Advances in Glottal Analysis and its Applications

From artificial voices in GPS to automatic systems of dictation, from voice-based identity verification to voice pathology detection, speech processing applications are nowadays omnipresent in our daily life. By offering solutions to companies seeking for efficiency enhancement with simultaneous cost saving, the market of speech technology is forecast to be especially promising in the next years. The present thesis deals with advances in glottal analysis in order to incorporate new techniques within speech processing applications. While current systems are usually based on information related to the vocal tract configuration, the airflow passing through the vocal folds, and called glottal flow, is expected to exhibit a relevant complementarity. Unfortunately, glottal analysis from speech recordings requires specific complex processing operations, which explains why it has been generally avoided. The main goal of this thesis is to provide new advances in glottal analysis ...

Drugman, Thomas — Universite de Mons

Artificial Bandwidth Extension of Telephone Speech Signals Using Phonetic A Priori Knowledge

The narrowband frequency range of telephone speech signals originally caused by former analog transmission techniques still leads to frequent acoustical limitations in today’s digital telephony systems. It provokes muffled sounding phone calls with reduced speech intelligibility and quality. By means of artificial speech bandwidth extension approaches, missing frequency components can be estimated and reconstructed. However, the artificially extended speech bandwidth typically suffers from annoying artifacts. Particularly susceptible to this are the fricatives /s/ and /z/. They can hardly be estimated based on the narrowband spectrum and are therefore easily confusable with other phonemes as well as speech pauses. This work takes advantage of phonetic a priori knowledge to optimize the performance of artificial bandwidth extension. Both the offline training part conducted in advance and the main processing part performed later on shall be thereby provided with important phoneme information. As ...

Bauer, Patrick Marcel — Institute for Communications Technology, Technical University Braunschweig

Deep Learning of GNSS Signal Detection

Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) is the de facto technology for Position, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) applications when it is available. GNSS relies on one or more satellite constellations that transmit ranging signals, which a receiver can use to self-localize. Signal acquisition is a crucial step in GNSS receivers, which is typically solved by maximizing the so-called Cross Ambiguity Function (CAF) resulting from a hypothesis testing problem. The CAF is a two-dimensional function that is related to the correlation between the received signal and a local code replica for every possible delay/Doppler pair, which is then maximized for signal detection and coarse synchronization. The outcome of this statistical process decides whether the signal from a particular satellite is present or absent in the received signal, as well as provides a rough estimate of its associated code delay and Doppler frequency, ...

Borhani Darian,Parisa — Northeastern University

Speech derereverberation in noisy environments using time-frequency domain signal models

Reverberation is the sum of reflected sound waves and is present in any conventional room. Speech communication devices such as mobile phones in hands-free mode, tablets, smart TVs, teleconferencing systems, hearing aids, voice-controlled systems, etc. use one or more microphones to pick up the desired speech signals. When the microphones are not in the proximity of the desired source, strong reverberation and noise can degrade the signal quality at the microphones and can impair the intelligibility and the performance of automatic speech recognizers. Therefore, it is a highly demanded task to process the microphone signals such that reverberation and noise are reduced. The process of reducing or removing reverberation from recorded signals is called dereverberation. As dereverberation is usually a completely blind problem, where the only available information are the microphone signals, and as the acoustic scenario can be non-stationary, ...

Braun, Sebastian — Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

OFDM Air-Interface Design for Multimedia Communications

The aim of this dissertation is the investigation of the key issues encountered in the development of wideband radio air-interfaces. Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) is considered as the enabling technology for transmitting data at extremely high rates over time-dispersive radio channels. OFDM is a transmission scheme, which splits up the data stream, sending the data symbols simultaneously at a drastically reduced symbol rate over a set of parallel sub-carriers. The first part of this thesis deals with the modeling of the time-dispersive and frequency-selective radio channel, utilizing second order Gaussian stochastic processes. A novel channel measurement technique is developed, in which the RMS delay spread of the channel is estimated from the level-crossing rate of the frequency-selective channel transfer function. This method enables the empirical channel characterization utilizing simplified non-coherent measurements of the received power versus frequency. Air-interface and multiple ...

Witrisal, Klaus — Delft University of Technology

Acoustic Event Detection: Feature, Evaluation and Dataset Design

It takes more time to think of a silent scene, action or event than finding one that emanates sound. Not only speaking or playing music but almost everything that happens is accompanied with or results in one or more sounds mixed together. This makes acoustic event detection (AED) one of the most researched topics in audio signal processing nowadays and it will probably not see a decline anywhere in the near future. This is due to the thirst for understanding and digitally abstracting more and more events in life via the enormous amount of recorded audio through thousands of applications in our daily routine. But it is also a result of two intrinsic properties of audio: it doesn’t need a direct sight to be perceived and is less intrusive to record when compared to image or video. Many applications such ...

Mina Mounir — KU Leuven, ESAT STADIUS

Diplophonic Voice - Definitions, models, and detection

Voice disorders need to be better understood because they may lead to reduced job chances and social isolation. Correct treatment indication and treatment effect measurements are needed to tackle these problems. They must rely on robust outcome measures for clinical intervention studies. Diplophonia is a severe and often misunderstood sign of voice disorders. Depending on its underlying etiology, diplophonic patients typically receive treatment such as logopedic therapy or phonosurgery. In the current clinical practice diplophonia is determined auditively by the medical doctor, which is problematic from the viewpoints of evidence-based medicine and scientific methodology. The aim of this thesis is to work towards objective (i.e., automatic) detection of diplophonia. A database of 40 euphonic, 40 diplophonic and 40 dysphonic subjects has been acquired. The collected material consists of laryngeal high-speed videos and simultaneous high-quality audio recordings. All material has been ...

Aichinger, Philipp — Division of Phoniatrics-Logopedics, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Medical University of Vienna; Signal Processing and Speech Communication Laboratory Graz University of Technology, Austria

Speech Enhancement Using Data-Driven Concepts

Speech communication frequently suffers from transmitted background noises. Numerous speech enhancement algorithms have thus been proposed to obtain a speech signal with a reduced amount of background noise and better speech quality. In most cases they are analytically derived as spectral weighting rules for given error criteria along with statistical models of the speech and noise spectra. However, as these spectral distributions are indeed not easy to be measured and modeled, such algorithms achieve in practice only a suboptimal performance. In the development of state-of-the-art algorithms, speech and noise training data is commonly exploited for the statistical modeling of the respective spectral distributions. In this thesis, the training data is directly applied to train data-driven speech enhancement algorithms, avoiding any modeling of the spectral distributions. Two applications are proposed: (1) A set of spectral weighting rules is trained from noise ...

Suhadi — Technische Universität Braunschweig

Realtime and Accurate Musical Control of Expression in Voice Synthesis

In the early days of speech synthesis research, understanding voice production has attracted the attention of scientists with the goal of producing intelligible speech. Later, the need to produce more natural voices led researchers to use prerecorded voice databases, containing speech units, reassembled by a concatenation algorithm. With the outgrowth of computer capacities, the length of units increased, going from diphones to non-uniform units, in the so-called unit selection framework, using a strategy referred to as 'take the best, modify the least'. Today the new challenge in voice synthesis is the production of expressive speech or singing. The mainstream solution to this problem is based on the “there is no data like more data” paradigm: emotionspecific databases are recorded and emotion-specific units are segmented. In this thesis, we propose to restart the expressive speech synthesis problem, from its original voice ...

D' Alessandro, N. — Universite de Mons

Glottal Source Estimation and Automatic Detection of Dysphonic Speakers

Among all the biomedical signals, speech is among the most complex ones since it is produced and received by humans. The extraction and the analysis of the information conveyed by this signal are the basis of many applications, including the topics discussed in this thesis: the estimation of the glottal source and the automatic detection of voice pathologies. In the first part of the thesis, after a presentation of existing methods for the estimation of the glottal source, a focus is made on the occurence of irregular glottal source estimations when the representation based on the Zeros of the Z-Transform (ZZT) is concerned. As this method is sensitive to the location of the analysis window, it is proposed to regularize the estimation by shifting the analysis window around its initial location. The best shift is found by using a dynamic ...

Dubuisson, Thomas — University of Mons

Joint Source-Cryptographic-Channel Coding for Real-Time Secure Voice Communications on Voice Channels

The growing risk of privacy violation and espionage associated with the rapid spread of mobile communications renewed interest in the original concept of sending encrypted voice as audio signal over arbitrary voice channels. The usual methods used for encrypted data transmission over analog telephony turned out to be inadequate for modern vocal links (cellular networks, VoIP) equipped with voice compression, voice activity detection, and adaptive noise suppression algorithms. The limited available bandwidth, nonlinear channel distortion, and signal fadings motivate the investigation of a dedicated, joint approach for speech encoding and encryption adapted to modern noisy voice channels. This thesis aims to develop, analyze, and validate secure and efficient schemes for real-time speech encryption and transmission via modern voice channels. In addition to speech encryption, this study covers the security and operational aspects of the whole voice communication system, as this ...

Krasnowski, Piotr — Université Côte d'Azur

Digital Audio Processing Methods for Voice Pathology Detection

Voice pathology is a diverse field that includes various disorders affecting vocal quality and production. Using audio machine learning for voice pathology classification represents an innovative approach to diagnosing a wide range of voice disorders. Despite extensive research in this area, there remains a significant gap in the development of classifiers and their ability to adapt and generalize effectively. This thesis aims to address this gap by contributing new insights and methods. This research provides a comprehensive exploration of automatic voice pathology classification, focusing on challenges such as data limitations and the potential of integrating multiple modalities to enhance diagnostic accuracy and adaptability. To achieve generalization capabilities and enhance the flexibility of the classifier across diverse types of voice disorders, this research explores various datasets and pathology types comprehensively. It covers a broad range of voice disorders, including functional dysphonia, ...

Ioanna Miliaresi — University of Pireaus

Some Contributions to Machine Learning-based System Identification and Speech Enhancement for Nonlinear Acoustic Echo Control

Given the widespread use of miniaturized audio interfaces, echo control systems are faced with increasing challenges to address a large variety of acoustic conditions observed by such interfaces. This motivates the use of sophisticated machine learning-based techniques to overcome the limitations of conventional methods. The contributions in this thesis can be outlined by decomposing the task of nonlinear acoustic echo control into two subtasks: Nonlinear Acoustic Echo Cancellation (NAEC) and Acoustic Echo Suppression (AES). In particular, by formulating the single-channel NAEC model-adaptation task as a Bayesian recursive filtering problem, an evolutionary resampling strategy for particle filtering is proposed. The resulting Elitist Resampling Particle Filter (ERPF) is shown experimentally to be an efficient and high-performing approach that can be extended to address challenging conditions such as non-stationary interferers. The fundamental problem of nonlinear model design is addressed by proposing a novel ...

Halimeh, Mhd Modar — Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

Inferring Room Geometries

Determining the geometry of an acoustic enclosure using microphone arrays has become an active area of research. Knowledge gained about the acoustic environment, such as the location of reflectors, can be advantageous for applications such as sound source localization, dereverberation and adaptive echo cancellation by assisting in tracking environment changes and helping the initialization of such algorithms. A methodology to blindly infer the geometry of an acoustic enclosure by estimating the location of reflective surfaces based on acoustic measurements using an arbitrary array geometry is developed and analyzed. The starting point of this work considers a geometric constraint, valid both in two and three-dimensions, that converts time-of-arrival and time-difference-of-arrival information into elliptical constraints about the location of reflectors. Multiple constraints are combined to yield the line or plane parameters of the reflectors by minimizing a specific cost function in the ...

Filos, Jason — Imperial College London

Cognitive-driven speech enhancement using EEG-based auditory attention decoding for hearing aid applications

Identifying the target speaker in hearing aid applications is an essential ingredient to improve speech intelligibility. Although several speech enhancement algorithms are available to reduce background noise or to perform source separation in multi-speaker scenarios, their performance depends on correctly identifying the target speaker to be enhanced. Recent advances in electroencephalography (EEG) have shown that it is possible to identify the target speaker which the listener is attending to using single-trial EEG-based auditory attention decoding (AAD) methods. However, in realistic acoustic environments the AAD performance is influenced by undesired disturbances such as interfering speakers, noise and reverberation. In addition, it is important for real-world hearing aid applications to close the AAD loop by presenting on-line auditory feedback. This thesis deals with the problem of identifying and enhancing the target speaker in realistic acoustic environments based on decoding the auditory attention ...

Aroudi, Ali — University of Oldenburg, Germany

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