Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

Automatically making sense of digital information, and specially of music digital documents, is an important problem our modern society is facing. In fact, there are still many tasks that, although being easily performed by humans, cannot be effectively performed by a computer. In this work we focus on one of such tasks: the identification of musical piece versions (alternate renditions of the same musical composition like cover songs, live recordings, remixes, etc.). In particular, we adopt a computational approach solely based on the information provided by the audio signal. We propose a system for version identification that is robust to the main musical changes between versions, including timbre, tempo, key and structure changes. Such a ... toggle 11 keywords

music information retrieval multimedia data search time series analysis signal analysis complex networks prediction recurrence community cover song version remix


Serra, Joan
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Publication Year
Upload Date
March 25, 2011

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