Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

This thesis puts a focus on the analysis of key aspects of low-complexity Ultra Wideband (UWB) localizations systems. It is well known that UWB allows for highly robust and accurate ranging even in multipath intensive environments. On the other hand, the huge bandwidth leads to very challenging receiver designs and so low complexity and low power consumption are not achieveable for common receiver structures. The energy detector is a promising alternative. But in contrast to high-complexity coherent receivers, their performance is strongly dependent on the system parameters of the air interface protocol. IEEE 802.15.4a is a UWB standard with high-precision localization capability (better than 1m). The standard defines many system parameters, whose impact on the ... toggle 9 keywords

ultra wideband UWB ranging localization tracking non-coherent receivers channel modeling system simulator U-SPOT


Gigl, Thomas
Graz University of Technology
Publication Year
Upload Date
Aug. 29, 2011

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