Contributions to Analysis and DSP-based Mitigation of Nonlinear Distortion in Radio Transceivers

This thesis focuses on different nonlinear distortion aspects in radio transmitter and receivers. Such nonlinear distortion aspects are generally becoming more and more important as the communication waveforms themselves get more complex and thus more sensitive to any distortion. Also balancing between the implementation costs, size, power consumption and radio performance, especially in multiradio devices, creates tendency towards using lower cost, and thus lower quality, radio electronics. Furthermore, increasing requirements on radio flexibility, especially on receiver side, reduces receiver radio frequency (RF) selectivity and thus increases the dynamic range and linearity requirements. Thus overall, proper understanding of nonlinear distortion in radio devices is essential, and also opens the door for clever use of digital signal processing (DSP) in mitigating and suppressing such distortion effects. On the receiver side, the emphasis in this thesis is mainly on the analysis and DSP ...

Shahed hagh ghadam, Ali — Tampere University of Technology

Behavioral Modeling and Digital Predistortion of Radio Frequency Power Amplifiers

The radio frequency power amplifier (RF-PA) within a digital wireless transmitter is a critical component regarding both the energy consumption and the signal quality. Especially due to today's broadband multicarrier modulation methods that generate signals with high peak-to-average power ratio, it is very hard to construct RF-PAs that achieve good energy efficiency and fulfill the strict linearity requirements imposed by the standard. Because of this, the digital predistortion (DPD) of RF-PAs has become a key technique for implementing energy efficient, high data rate wireless transmitters. This thesis investigates theoretical foundations and practical methods for the behavioral modeling and DPD of RF-PAs. The main contributions are a semi-physical model of the joint linearity-efficiency characteristics of RF-PAs, a detailed analysis of polynomial baseband models of RF-PAs focusing on the often neglected even-order terms in baseband, and a collection of practical methods for ...

Enzinger, Harald — Graz University of Technology

Digital Pre-distortion of Microwave Power Amplifiers

With the advent of spectrally efficient wireless communication systems employing modulation schemes with varying amplitude of the communication signal, linearisation techniques for nonlinear microwave power amplifiers have gained significant interest. The availability of fast and cheap digital processing technology makes digital pre-distortion an attractive candidate as a means for power amplifier linearisation since it promises high power efficiency and fleexibility. Digital pre-distortion is further in line with the current efforts towards software defined radio systems, where a principal aim is to substitute costly and inflexible analogue circuitry with cheap and reprogrammable digital circuitry. Microwave power amplifiers are most efficient in terms of delivered microwave output power vs. supplied power if driven near the saturation point. In this operational mode, the amplifier behaves as a nonlinear device, which introduces undesired distortions in the information bear- ing microwave signal. These nonlinear distortions ...

Aschbacher, E. — Vienna University of Technology

Modeling Analog to Digital Converters at Radio Frequency

This work considers behavior modeling of analog to digital converters with applications in the radio frequency range, including the field of telecommunication as well as test and measurement instrumentation, where the conversion from analog to digital signals often is a bottleneck in performance. The models are intended to post-process output data from the converter and thereby improve the performance of the digital signal. By building a model of practical converters and the way in which they deviate from ideal, imperfections can be corrected using post-correction methods. Behavior modeling implies generation of a suitable stimulus, capturing the output data, and characterizing a model. The demands on the test setup are high for converters in the radio frequency range. The test-bed used in this thesis is composed of commercial state-of-the-art instruments and components designed for signal conditioning and signal capture. Further, in ...

Björsell, Niclas — KTH, Signal Processing

Adaptive Digital Predistortion of Nonlinear Systems

Compensating or reducing the nonlinear distortion - usually resulting from a nonlinear system - is becoming an essential requirement in many areas. In this thesis adaptive digital predistortion techniques for a wide class of nonlinear systems are presented. For estimating the coefficients of the predistorter, different learning architectures are considered: the Direct Learning Architecture (DLA) and Indirect Learning Architecture (ILA). In the DLA approach, we propose a new adaptation algorithm - the Nonlinear Filtered-x Prediction Error Method (NFxPEM) algorithm, which has much faster convergence and much better performance compared to the conventional Nonlinear Filtered-x Least Mean Squares (NFxLMS) algorithm. All of these time domain adaptive algorithms require accurate system identification of the nonlinear system. In order to relax or avoid this strict requirement, the NFxLMS with Initial Subsystem Estimates (NFxLMS-ISE) and NFxPEM-ISE algorithms are proposed. Furthermore, we propose a frequency ...

Gan, Li — Graz University of Technology

Modeling and Digital Mitigation of Transmitter Imperfections in Radio Communication Systems

To satisfy the continuously growing demands for higher data rates, modern radio communication systems employ larger bandwidths and more complex waveforms. Furthermore, radio devices are expected to support a rich mixture of standards such as cellular networks, wireless local-area networks, wireless personal area networks, positioning and navigation systems, etc. In general, a "smart'' device should be flexible to support all these requirements while being portable, cheap, and energy efficient. These seemingly conflicting expectations impose stringent radio frequency (RF) design challenges which, in turn, call for their proper understanding as well as developing cost-effective solutions to address them. The direct-conversion transceiver architecture is an appealing analog front-end for flexible and multi-standard radio systems. However, it is sensitive to various circuit impairments, and modern communication systems based on multi-carrier waveforms such as Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) and Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple ...

Kiayani, Adnan — Tampere University of Technology

Signal Processing for Energy-Efficient Burst-Mode RF Transmitters

Modern wireless communication systems utilize complex modulated signals such as OFDM signals to achieve increased data rates and spectral efficiency. These signals are characterized by a high peak-to-average-power ratio (PAPR). Thus, highly linear transmitters are required to provide sufficient transmission signal linearity. Conventional linear PAs, such as Class A or Class AB, produce high efficiency only near or at the peak output power region. As a result, the average efficiency is quite low for high PAPR signals. For non-portable devices such as base stations or mobile devices like mobile phones, low PA efficiency means higher heat dissipation which is often a design criterion. In addition, in mobile devices, a direct consequence of the low PA efficiency is the reduced battery lifetime, especially when the mobile device is required to operate at quite different output power levels. This thesis addresses the ...

Chi, Shuli — Signal Processing and Speech Communication Laboratory

Signal Processing for Ultra Wideband Transceivers

In this thesis novel implementation approaches for standardized and non-standardized ultra wide-band (UWB) systems are presented. These implementation approaches include signal processing algorithms to achieve processing of UWB signals in transceiver front-ends and in digital back-ends. A parallelization of the transceiver in the frequency-domain has been achieved with hybrid filterbank transceivers. The standardized MB-OFDM signaling scheme allows par- allelization in the frequency domain by distributing the orthogonal multicarrier modulation onto multiple units. Furthermore, the channel’s response to wideband signals has been parallelized in the frequency domain and the effects of the parallelization have been investi- gated. Slight performance decreases are observed, where the limiting effects are truncated sidelobes and filter mismatches in analog front-ends. Measures for the performance loss have been defined. For UWB signal generation, a novel broadband signal generation approach is presented. For that purpose, multiple digital-to-analog converters ...

Krall, Christoph — Graz University of Technology

Adaptive filtering algorithms for acoustic echo cancellation and acoustic feedback control in speech communication applications

Multimedia consumer electronics are nowadays everywhere from teleconferencing, hands-free communications, in-car communications to smart TV applications and more. We are living in a world of telecommunication where ideal scenarios for implementing these applications are hard to find. Instead, practical implementations typically bring many problems associated to each real-life scenario. This thesis mainly focuses on two of these problems, namely, acoustic echo and acoustic feedback. On the one hand, acoustic echo cancellation (AEC) is widely used in mobile and hands-free telephony where the existence of echoes degrades the intelligibility and listening comfort. On the other hand, acoustic feedback limits the maximum amplification that can be applied in, e.g., in-car communications or in conferencing systems, before howling due to instability, appears. Even though AEC and acoustic feedback cancellation (AFC) are functional in many applications, there are still open issues. This means that ...

Gil-Cacho, Jose Manuel — KU Leuven

Measurement Methods for Estimating the Error Vector Magnitude in OFDM Transceivers

The error vector magnitude (EVM) is a standard metric to quantify the performance of digital communication systems and related building blocks. Regular EVM measurements require expensive equipment featuring inphase and quadrature (IQ) demodulation, wideband analog-to-digital converters (ADCs), and dedicated receiver algorithms to demodulate the data symbols. With modern high data rate communication standards that require high bandwidths and low amounts of error, it is difficult to avoid bias due to errors in the measurement chain. This thesis develops and discusses measurement methods that address the above-described issues with EVM measurements. The first method is an extension of the regular EVM, yielding two results from a single measurement. One result equals the regular EVM result, whereas the other excludes potential errors due to mismatches of the I- and Q- paths of direct conversion transmitters and receivers (IQ imbalance). This can be ...

Freiberger, Karl — Graz University of Technology

High-End Performance with Low-End Hardware: Analysis of Massive MIMO Base Station Transceivers

Massive MIMO (multiple-input–multiple-output) is a multi-antenna technology for cellular wireless communication, where the base station uses a large number of individually controllable antennas to multiplex users spatially. This technology can provide a high spectral efficiency. One of its main challenges is the immense hardware complexity and cost of all the radio chains in the base station. To make massive MIMO commercially viable, inexpensive, low-complexity hardware with low linearity has to be used, which inherently leads to more signal distortion. This thesis investigates how the degenerated linearity of some of the main components—power amplifiers, analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) and low-noise amplifiers—affects the performance of the system, with respect to data rate, power consumption and out-of-band radiation. The main results are: Spatial processing can reduce PAR (peak-to-average ratio) of the transmit signals in the downlink to as low as 0B; this, however, does ...

Mollén, Christopher — Linköpings universitet

Study of a new multicarrier waveform with low PAPR

OFDM is a multicarrier modulation system widely used in wireline and wireless applications such as DVB-T/T2, Wifi, and LTE, due to its resilience against frequency selective channels compared with the single carrier modulation systems. However, the OFDM signal suffers from large amplitude variations. The fluctuations of the OFDM envelope generate non-linear distortions when we introduce the signal into a non-linear device like the power amplifier. Reducing the variations of the signal improves the power amplifier efficiency, reduces the energy consumption and decreases CO2 emissions. The peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) has been introduced as a random variable that measures the power variations of the signal. There exist several multicarrier modulation systems based on different modulation basis and shaping filters. We first prove in this work that the PAPR depends on this modulation structure. Moreover, the behaviour of the PAPR regarding the ...

Chafii, Marwa — CentraleSupélec/IETR

Distributed Space-Time Coding Techniques with Limited Feedback in Cooperative MIMO Networks

Multi-input multi-output (MIMO) wireless networks and distributed MIMO relaying wireless networks have attracted significant attention in current generation of wireless communication networks, and will play a key role in the next generation of wireless net- works. The improvement of network capacity, data rate and reliability can be achieved at the cost of increasing computational complexity of employing space-time coding (STC) and distributed STC (DSTC) in MIMO and distributed MIMO relaying networks, respectively. Efficient designs and algorithms to achieve high diversity and coding gains with low computational complexity in encoding and decoding of STC and DSTC schemes are essential. In this thesis, DSTC designs with high diversity and coding gains and efficient detection and code matrices optimization algorithms in cooperative MIMO networks are proposed. Firstly, adaptive power allocation (PA) algorithms with different criteria for a coop- erative MIMO network equipped with ...

Peng, Tong — University of York

Sparse Bayesian learning, beamforming techniques and asymptotic analysis for massive MIMO

Multiple antennas at the base station side can be used to enhance the spectral efficiency and energy efficiency of the next generation wireless technologies. Indeed, massive multi-input multi-output (MIMO) is seen as one promising technology to bring the aforementioned benefits for fifth generation wireless standard, commonly known as 5G New Radio (5G NR). In this monograph, we will explore a wide range of potential topics in multi-user MIMO (MU-MIMO) relevant to 5G NR, • Sum rate maximizing beamforming (BF) design and robustness to partial channel state information at the transmitter (CSIT) • Asymptotic analysis of the various BF techniques in massiveMIMO and • Bayesian channel estimationmethods using sparse Bayesian learning. While massive MIMO has the aforementioned benefits, it makes the acquisition of the channel state information at the transmitter (CSIT) very challenging. Since it requires large amount of uplink (UL) ...

Christo Kurisummoottil Thomas — EURECOM ( SORBONNE UNIVERSITY, FRANCE)

Simulation Methods for Linear and Nonlinear Time Series Models with Application to Distorted Audio Signals

This dissertation is concerned with the development of Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods for the Bayesian restoration of degraded audio signals. First, the Bayesian approach to time series modelling is reviewed, then established MCMC methods are introduced. The first problem to be addressed is that of model order uncertainty. A reversible-jump sampler is proposed which can move between models of different order. It is shown that faster convergence can be achieved by exploiting the analytic structure of the time series model. This approach to model order uncertainty is applied to the problem of noise reduction using the simulation smoother. The effects of incorrect autoregressive (AR) model orders are demonstrated, and a mixed model order MCMC noise reduction scheme is developed. Nonlinear time series models are surveyed, and the advantages of linear-in- the-parameters models explained. A nonlinear AR (NAR) model, ...

Troughton, Paul Thomas — University of Cambridge

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