Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

This Thesis is focused on the quality assessment of biometric signals and its application to multimodal biometric systems. Since the establishment of biometrics as an specific research area in late 90s, the biometric community has focused its efforts in the development of accurate recognition algorithms and nowadays, biometric recognition is a mature technology that is used in many applications. However, we can notice recent studies that demonstrate how performance of biometric systems is heavily affected by the quality of biometric signals. Quality measurement has emerged in the biometric community as an important concern after the poor performance observed in biometric systems on certain pathological samples. We first summarize the state-of-the-art in the biometric quality problem. ... toggle 9 keywords

biometrics quality fingerprint signature multibiometrics biometrics fusion biometric databases sensor interoperability fingerprint minutiae


Alonso-Fernandez, Fernando
Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
Publication Year
Upload Date
Dec. 18, 2008

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