Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

Distributed source coding is a technique that allows to compress several correlated sources, without any cooperation between the encoders, and without rate loss provided that the decoding is joint. Motivated by this principle, distributed video coding has emerged, exploiting the correlation between the consecutive video frames, tremendously simplifying the encoder, and leaving the task of exploiting the correlation to the decoder. The first part of our contributions in this thesis presents the asymmetric coding of binary sources that are not uniform. We analyze the coding of non-uniform Bernoulli sources, and that of hidden Markov sources. For both sources, we first show that exploiting the distribution at the decoder clearly increases the decoding capabilities of a ... toggle 8 keywords

distributed video coding hidden markov model parameter estimation channel estimation LDPC turbo em algorithm non-asymmetric slepian-wolf coding


Toto-Zarasoa, Velotiaray
INRIA Rennes-Bretagne Atlantique, Universite de Rennes 1
Publication Year
Upload Date
March 29, 2011

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