Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

In the last decade, cooperation among multiple terminals has been seen as one of the more promising strategies to improve transmission speed in wireless communications networks. Basically, the idea is to mimic an antenna array and apply distributed versions of well-known space-diversity techniques. In this context, the simplest cooperative scheme is the relay channel: all the terminals (relays) that overhear a point-to-point communication between a source and a destination may decide to aid the source by forwarding (relaying) its message. In a mobile system, it is common to assume that the relays do not have any information about the channel between them and the destination. Under this hypothesis, the best solution to exploit the diversity ... toggle 8 keywords

linear dispersion space-time block coding relaying amplify and forward decode and forward spectral efficiency outage probability random matrix theory free probability


Gregoratti, David
Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC)
Publication Year
Upload Date
July 6, 2010

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