Adapted Fusion Schemes for Multimodal Biometric Authentication

This Thesis is focused on the combination of multiple biometric traits for automatic person authentication, in what is called a multimodal biometric system. More generally, any type of biometric information can be combined in what is called a multibiometric system. The information sources in multibiometrics include not only multiple biometric traits but also multiple sensors, multiple biometric instances (e.g., different fingers in fingerprint verification), repeated instances, and multiple algorithms. Most of the approaches found in the literature for combining these various information sources are based on the combination of the matching scores provided by individual systems built on the different biometric evidences. The combination schemes following this architecture are typically based on combination rules or trained pattern classifiers, and most of them assume that the score level fusion function is fixed at verification time. This Thesis considers the problem of ...

Fierrez, Julian — Universidad Politecnica de Madrid

Vulnerabilities and Attack Protection in Security Systems Based on Biometric Recognition

Absolute security does not exist: given funding, willpower and the proper technology, every security system can be compromised. However, the objective of the security community should be to develop such applications that the funding, the will, and the resources needed by the attacker to crack the system prevent him from attempting to do so. This Thesis is focused on the vulnerability assessment of biometric systems. Although being relatively young compared to other mature and long-used security technologies, biometrics have emerged in the last decade as a pushing alternative for applications where automatic recognition of people is needed. Certainly, biometrics are very attractive and useful for the final user: forget about PINs and passwords, you are your own key. However, we cannot forget that as any technology aimed to provide a security service, biometric systems are exposed to external attacks which ...

Javier Galbally — Universidad Autonoma de Madrid

Improving Security and Privacy in Biometric Systems

The achievement of perfect security is out of the question. Even if we are not yet aware of them, every security aimed technology has weaknesses which attackers can exploit in order to circumvent the system. We should hence direct our efforts to the development of applications whose security level make it infeasible for computationally bound attackers to break the systems. This Thesis is focused on improving the security and privacy provided by biometric systems. With the increased need for reliable and automatic identity verification, biometrics have emerged in the last decades as a pushing alternative to traditional authentication methods. Certainly, biometrics are very attractive and useful for the general public: forget about PINs and passwords, you are your own key. However, the wide deployment of biometric recognition systems at both large-scale applications (e.g., border management at European level or national ...

Gomez-Barrero, Marta — Universidad Autonoma de Madrid

Privacy Protecting Biometric Authentication Systems

As biometrics gains popularity and proliferates into the daily life, there is an increased concern over the loss of privacy and potential misuse of biometric data held in central repositories. The major concerns are about i) the use of biometrics to track people, ii) non-revocability of biometrics (eg. if a fingerprint is compromised it can not be canceled or reissued), and iii) disclosure of sensitive information such as race, gender and health problems which may be revealed by biometric traits. The straightforward suggestion of keeping the biometric data in a user owned token (eg. smart cards) does not completely solve the problem, since malicious users can claim that their token is broken to avoid biometric verification altogether. Put together, these concerns brought the need for privacy preserving biometric authentication methods in the recent years. In this dissertation, we survey existing ...

Kholmatov, Alisher — Sabanci University

Application-driven Advances in Multi-biometric Fusion

Biometric recognition is the automated recognition of individuals based on their behavioral or biological characteristics. Beside forensic applications, this technology aims at replacing the outdated and attack prone, physical and knowledge-based, proofs of identity. Choosing one biometric characteristic is a tradeoff between universality, acceptability, and permanence, among other factors. Moreover, the accuracy cap of the chosen characteristic may limit the scalability and usability for some applications. The use of multiple biometric sources within a unified frame, i.e. multi-biometrics, aspires to tackle the limitations of single source biometrics and thus enables a wider implementation of the technology. This work aims at presenting application-driven advances in multi-biometrics by addressing different elements of the multi-biometric system work-flow. At first, practical oriented pre-fusion issues regarding missing data imputation and score normalization are discussed. This includes presenting a novel performance anchored score normalization technique that ...

Damer, Naser — Technische Universität Darmstadt

Visual ear detection and recognition in unconstrained environments

Automatic ear recognition systems have seen increased interest over recent years due to multiple desirable characteristics. Ear images used in such systems can typically be extracted from profile head shots or video footage. The acquisition procedure is contactless and non-intrusive, and it also does not depend on the cooperation of the subjects. In this regard, ear recognition technology shares similarities with other image-based biometric modalities. Another appealing property of ear biometrics is its distinctiveness. Recent studies even empirically validated existing conjectures that certain features of the ear are distinct for identical twins. This fact has significant implications for security-related applications and puts ear images on a par with epigenetic biometric modalities, such as the iris. Ear images can also supplement other biometric modalities in automatic recognition systems and provide identity cues when other information is unreliable or even unavailable. In ...

Emeršič, Žiga — University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science

Design and development of multi-biometric systems

Biometric recognition for a long time has been used in confined spaces, usually indoor, where security-critical operations required high accuracy recognition systems, e.g. in police stations, banks, companies, airports. Field activities, on the contrary, required more portability and flexibility leading to the development of devices for less constrained biometric traits acquisition and consequently of robust algorithms for biometric recognition in less constrained conditions. However, the application of "portable" biometric recognition, was still limited in specific fields e.g. for immigration control, and still required dedicated devices. A further step would be to spread the use of biometric recognition on personal devices, as personal computers, tablets and smartphones. Some attempts in this direction were made embedding fingerprint scanners in laptops or smartphones. So far biometric recognition on personal devices has been employed just for a limited set of tasks, as to unlock ...

Galdi, Chiara — University of Salerno and EURECOM

Dealing with Variability Factors and Its Application to Biometrics at a Distance

This Thesis is focused on dealing with the variability factors in biometric recognition and applications of biometrics at a distance. In particular, this PhD Thesis explores the problem of variability factors assessment and how to deal with them by the incorporation of soft biometrics information in order to improve person recognition systems working at a distance. The proposed methods supported by experimental results show the benefits of adapting the system considering the variability of the sample at hand. Although being relatively young compared to other mature and long-used security technologies, biometrics have emerged in the last decade as a pushing alternative for applications where automatic recognition of people is needed. Certainly, biometrics are very attractive and useful for video surveillance systems at a distance, widely distributed in our lifes, and for the final user: forget about PINs and passwords, you ...

Tome, Pedro — Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Automatic Handwritten Signature Verification - Which features should be looked at?

The increasing need for personal authentication in many daily applications has made biometrics a fundamental research area. In particular, handwritten signatures have long been considered one of the most valuable biometric traits. Signatures are the most popular method for identity verification all over the world, and people are familiar with the use of signatures for identity verification purposes in their everyday life. In fact, signatures are widely used in several daily transactions, being recognized as a legal means of verifying an individual’s identity by financial and administrative institutions. In addition, signature verification has the advantage of being a non-invasive biometric technique. Two categories of signature verification systems can be distinguished taking into account the acquisition device, namely, offline systems, where only the static image of the signature is available, and online systems, where dynamic information acquired during the signing process, ...

Marianela Parodi — Universidad Nacional de Rosario

Direct Pore-based Identification For Fingerprint Matching Process

Fingerprint, is considered one of the most crucial scientific tools in solving criminal cases. This biometric feature is composed of unique and distinctive patterns found on the fingertips of each individual. With advancing technology and progress in forensic sciences, fingerprint analysis plays a vital role in forensic investigations and the analysis of evidence at crime scenes. The fingerprint patterns of each individual start to develop in early stagesof life and never change thereafter. This fact makes fingerprints an exceptional means of identification. In criminal cases, fingerprint analysis is used to decipher traces, evidence, and clues at crime scenes. These analyses not only provide insights into how a crime was committed but also assist in identifying the culprits or individuals involved. Computer-based fingerprint identification systems yield faster and more accurate results compared to traditional methods, making fingerprint comparisons in large databases ...

Vedat DELICAN, PhD — Istanbul Technical University

Fingerprint Image Processing for Generating Biometric Cryptographic Key

Cryptography and biometrics have been identified as two of the most important aspects of digital security environment. For various types of security problems the merging between cryptography and biometrics has led to the development of Bio crypt technology. The new technology suffers from several limitations and this thesis, addresses the biometric information quality and the security weakness of cryptography. In many applications fingerprint has been chosen as a core of bio crypt combined technology due to it’s maturity in terms of availability, uniqueness, permanence, feasibility, ease of use and acceptance. Fingerprint has been studied from the point of view of information strength to suitability to the cryptographic requirement. The factors relating to generating and constructing combined bio crypt key such as biometric image validity, quality assessment and distinct feature extraction are studied to avoid corruptness of the source biometric images. ...

Al Tarawneh, Mokhled — Newcastle University

Automatic Person Verification Using Speech and Face Information

Interest in biometric based identification and verification systems has increased considerably over the last decade. As an example, the shortcomings of security systems based on passwords can be addressed through the supplemental use of biometric systems based on speech signals, face images or fingerprints. Biometric recognition can also be applied to other areas, such as passport control (immigration checkpoints), forensic work (to determine whether a biometric sample belongs to a suspect) and law enforcement applications (e.g. surveillance). While biometric systems based on face images and/or speech signals can be useful, their performance can degrade in the presence of challenging conditions. In face based systems this can be in the form of a change in the illumination direction and/or face pose variations. Multi-modal systems use more than one biometric at the same time. This is done for two main reasons -- ...

Conrad Sanderson — Griffith University, Queensland, Australia

Security/Privacy Analysis of Biometric Hashing and Template Protection for Fingerprint Minutiae

This thesis has two main parts. The first part deals with security and privacy analysis of biometric hashing. The second part introduces a method for fixed-length feature vector extraction and hash generation from fingerprint minutiae. The upsurge of interest in biometric systems has led to development of biometric template protection methods in order to overcome security and privacy problems. Biometric hashing produces a secure binary template by combining a personal secret key and the biometric of a person, which leads to a two factor authentication method. This dissertation analyzes biometric hashing both from a theoretical point of view and in regards to its practical application. For theoretical evaluation of biohashes, a systematic approach which uses estimated entropy based on degree of freedom of a binomial distribution is outlined. In addition, novel practical security and privacy attacks against face image hashing ...

Berkay Topcu — Sabanci University

Face Recognition's Grand Challenge: uncontrolled conditions under control

The number of cameras increases rapidly in squares, shopping centers, railway stations and airport halls. There are hundreds of cameras in the city center of Amsterdam. This is still modest compared to the tens of thousands of cameras in London, where citizens are expected to be filmed by more than three hundred cameras of over thirty separate Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) systems in a single day [84]. These CCTV systems include both publicly owned systems (railway stations, squares, airports) and privately owned systems (shops, banks, hotels). The main purpose of all these cameras is to detect, prevent and monitor crime and anti-social behaviour. Other goals of camera surveillance can be detection of unauthorized access, improvement of service, fire safety, etc. Since the terrorist attack on 9/11, detection and prevention of terrorist activities especially at high profiled locations such as airports, ...

Boom, Bas — University of Twente

Probabilistic models for multi-classifier biometric authentication using quality measures

Biometric authentication can be cast as a signal processing and statistical pattern recognition problem. As such, it relies on models of signal representations that can be used to discriminate between classes. One of the assumptions typically made by the practioner is that the training set used to learn the parameters of the class-conditional likelihood functions is a representative sample of the unseen test set on which the system will be used. If the test set data is distorted, the assumption no longer holds and the Bayes decision rule or Maximum Likelihood rules are no longer optimal. In biometrics, the distortions of the data come from two main sources: intra-user variability, and changes in acquisition conditions. The aim of the thesis is to increase robustness of biometric verification systems to these sources of variability. We use probabilistic approaches at all stages ...

Richiardi, Jonas — Signal Processing Institute, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology

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