Spoofing and Disguise Variations in Face Recognition

Human recognition has become an important topic as the need and investments for security applications grow continuously. Biometrics enable reliable and efficient identity management systems by using physical and behavioral characteristics of the subjects that are permanent, universal and easy to access. This is why, the topic of biometrics attracts higher attention today. Numerous biometric systems exist which utilize various human characteristics. Among all biometrics traits, face recognition is advantageous in terms of accessibility and reliability. It allows identification at relatively high distances for unaware subjects that do not have to cooperate. In this dissertation, two challenges in face recognition are analyzed. The first one is face spoofing. Initially, spoofing in face recognition is explained together with the countermeasure techniques that are proposed for the protection of face recognition systems against spoofing attacks. The second challenge explored in this thesis ...

Kose, Neslihan — EURECOM

Visual ear detection and recognition in unconstrained environments

Automatic ear recognition systems have seen increased interest over recent years due to multiple desirable characteristics. Ear images used in such systems can typically be extracted from profile head shots or video footage. The acquisition procedure is contactless and non-intrusive, and it also does not depend on the cooperation of the subjects. In this regard, ear recognition technology shares similarities with other image-based biometric modalities. Another appealing property of ear biometrics is its distinctiveness. Recent studies even empirically validated existing conjectures that certain features of the ear are distinct for identical twins. This fact has significant implications for security-related applications and puts ear images on a par with epigenetic biometric modalities, such as the iris. Ear images can also supplement other biometric modalities in automatic recognition systems and provide identity cues when other information is unreliable or even unavailable. In ...

Emeršič, Žiga — University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science

Facial Soft Biometrics: Methods, Applications and Solutions

This dissertation studies soft biometrics traits, their applicability in different security and commercial scenarios, as well as related usability aspects. We place the emphasis on human facial soft biometric traits which constitute the set of physical, adhered or behavioral human characteristics that can partially differentiate, classify and identify humans. Such traits, which include characteristics like age, gender, skin and eye color, the presence of glasses, moustache or beard, inherit several advantages such as ease of acquisition, as well as a natural compatibility with how humans perceive their surroundings. Specifically, soft biometric traits are compatible with the human process of classifying and recalling our environment, a process which involves constructions of hierarchical structures of different refined traits. This thesis explores these traits, and their application in soft biometric systems (SBSs), and specifically focuses on how such systems can achieve different goals ...

Dantcheva, Antitza — EURECOM / Telecom ParisTech

A Robust Face Recognition Algorithm for Real-World Applications

Face recognition is one of the most challenging problems of computer vision and pattern recognition. The difficulty in face recognition arises mainly from facial appearance variations caused by factors, such as expression, illumination, partial face occlusion, and time gap between training and testing data capture. Moreover, the performance of face recognition algorithms heavily depends on prior facial feature localization step. That is, face images need to be aligned very well before they are fed into a face recognition algorithm, which requires precise facial feature localization. This thesis addresses on solving these two main problems -facial appearance variations due to changes in expression, illumination, occlusion, time gap, and imprecise face alignment due to mislocalized facial features- in order to accomplish its goal of building a generic face recognition algorithm that can function reliably under real-world conditions. The proposed face recognition algorithm ...

Ekenel, Hazim Kemal — University of Karlsruhe

Dealing with Variability Factors and Its Application to Biometrics at a Distance

This Thesis is focused on dealing with the variability factors in biometric recognition and applications of biometrics at a distance. In particular, this PhD Thesis explores the problem of variability factors assessment and how to deal with them by the incorporation of soft biometrics information in order to improve person recognition systems working at a distance. The proposed methods supported by experimental results show the benefits of adapting the system considering the variability of the sample at hand. Although being relatively young compared to other mature and long-used security technologies, biometrics have emerged in the last decade as a pushing alternative for applications where automatic recognition of people is needed. Certainly, biometrics are very attractive and useful for video surveillance systems at a distance, widely distributed in our lifes, and for the final user: forget about PINs and passwords, you ...

Tome, Pedro — Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Automatic Person Verification Using Speech and Face Information

Interest in biometric based identification and verification systems has increased considerably over the last decade. As an example, the shortcomings of security systems based on passwords can be addressed through the supplemental use of biometric systems based on speech signals, face images or fingerprints. Biometric recognition can also be applied to other areas, such as passport control (immigration checkpoints), forensic work (to determine whether a biometric sample belongs to a suspect) and law enforcement applications (e.g. surveillance). While biometric systems based on face images and/or speech signals can be useful, their performance can degrade in the presence of challenging conditions. In face based systems this can be in the form of a change in the illumination direction and/or face pose variations. Multi-modal systems use more than one biometric at the same time. This is done for two main reasons -- ...

Conrad Sanderson — Griffith University, Queensland, Australia

Face Recognition's Grand Challenge: uncontrolled conditions under control

The number of cameras increases rapidly in squares, shopping centers, railway stations and airport halls. There are hundreds of cameras in the city center of Amsterdam. This is still modest compared to the tens of thousands of cameras in London, where citizens are expected to be filmed by more than three hundred cameras of over thirty separate Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) systems in a single day [84]. These CCTV systems include both publicly owned systems (railway stations, squares, airports) and privately owned systems (shops, banks, hotels). The main purpose of all these cameras is to detect, prevent and monitor crime and anti-social behaviour. Other goals of camera surveillance can be detection of unauthorized access, improvement of service, fire safety, etc. Since the terrorist attack on 9/11, detection and prevention of terrorist activities especially at high profiled locations such as airports, ...

Boom, Bas — University of Twente

Vulnerabilities and Attack Protection in Security Systems Based on Biometric Recognition

Absolute security does not exist: given funding, willpower and the proper technology, every security system can be compromised. However, the objective of the security community should be to develop such applications that the funding, the will, and the resources needed by the attacker to crack the system prevent him from attempting to do so. This Thesis is focused on the vulnerability assessment of biometric systems. Although being relatively young compared to other mature and long-used security technologies, biometrics have emerged in the last decade as a pushing alternative for applications where automatic recognition of people is needed. Certainly, biometrics are very attractive and useful for the final user: forget about PINs and passwords, you are your own key. However, we cannot forget that as any technology aimed to provide a security service, biometric systems are exposed to external attacks which ...

Javier Galbally — Universidad Autonoma de Madrid

Revisiting face processing with light field images

Nowadays, in a time where cities contain millions of people and where travelling across the world is becoming easier and easier, the necessity of automatically identifying a person is starting to be compelling. The physical appearance and the behavioural characteristics have been discovered useful to univocally describe a person. The analytic study of the human body measures with the aim of recognising or verifying the identity of a person, is called biometrics, literally "life measure". In the last century, several biometric traits have been investigated according to the most updated technologies available at the moment, improving recognition, computational time and memory capacity. Starting from the 90’s, research on biometrics has received a huge boost thanks to the interest raised by academic institutions, government agencies and private companies. Moreover, the diffusion of new instruments, able to perform faster analyses, and to ...

CHIESA Valeria — EURECOM Sophia Antipolis

Gait Analysis in Unconstrained Environments

Gait can be defined as the individuals’ manner of walking. Its analysis can provide significant information about their identity and health, opening a wide range of possibilities in the field of biometric recognition and medical diagnosis. In the field of biometric, the use of gait to perform recognition can provide advantages, such as acquisition from a distance and without the cooperation of the individual being observed. In the field of medicine, gait analysis can be used to detect or assess the development of different gait related pathologies. It can also be used to assess neurological or systemic disorders as their effects are reflected in the individuals’ gait. This Thesis focuses on performing gait analysis in unconstrained environments, using a single 2D camera. This can be a challenging task due to the lack of depth information and self-occlusions in a 2D ...


Automated Face Recognition from Low-resolution Imagery

Recently, significant advances in the field of automated face recognition have been achieved using computer vision, machine learning, and deep learning methodologies. However, despite claims of super-human performance of face recognition algorithms on select key benchmark tasks, there remain several open problems that preclude the general replacement of human face recognition work with automated systems. State-of-the-art automated face recognition systems based on deep learning methods are able to achieve high accuracy when the face images they are tasked with recognizing subjects from are of sufficiently high quality. However, low image resolution remains one of the principal obstacles to face recognition systems, and their performance in the low-resolution regime is decidedly below human capabilities. In this PhD thesis, we present a systematic study of modern automated face recognition systems in the presence of image degradation in various forms. Based on our ...

Grm, Klemen — University of Ljubljana

Three-Dimensional Face Recognition

In this thesis, we attack the problem of identifying humans from their three dimensional facial characteristics. For this purpose, a complete 3D face recognition system is developed. We divide the whole system into sub-processes. These sub-processes can be categorized as follows: 1) registration, 2) representation of faces, 3) extraction of discriminative features, and 4) fusion of matchers. For each module, we evaluate the state-of-the art methods, and also propose novel ones. For the registration task, we propose to use a generic face model which speeds up the correspondence establishment process. We compare the benefits of rigid and non-rigid registration schemes using a generic face model. In terms of face representation schemes, we implement a diverse range of approaches such as point clouds, curvature-based descriptors, and range images. In relation to these, various feature extraction methods are used to determine the ...

Gokberk, Berk — Bogazici University

Contributions to Human Motion Modeling and Recognition using Non-intrusive Wearable Sensors

This thesis contributes to motion characterization through inertial and physiological signals captured by wearable devices and analyzed using signal processing and deep learning techniques. This research leverages the possibilities of motion analysis for three main applications: to know what physical activity a person is performing (Human Activity Recognition), to identify who is performing that motion (user identification) or know how the movement is being performed (motor anomaly detection). Most previous research has addressed human motion modeling using invasive sensors in contact with the user or intrusive sensors that modify the user’s behavior while performing an action (cameras or microphones). In this sense, wearable devices such as smartphones and smartwatches can collect motion signals from users during their daily lives in a less invasive or intrusive way. Recently, there has been an exponential increase in research focused on inertial-signal processing to ...

Gil-Martín, Manuel — Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Direct Pore-based Identification For Fingerprint Matching Process

Fingerprint, is considered one of the most crucial scientific tools in solving criminal cases. This biometric feature is composed of unique and distinctive patterns found on the fingertips of each individual. With advancing technology and progress in forensic sciences, fingerprint analysis plays a vital role in forensic investigations and the analysis of evidence at crime scenes. The fingerprint patterns of each individual start to develop in early stagesof life and never change thereafter. This fact makes fingerprints an exceptional means of identification. In criminal cases, fingerprint analysis is used to decipher traces, evidence, and clues at crime scenes. These analyses not only provide insights into how a crime was committed but also assist in identifying the culprits or individuals involved. Computer-based fingerprint identification systems yield faster and more accurate results compared to traditional methods, making fingerprint comparisons in large databases ...

Vedat DELICAN, PhD — Istanbul Technical University

Vision-based human activities recognition in supervised or assisted environment

Human Activity Recognition HAR has been a hot research topic in the last decade due to its wide range of applications. Indeed, it has been the basis for implementa- tion of many computer vision applications, home security, video surveillance, and human-computer interaction. We intend by HAR, tools, and systems allowing to detect and recognize actions performed by individuals. With the considerable progress made in sensing technologies, HAR systems shifted from wearable and ambient-based to vision-based. This motivated the researchers to propose a large mass of vision-based solutions. From another perspective, HAR plays an impor- tant role in the health care sector and gets involved in the construction of fall detection systems and many smart home-related systems. Fall detection FD con- sists in identifying the occurrence of falls among other daily life activities. This is essential because falling is one of ...

Beddiar Djamila Romaissa — Université De Larbi Ben M’hidi Oum EL Bouaghi, Algeria

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