Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

In this thesis, smoothness of sampled real-world signals is exploited through the application of polynomial predictive filters. The principal reason for employing the polynomial signal model is principally twofold: firstly, assuming that the sampling rate is adequate, all real-world signals exhibit piecewise polynomial-like behavior, and secondly, polynomial-based signal processing is computationally efficient. By definition, polynomial predictive filters provide estimates of future values of polynomial-like signals. Thus, the potential applications of this research include a vast number of different delay sensitive operations on measurements like temperature, position, velocity, or power, especially in control engineering field. The polynomial-based predictive signal processing is a well-known technique, but polynomial-predictive filters have had severe drawbacks, which have hindered their application; ... toggle 9 keywords

polynomial prediction polynomial differentiation predictor differentiator cdma power control mobile power control closed loop control fixed-point filter design quantization error feedback


Tanskanen, Jarno M. A.
Helsinki University of Technology
Publication Year
Upload Date
March 1, 2017

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