Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

Lung sound signal (LSS) measurements are taken to aid in the diagnosis of various diseases. Their interpretation is difficult however due to the presence of interference generated by the heart. Novel digital signal processing techniques are therefore proposed to automate the removal of the heart sound signal (HSS) interference from the LSS measurements. The HSS is first assumed to be a periodic component so that an adaptive line enhancer can be exploited for the mitigation of the HSS interference. The utility of the scheme is verified on synthetic signals, however its performance is found to be limited on real measurements due to sensitivity in the selection of a decorrelation parameter. An improved solution with multiple ... toggle 9 keywords

lung sound measurements heart sound signals sequential blind source extraction second-order-statistics adaptive line enhancer sequential bayesian filtering nonstationary time-varying period quasi-periodic signal.


Tsalaile, Thato
Loughborough University
Publication Year
Upload Date
Dec. 12, 2008

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