Lossless and nearly lossless digital video coding (2002)
Techniques for improving the performance of distributed video coding
Distributed Video Coding (DVC) is a recently proposed paradigm in video communication, which fits well emerging applications such as wireless video surveillance, multimedia sensor networks, wireless PC cameras, and mobile cameras phones. These applications require a low complexity encoding, while possibly affording a high complexity decoding. DVC presents several advantages: First, the complexity can be distributed between the encoder and the decoder. Second, the DVC is robust to errors, since it uses a channel code. In DVC, a Side Information (SI) is estimated at the decoder, using the available decoded frames, and used for the decoding and reconstruction of other frames. In this Ph.D thesis, we propose new techniques in order to improve the quality of the SI. First, successive refinement of the SI is performed after each decoded DCT band, using a Partially Decoded WZF (PDWZF), along with the ...
Abou-Elailah, Abdalbassir — Telecom Paristech
In scalable image/video coding, high resolution content is encoded to the highest visual quality and the bit-streams are adapted to cater various communication channels, display devices and usage requirements. These content adaptations, which include quality, resolution and frame rate scaling may also affect the content protection data, such as, watermarks and are considered as a potential watermark attack. In this thesis, research on robust watermarking techniques for scalable coded image and video, are proposed and the improvements in robustness against various content adaptation attacks, such as, JPEG 2000 for image and Motion JPEG 2000, MC-EZBC and H.264/SVC for video, are reported. The spread spectrum domain, particularly wavelet-based image watermarking schemes often provides better robustness to compression attacks due to its multi-resolution decomposition and hence chosen for this work. A comprehensive and comparative analysis of the available wavelet-based watermarking schemes,is performed ...
Bhowmik, Deepayan — University of Sheffield
Watermark-based error concealment algorithms for low bit rate video communications
In this work, a novel set of robust watermark-based error concealment (WEC) algorithms are proposed. Watermarking is used to introduce redundancy to the transmitted data with little or no increase in its bit rate during transmission. The proposed algorithms involve generating a low resolution version of a video frame and seamlessly embedding it as a watermark in the frame itself during encoding. At the receiver, the watermark is extracted from the reconstructed frame and the lost information is recovered using the extracted watermark signal, thus enhancing its perceptual quality. Three DCT-based spread spectrum watermark embedding techniques are presented in this work. The first technique uses a multiplicative Gaussian pseudo-noise with a pre-defined spreading gain and fixed chip rate. The second one is its adaptively scaled version and the third technique uses informed watermarking. Two versions of the low resolution reference, ...
Adsumilli, Chowdary — University of California, Santa Barbara
A flexible scalable video coding framework with adaptive spatio-temporal decompositions
The work presented in this thesis covers topics that extend the scalability functionalities in video coding and improve the compression performance. Two main novel approaches are presented, each targeting a different part of the scalable video coding (SVC) architecture: motion adaptive wavelet transform based on the wavelet transform in lifting implementation, and a design of a flexible framework for generalised spatio-temporal decomposition. Motion adaptive wavelet transform is based on the newly introduced concept of connectivity-map. The connectivity-map describes the underlying irregular structure of regularly sampled data. To enable a scalable representation of the connectivity-map, the corresponding analysis and synthesis operations have been derived. These are then employed to define a joint wavelet connectivity-map decomposition that serves as an adaptive alternative to the conventional wavelet decomposition. To demonstrate its applicability, the presented decomposition scheme is used in the proposed SVC framework, ...
Sprljan, Nikola — Queen Mary University of London
Toward sparse and geometry adapted video approximations
Video signals are sequences of natural images, where images are often modeled as piecewise-smooth signals. Hence, video can be seen as a 3D piecewise-smooth signal made of piecewise-smooth regions that move through time. Based on the piecewise-smooth model and on related theoretical work on rate-distortion performance of wavelet and oracle based coding schemes, one can better analyze the appropriate coding strategies that adaptive video codecs need to implement in order to be efficient. Efficient video representations for coding purposes require the use of adaptive signal decompositions able to capture appropriately the structure and redundancy appearing in video signals. Adaptivity needs to be such that it allows for proper modeling of signals in order to represent these with the lowest possible coding cost. Video is a very structured signal with high geometric content. This includes temporal geometry (normally represented by motion ...
Divorra Escoda, Oscar — EPFL / Signal Processing Institute
Distributed Video Coding for Wireless Lightweight Multimedia Applications
In the modern wireless age, lightweight multimedia technology stimulates attractive commercial applications on a grand scale as well as highly specialized niche markets. In this regard, the design of efficient video compression systems meeting such key requirements as very low encoding complexity, transmission error robustness and scalability, is no straightforward task. The answer can be found in fundamental information theoretic results, according to which efficient compression can be achieved by leveraging knowledge of the source statistics at the decoder only, giving rise to distributed, or alias Wyner-Ziv, video coding. This dissertation engineers efficient lightweight Wyner-Ziv video coding schemes emphasizing on several design aspects and applications. The first contribution of this dissertation focuses on the design of effective side information generation techniques so as to boost the compression capabilities of Wyner-Ziv video coding systems. To this end, overlapped block motion estimation ...
Deligiannis, Nikos — Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Hierarchical Lattice Vector Quantisation Of Wavelet Transformed Images
The objectives of the research were to develop embedded and non-embedded lossy coding algorithms for images based on lattice vector quantisation and the discrete wavelet transform. We also wanted to develop context-based entropy coding methods (as opposed to simple first order entropy coding). The main objectives can therefore be summarised as follows: (1) To develop algorithms for intra and inter-band formed vectors (vectors with coefficients from the same sub-band or across different sub-bands) which compare favourably with current high performance wavelet based coders both in terms of rate/distortion performance of the decoded image and also subjective quality; (2) To develop new context-based coding methods (based on vector quantisation). The alternative algorithms we have developed fall into two categories: (a) Entropy coded and Binary uncoded successive approximation lattice vector quantisation (SALVQ- E and SA-LVQ-B) based on quantising vectors formed intra-band. This ...
Vij, Madhav — University of Cambridge, Department of Engineering, Signal Processing Group
Multiple Description Coding for Path Diversity Video Streaming
In the current heterogeneous communication environments, the great variety of multimedia systems and applications combined with fast evolution of networking architectures and topologies, give rise to new research problems related to the various elements of the communication chain. This includes, the ever present problem in video communications, which results from the need for coping with transmission errors and losses. In this context, video streaming with path diversity appeared as a novel communication framework, involving different technological fields and posing several research challenges. The research work carried out in this thesis is a contribution to robust video coding and adaptation techniques in the field of Multiple Description Coding (MDC) for multipath video streaming. The thesis starts with a thorough study of MDC and its theoretical basis followed by a description of the most important practical implementation aspects currently available in literature. ...
Correia, Pedro Daniel Frazão — University of Coimbra
Efficient Perceptual Audio Coding Using Cosine and Sine Modulated Lapped Transforms
The increasing number of simultaneous input and output channels utilized in immersive audio configurations primarily in broadcasting applications has renewed industrial requirements for efficient audio coding schemes with low bit-rate and complexity. This thesis presents a comprehensive review and extension of conventional approaches for perceptual coding of arbitrary multichannel audio signals. Particular emphasis is given to use cases ranging from two-channel stereophonic to six-channel 5.1-surround setups with or without the application-specific constraint of low algorithmic coding latency. Conventional perceptual audio codecs share six common algorithmic components, all of which are examined extensively in this thesis. The first is a signal-adaptive filterbank, constructed using instances of the real-valued modified discrete cosine transform (MDCT), to obtain spectral representations of successive portions of the incoming discrete time signal. Within this MDCT spectral domain, various intra- and inter-channel optimizations, most of which are of ...
Helmrich, Christian R. — Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Multi-user Receiver Structures for Direct Sequence Code Division Multiple Access
This thesis reports on an investigation of various system architectures and receiver structures for cellular communications systems which discriminate users by direct sequence code division multiple access (DSCDMA). Attention is focussed on the downlink of such a spread spectrum system and the influence of a number of design parameters is considered. The objective of the thesis is to investigate signal processing techniques which may be employed either at the receiver, or throughout the system to improve the overall capacity. The principles of spread spectrum communication are first outlined, including a discussion of the relative merits of spreading sequence sets, and a description of various signal processing techniques which are to be applied to the multi-user environment. The measure of system performance is introduced, and the conventional DS-CDMA system is analysed theoretically and through simulation to provide a reference performance level. ...
Band, Ian W. — University Of Edinburgh
Exploiting Correlation Noise Modeling in Wyner-Ziv Video Coding
Wyner-Ziv (WZ) video coding is a particular case of distributed video coding, a new video coding paradigm based on the Slepian-Wolf and Wyner-Ziv theorems which mainly exploit the source correlation at the decoder and not only at the encoder as in predictive video coding. Therefore, this new coding paradigm may provide a flexible allocation of complexity between the encoder and the decoder and in-built channel error robustness, interesting features for emerging applications such as low-power video surveillance and visual sensor networks among others. Although some progress has been made in the last eight years, the rate-distortion performance of WZ video coding is still far from the maximum performance attained with predictive video coding. The WZ video coding compression efficiency depends critically on the capability to model the correlation noise between the original information at the encoder and its estimation generated ...
Brites, Catarina — Instituto Superior Tecnico (IST)
MPEGII Video Coding For Noisy Channels
This thesis considers the performance of MPEG-II compressed video when transmitted over noisy channels, a subject of relevance to digital terrestrial television, video communication and mobile digital video. Results of bit sensitivity and resynchronisation sensitivity measurements are presented and techniques proposed for substantially improving the resilience of MPEG-II to transmission errors without the addition of any extra redundancy into the bitstream. It is errors in variable length encoded data which are found to cause the greatest artifacts as errors in these data can cause loss of bitstream synchronisation. The concept of a ‘black box transcoder’ is developed where MPEG-II is losslessly transcoded into a different structure for transmission. Bitstream resynchronisation is achieved using a technique known as error-resilient entropy coding (EREC). The error-resilience of differentially coded information is then improved by replacing the standard 1D-DPCM with a more resilient hierarchical ...
Swan, Robert — University of Cambridge
Content Scalability in Multiple Description Image and Video Coding
High compression ratio, scalability and reliability are the main issues for transmitting multimedia content over best effort networks. Scalable image and video coding meets the user requirements by truncating the scalable bitstream at different quality, resolution and frame rate. However, the performance of scalable coding deteriorates rapidly over packet networks if the base layer packets are lost during transmission. Multiple description coding (MDC) has emerged as an effective source coding technique for robust image and video transmission over lossy networks. In this research problem of incorporating scalability in MDC for robust image and video transmission over best effort network is addressed. The first contribution of this thesis is to propose a strategy for generating more than two descriptions using multiple description scalar quantizer (MDSQ) with an objective to jointly decoded any number of descriptions in balanced and unbalanced manner. The ...
Majid, Muhammad — University of Sheffield
Motion Estimation and Compensation of Video Sequences using Affine Transforms
Motion estimation and compensation is of great importance for the compression of video sequences. In this dissertation a motion estimation/compensation approach based on a non-overlapping connected mesh of triangles is proposed. To manipulate the triangles within the connected mesh or ‘rubber sheet’ structure affin transforms are used which allow many different types of motion to be accurately modelled. Another advantage of this structure is that the non-overlapping triangles do not generate the typical artefacts associated with the current block based standards when operating at very low bitrates. The initial motion estimation/ compensation algorithms investigated implement a full search method which updates one vertex at a time matching sets of triangles between adjacent frames. Although the prediction performance is good the resulting computational load is high. This issue is addressed by deriving gradient-based algorithms which are found to be between one ...
Bradshaw, David Benedict — University of Cambridge
Robust and multiresolution video delivery : From H.26x to Matching pursuit based technologies
With the joint development of networking and digital coding technologies multimedia and more particularly video services are clearly becoming one of the major consumers of the new information networks. The rapid growth of the Internet and computer industry however results in a very heterogeneous infrastructure commonly overloaded. Video service providers have nevertheless to oer to their clients the best possible quality according to their respective capabilities and communication channel status. The Quality of Service is not only inuenced by the compression artifacts, but also by unavoidable packet losses. Hence, the packet video stream has clearly to fulll possibly contradictory requirements, that are coding eciency and robustness to data loss. The rst contribution of this thesis is the complete modeling of the video Quality of Service (QoS) in standard and more particularly MPEG-2 applications. The performance of Forward Error Control (FEC) ...
Frossard, Pascal — Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
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