Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

Acoustic feedback problems occur when the output loudspeaker signal of an audio system is partly returned to the input microphone via an acoustic coupling through the air. This problem often causes significant performance degradations in applications such as public address systems and hearing aids. In the worst case, the audio system becomes unstable and howling occurs. In this work, first we analyze a general multiple microphone audio processing system, where a cancellation system using adaptive filters is used to cancel the effect of acoustic feedback. We introduce and derive an accurate approximation of a frequency domain measure—the power transfer function—and show how it can be used to predict system behaviors of the entire cancellation system ... toggle 6 keywords

acoustic feedback cancellation adaptive filters hearing aids decorrelation probe noise acoustic echo cancellation


Guo, Meng
Aalborg University
Publication Year
Upload Date
May 23, 2013

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