Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

Nowadays, the design of embedded systems is confronted with the combination of complex signal processing algorithms on the one hand and a variety of computational intensive multimedia applications on the other hand, while time to product launch has been extremely reduced. Especially in the wireless domain those challenges are stacked with tough requirements on power consumption and chip size. Unfortunately, design productivity did not undergo a similar progression and therefore fails to cope with the heterogeneity of modern hardware architectures. Until now, electronic design automation do not provide for complete coverage of the design ow. In particular crucial design tasks as high level characterisation of algorithms, oating-point to xed-point conversion, automated hardware/software partitioning, and automated ... toggle 8 keywords

system partitioning embedded systems hw/sw co-design genetic algorithms heuristics scheduling multi-resource allocation graph theory


Knerr, Bastian
Vienna University of Technology
Publication Year
Upload Date
Feb. 9, 2009

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