Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

This dissertation studies soft biometrics traits, their applicability in different security and commercial scenarios, as well as related usability aspects. We place the emphasis on human facial soft biometric traits which constitute the set of physical, adhered or behavioral human characteristics that can partially differentiate, classify and identify humans. Such traits, which include characteristics like age, gender, skin and eye color, the presence of glasses, moustache or beard, inherit several advantages such as ease of acquisition, as well as a natural compatibility with how humans perceive their surroundings. Specifically, soft biometric traits are compatible with the human process of classifying and recalling our environment, a process which involves constructions of hierarchical structures of different refined ... toggle 9 keywords

soft biometrics biometrics face biometrics human re-identification face recognition bag of soft biometrics facial aesthetics usability biometrics biometric search pruning


Dantcheva, Antitza
EURECOM / Telecom ParisTech
Publication Year
Upload Date
June 29, 2013

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