Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

Speech, consisting of an auditory and a visual signal, has always been the most important means of communication between humans. It is well known that an optimal conveyance of the message requires that both the auditory and the visual speech signal can be perceived by the receiver. Nowadays people interact countless times with computer systems in every-day situations. Since the ultimate goal is to make this interaction feel completely natural and familiar, the most optimal way to interact with a computer system is by means of speech. Similar to the speech communication between humans, the most appropriate human-machine interaction consists of audiovisual speech signals. In order to allow the computer system to transfer a spoken ... toggle 4 keywords

visual speech synthesis audiovisual speech synthesis audiovisual speech perception phoneme-to-viseme mapping


Mattheyses, Wesley
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Publication Year
Upload Date
Oct. 2, 2013

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