Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

The topic of this thesis is the enhancement of noisy, periodic signals with application to speech signals. Generally speaking, enhancement methods can be divided into signal- and noise-driven methods. In this thesis, we focus on the signal-driven approach by employing relevant signal parameters for the enhancement of periodic signals. The enhancement problem consists of two major subproblems: the estimation of relevant parameters or statistics, and the actual noise reduction of the observed signal. We consider both of these subproblems. First, we consider the problem of estimating signal parameters relevant to the enhancement of periodic signals. The fundamental frequency is one example of such a parameter. Furthermore, in multichannel scenarios, the direction-of-arrival of the periodic sources ... toggle 6 keywords

speech enhancement single-channel multichannel fundamental frequency direction-of-arrival periodic signals


Jensen, Jesper Rindom
Aalborg University
Publication Year
Upload Date
Nov. 5, 2014

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