Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

The focus of this thesis is on the binary signal detection problem, i.e., if a signal or signals are present or not. Depending on the application, the signal to be detected can be either unknown or known. The detection is based on some function of the received samples which is compared to a threshold. If the threshold is exceeded, it is decided that signal(s) is (are) present. Energy detectors (radiometers) are often used due to their simplicity and good performance. The main goal here is to develop and analyze energy based detectors as well as power-law based detectors. Different possibilities for setting the detection threshold for a quantized total power radiometer are analyzed. The main ... toggle 6 keywords

channelized radiometers intercept receivers power-law detectors radiometers signal detection threshold settings


Janne Lehtomäki
University of Oulou
Publication Year
Upload Date
March 30, 2011

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