Interactive Real-time Musical Systems

This thesis focuses on the development of automatic accompaniment sys- tems. We investigate previous systems and look at a range of approaches that have been attempted for the problem of beat tracking. Most beat trackers are intended for the purposes of music information retrieval where a ‘black box’ approach is tested on a wide variety of music genres. We highlight some of the difficulties facing offline beat trackers and design a new approach for the problem of real-time drum tracking, developing a system, B-Keeper, which makes reasonable assumptions on the nature of the signal and is provided with useful prior knowledge. Having developed the system with offline studio recordings, we look to test the system with human players. Existing offline evaluation methods seem less suitable for a performance system, since we also wish to evaluate the interaction between musician and ...

Robertson, Andrew — Queen Mary, University of London

Automatic Transcription of Polyphonic Music Exploiting Temporal Evolution

Automatic music transcription is the process of converting an audio recording into a symbolic representation using musical notation. It has numerous applications in music information retrieval, computational musicology, and the creation of interactive systems. Even for expert musicians, transcribing polyphonic pieces of music is not a trivial task, and while the problem of automatic pitch estimation for monophonic signals is considered to be solved, the creation of an automated system able to transcribe polyphonic music without setting restrictions on the degree of polyphony and the instrument type still remains open. In this thesis, research on automatic transcription is performed by explicitly incorporating information on the temporal evolution of sounds. First efforts address the problem by focusing on signal processing techniques and by proposing audio features utilising temporal characteristics. Techniques for note onset and offset detection are also utilised for improving ...

Benetos, Emmanouil — Centre for Digital Music, Queen Mary University of London

Melody Extraction from Polyphonic Music Signals

Music was the first mass-market industry to be completely restructured by digital technology, and today we can have access to thousands of tracks stored locally on our smartphone and millions of tracks through cloud-based music services. Given the vast quantity of music at our fingertips, we now require novel ways of describing, indexing, searching and interacting with musical content. In this thesis we focus on a technology that opens the door to a wide range of such applications: automatically estimating the pitch sequence of the melody directly from the audio signal of a polyphonic music recording, also referred to as melody extraction. Whilst identifying the pitch of the melody is something human listeners can do quite well, doing this automatically is highly challenging. We present a novel method for melody extraction based on the tracking and characterisation of the pitch ...

Salamon, Justin — Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Towards Automatic Extraction of Harmony Information from Music Signals

In this thesis we address the subject of automatic extraction of harmony information from audio recordings. We focus on chord symbol recognition and methods for evaluating algorithms designed to perform that task. We present a novel six-dimensional model for equal tempered pitch space based on concepts from neo-Riemannian music theory. This model is employed as the basis of a harmonic change detection function which we use to improve the performance of a chord recognition algorithm. We develop a machine readable text syntax for chord symbols and present a hand labelled chord transcription collection of 180 Beatles songs annotated using this syntax. This collection has been made publicly available and is already widely used for evaluation purposes in the research community. We also introduce methods for comparing chord symbols which we subsequently use for analysing the statistics of the transcription collection. ...

Harte, Christopher — Queen Mary, University of London

Acoustic Event Detection: Feature, Evaluation and Dataset Design

It takes more time to think of a silent scene, action or event than finding one that emanates sound. Not only speaking or playing music but almost everything that happens is accompanied with or results in one or more sounds mixed together. This makes acoustic event detection (AED) one of the most researched topics in audio signal processing nowadays and it will probably not see a decline anywhere in the near future. This is due to the thirst for understanding and digitally abstracting more and more events in life via the enormous amount of recorded audio through thousands of applications in our daily routine. But it is also a result of two intrinsic properties of audio: it doesn’t need a direct sight to be perceived and is less intrusive to record when compared to image or video. Many applications such ...

Mina Mounir — KU Leuven, ESAT STADIUS

Music Language Models for Automatic Music Transcription

Much like natural language, music is highly structured, with strong priors on the likelihood of note sequences. In automatic speech recognition (ASR), these priors are called language models, which are used in addition to acoustic models and participate greatly to the success of today's systems. However, in Automatic Music Transcription (AMT), ASR's musical equivalent, Music Language Models (MLMs) are rarely used. AMT can be defined as the process of extracting a symbolic representation from an audio signal, describing which notes were played at what time. In this thesis, we investigate the design of MLMs using recurrent neural networks (RNNs) and their use for AMT. We first look into MLM performance on a polyphonic prediction task. We observe that using musically-relevant timesteps results in desirable MLM behaviour, which is not reflected in usual evaluation metrics. We compare our model against benchmark ...

Ycart, Adrien — Queen Mary University of London

Some Contributions to Music Signal Processing and to Mono-Microphone Blind Audio Source Separation

For humans, the sound is valuable mostly for its meaning. The voice is spoken language, music, artistic intent. Its physiological functioning is highly developed, as well as our understanding of the underlying process. It is a challenge to replicate this analysis using a computer: in many aspects, its capabilities do not match those of human beings when it comes to speech or instruments music recognition from the sound, to name a few. In this thesis, two problems are investigated: the source separation and the musical processing. The first part investigates the source separation using only one Microphone. The problem of sources separation arises when several audio sources are present at the same moment, mixed together and acquired by some sensors (one in our case). In this kind of situation it is natural for a human to separate and to recognize ...

Schutz, Antony — Eurecome/Mobile

Software-Based Extraction of Objective Parameters from Music Performances

Different music performances of the same score may significantly differ from each other. It is obvious that not only the composer¢s work, the score, defines the listener¢s music experience, but that the music performance itself is an integral part of this experience. Music performers use the information contained in the score, but interpret, transform or add to this information. Four parameter classes can be used to describe a performance objectively: tempo and timing, loudness, timbre and pitch. Each class contains a multitude of individual parameters that are at the performers¢ disposal to generate a unique physical rendition of musical ideas. The extraction of such objective parameters is one of the difficulties in music performance research. This work presents an approach to the software-based extraction of tempo and timing, loudness and timbre parameters from audio files to provide a tool for ...

Lerch, Alexander — Technical University of Berlin

A Computational Framework for Sound Segregation in Music Signals

Music is built from sound, ultimately resulting from an elaborate interaction between the sound-generating properties of physical objects (i.e. music instruments) and the sound perception abilities of the human auditory system. Humans, even without any kind of formal music training, are typically able to ex- tract, almost unconsciously, a great amount of relevant information from a musical signal. Features such as the beat of a musical piece, the main melody of a complex musical ar- rangement, the sound sources and events occurring in a complex musical mixture, the song structure (e.g. verse, chorus, bridge) and the musical genre of a piece, are just some examples of the level of knowledge that a naive listener is commonly able to extract just from listening to a musical piece. In order to do so, the human auditory system uses a variety of cues ...

Martins, Luis Gustavo — Universidade do Porto

Music Pre-Processing for Cochlear Implants

A Cochlear Implant (CI) is a medical device that enables profoundly hearing impaired people to perceive sounds by electrically stimulating the auditory nerve using an electrode array implanted in the cochlea. The focus of most research on signal processing for CIs has been on strategies to improve speech understanding in quiet and in background noise, since the main aim for implanting a CI was (and still is) to restore the ability to communicate. Most CI users perform quite well in terms of speech understanding. On the other hand, music perception and appreciation are generally very poor. The main goal of this PhD project was to investigate and to improve the poor music enjoyment in CI users. An initial experiment with multi-track recordings was carried out to examine the music mixing preferences for different instruments in polyphonic or complex music. In ...

Buyefns, Wim — KU Leuven

Pitch-informed solo and accompaniment separation

This thesis addresses the development of a system for pitch-informed solo and accompaniment separation capable of separating main instruments from music accompaniment regardless of the musical genre of the track, or type of music accompaniment. For the solo instrument, only pitched monophonic instruments were considered in a single-channel scenario where no panning or spatial location information is available. In the proposed method, pitch information is used as an initial stage of a sinusoidal modeling approach that attempts to estimate the spectral information of the solo instrument from a given audio mixture. Instead of estimating the solo instrument on a frame by frame basis, the proposed method gathers information of tone objects to perform separation. Tone-based processing allowed the inclusion of novel processing stages for attack re nement, transient interference reduction, common amplitude modulation (CAM) of tone objects, and for better ...

Cano Cerón, Estefanía — Ilmenau University of Technology

Indexation et Recherche de Video pour la Videosurveillance

The goal of this work is to propose a general approach for surveillance video indexing and retrieval. Based on the hypothesis that videos are preprocessed by an external video analysis module, this approach is composed of two phases : indexing phase and retrieval phase. In order to profit from the output of various video analysis modules, a general data model consisting of two main concepts, objects and events, is proposed. The indexing phase that aims at preparing data defined in the data model performs three tasks. Firstly, two new key blob detection methods in the object representation task choose for each detected object a set of key blobs associated with a weight. Secondly, the feature extraction task analyzes a number of visual and temporal features on detected objects. Finally, the indexing task computes attributes of the two concepts and stores ...

Thi-Lan, Le — INRIA, Sophia Antipolis

Sparse approximation and dictionary learning with applications to audio signals

Over-complete transforms have recently become the focus of a wide wealth of research in signal processing, machine learning, statistics and related fields. Their great modelling flexibility allows to find sparse representations and approximations of data that in turn prove to be very efficient in a wide range of applications. Sparse models express signals as linear combinations of a few basis functions called atoms taken from a so-called dictionary. Finding the optimal dictionary from a set of training signals of a given class is the objective of dictionary learning and the main focus of this thesis. The experimental evidence presented here focuses on the processing of audio signals, and the role of sparse algorithms in audio applications is accordingly highlighted. The first main contribution of this thesis is the development of a pitch-synchronous transform where the frame-by-frame analysis of audio data ...

Barchiesi, Daniele — Queen Mary University of London

Guitar Tablature Generation with Deep Learning

The burgeoning of deep learning-based music generation has overlooked the potential of symbolic representations tailored for fretted instruments. Guitar tablatures offer an advantageous approach to represent prescriptive information about music performance, often missing from standard MIDI representations. This dissertation tackles a gap in symbolic music generation by developing models that predict both musical structures and expressive guitar performance techniques. We first present DadaGP, a dataset comprising over 25k songs converted from the Guitar Pro tablature format to a dedicated token format suiting sequence models such as the Transformer. To establish a benchmark, we first introduce a baseline unconditional model for guitar tablature generation, by training a Transformer-XL architecture on the DadaGP dataset. We explored various architecture configurations and experimented with two different tokenisation approaches. Delving into controllability of the generative process, we introduce methods for manipulating the output's instrumentation (inst-CTRL) ...

Sarmento, Pedro — Queen Mary University of London

Time-domain music source separation for choirs and ensembles

Music source separation is the task of separating musical sources from an audio mixture. It has various direct applications including automatic karaoke generation, enhancing musical recordings, and 3D-audio upmixing; but also has implications for other downstream music information retrieval tasks such as multi-instrument transcription. However, the majority of research has focused on fixed stem separation of vocals, drums, and bass stems. While such models have highlighted capabilities of source separation using deep learning, their implications are limited to very few use cases. Such models are unable to separate most other instruments due to insufficient training data. Moreover, class-based separation inherently limits the applicability of such models to be unable to separate monotimbral mixtures. This thesis focuses on separating musical sources without requiring timbral distinction among the sources. Preliminary attempts focus on the separation of vocal harmonies from choral ensembles using ...

Sarkar, Saurjya — Queen Mary University of London

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