Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

This dissertation proposes advanced transceiver designs applying turbo and space-time (ST) concepts to continuous phase modulation (CPM), which is preferred in numerous power- and band-limited communication systems for its constant envelope and spectral efficiency. Despite its highly attractive spectral properties, maximum-likelihood detection of CPM over the frequency-selective multipath fading channels can bring impractical complexity issues because of the intensive search over a single super trellis which combines the effects of the modulation and the multipath channel. Application of the reduced-state trellis search algorithms results in lower complexity but the computational load could still be prohibitively large to obtain high performance in long channel impulse responses. In the dissertation, instead of employing trellis-based combined detection methods, ...


Ozgul, Baris
Bogazici University
Publication Year
Upload Date
Jan. 26, 2010

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