modeling and optimization of realistic front-end components is addressed and their impact on the system performance of noncoherent multi-channel ultra-wideband receivers is analyzed. With a proposed generalized mathematical framework, it is shown that there exists a variety of noncoherent multi-channel receiver types with similar system performance which differ only in their front-end filters. It ...

Pedroß-Engel, Andreas — Graz University of Technology

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