Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

Sound source separation refers to the task of estimating the signals produced by individual sound sources from a complex acoustic mixture. It has several applications, since monophonic signals can be processed more efficiently and flexibly than polyphonic mixtures. This thesis deals with the separation of monaural, or, one-channel music recordings. We concentrate on separation methods, where the sources to be separated are not known beforehand. Instead, the separation is enabled by utilizing the common properties of real-world sound sources, which are their continuity, sparseness, and repetition in time and frequency, and their harmonic spectral structures. One of the separation approaches taken here use unsupervised learning and the other uses model-based inference based on sinusoidal modeling. ... toggle 3 keywords

sound source separation non-negative matrix factorization audio content analysis


Virtanen, Tuomas
Tampere University of Technology
Publication Year
Upload Date
Jan. 3, 2011

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