Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

A method is presented to improve speech recognition for pluricentric languages. Both the effect of adaptation of acoustic data and phonetic transcriptions for several subregions of the German speaking area are investigated and discussed. All experiments were carried out for German spoken in Germany and Austria using large telephone databases (Speech-Dat). In the first part triphone-based acoustic models (AMOs) were trained for several regions and their word error rates (WERs) were compared. The WERs vary between 9.89% and 21.78% and demonstrate the importance of regional variety adaptation. In the pronunciation modeling part narrow phonetic transcriptions for a subset of the Austrian database were carried out to derive pronunciation rules for Austrian German and to generate ... toggle 4 keywords

automatic speech recognition austrian german phonetics acoustic


Micha Baum
TU Graz
Publication Year
Upload Date
Dec. 30, 2014

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