Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

This thesis addresses the problem of simplifying indoor ultrasonic location systems through the disposal of the radio synchronization subsystem. The location approach proposed herein is completely based on angle-of arrival (AOA) estimation of ultrasonic frequency-hopping spread spectrum (FHSS) signals transmitted by fixed beacons with known positions. The proposed system is privacy-oriented, that is the device to be located only receives and does not transmit signals. In the proposed location system, the beacons transmit their IDs using ultrasonic signals. The receiver acquires these IDs and determines its room-level position by table lookup. Following beacon identification, the receiver exploits a priori knowledge of the hopping patterns associated with the beacons and a sensor array to determine the ... toggle 5 keywords

direction-of-arrival angle-of-arrival widely-spaced receivers 3-d location multi-frequency signals.


Ballal, Tarig
University College Dublin
Publication Year
Upload Date
Oct. 4, 2015

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