Three dimensional shape modeling: segmentation, reconstruction and registration

Accounting for uncertainty in three-dimensional (3D) shapes is important in a large number of scientific and engineering areas, such as biometrics, biomedical imaging, and data mining. It is well known that 3D polar shaped objects can be represented by Fourier descriptors such as spherical harmonics and double Fourier series. However, the statistics of these spectral shape models have not been widely explored. This thesis studies several areas involved in 3D shape modeling, including random field models for statistical shape modeling, optimal shape filtering, parametric active contours for object segmentation and surface reconstruction. It also investigates multi-modal image registration with respect to tumor activity quantification. Spherical harmonic expansions over the unit sphere not only provide a low dimensional polarimetric parameterization of stochastic shape, but also correspond to the Karhunen-Lo´eve (K-L) expansion of any isotropic random field on the unit sphere. Spherical ...

Li, Jia — University of Michigan

Factor Graph Based Detection Schemes for Mobile Terrestrial DVB Systems with Long OFDM Blocks

This PhD dissertation analyzes the performance of second generation digital video broadcasting (DVB) systems in mobile terrestrial environments and proposes an iterative detection algorithm based on factor graphs (FG) to reduce the distortion caused by the time variation of the channel, providing error-free communication in very severe mobile conditions. The research work focuses on mobile scenarios where the intercarrier interference (ICI) is very high: high vehicular speeds when long orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) blocks are used. As a starting point, we provide the theoretical background on the main topics behind the transmission and reception of terrestrial digital television signals in mobile environments, long with a general overview of the main signal processing techniques included in last generation terrestrial DVB systems. The proposed FG-based detector design is then assessed over a simpli ed bit-interleaved coded modulation (BICM)-OFDM communication scheme for a ...

Ochandiano, Pello — University of Mondragon

A Robust Face Recognition Algorithm for Real-World Applications

Face recognition is one of the most challenging problems of computer vision and pattern recognition. The difficulty in face recognition arises mainly from facial appearance variations caused by factors, such as expression, illumination, partial face occlusion, and time gap between training and testing data capture. Moreover, the performance of face recognition algorithms heavily depends on prior facial feature localization step. That is, face images need to be aligned very well before they are fed into a face recognition algorithm, which requires precise facial feature localization. This thesis addresses on solving these two main problems -facial appearance variations due to changes in expression, illumination, occlusion, time gap, and imprecise face alignment due to mislocalized facial features- in order to accomplish its goal of building a generic face recognition algorithm that can function reliably under real-world conditions. The proposed face recognition algorithm ...

Ekenel, Hazim Kemal — University of Karlsruhe

Channel Estimation Architectures for Mobile Reception in Emerging DVB Standards

Throughout this work, channel estimation techniques have been analyzed and proposed for moderate and very high mobility DVB (digital video broadcasting) receivers, focusing on the DVB-T2 (Digital Video Broadcasting - Terrestrial 2) framework and the forthcoming DVB-NGH (Digital Video Broadcasting - Next Generation Handheld) standard. Mobility support is one of the key features of these DVB specifications, which try to deal with the challenge of enabling HDTV (high definition television) delivery at high vehicular speed. In high-mobility scenarios, the channel response varies within an OFDM (orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing) block and the subcarriers are no longer orthogonal, which leads to the so-called ICI (inter-carrier interference), making the system performance drop severely. Therefore, in order to successfully decode the transmitted data, ICI-aware detectors are necessary and accurate CSI (channel state information), including the ICI terms, is required at the receiver. With the ...

Martínez, Lorena — University of Mondragon

Image Sequence Restoration Using Gibbs Distributions

This thesis addresses a number of issues concerned with the restoration of one type of image sequence namely archived black and white motion pictures. These are often a valuable historical record but because of the physical nature of the film they can suffer from a variety of degradations which reduce their usefulness. The main visual defects are ‘dirt and sparkle’ due to dust and dirt becoming attached to the film or abrasion removing the emulsion and ‘line scratches’ due to the film running against foreign bodies in the camera or projector. For an image restoration algorithm to be successful it must be based on a mathematical model of the image. A number of models have been proposed and here we explore the use of a general class of model known as Markov Random Fields (MRFs) based on Gibbs distributions by ...

Morris, Robin David — University of Cambridge

Bayesian Signal Processing Techniques for GNSS Receivers: from multipath mitigation to positioning

This dissertation deals with the design of satellite-based navigation receivers. The term Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) refers to those navigation systems based on a constellation of satellites, which emit ranging signals useful for positioning. Although the american GPS is probably the most popular, the european contribution (Galileo) will be operative soon. Other global and regional systems exist, all with the same objective: aid user's positioning. Initially, the thesis provides the state-of-the-art in GNSS: navigation signals structure and receiver architecture. The design of a GNSS receiver consists of a number of functional blocks. From the antenna to the fi nal position calculation, the design poses challenges in many research areas. Although the Radio Frequency chain of the receiver is commented in the thesis, the main objective of the dissertation is on the signal processing algorithms applied after signal digitation. These ...

Closas, Pau — Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya

Deep Learning Techniques for Visual Counting

The explosion of Deep Learning (DL) added a boost to the already rapidly developing field of Computer Vision to such a point that vision-based tasks are now parts of our everyday lives. Applications such as image classification, photo stylization, or face recognition are nowadays pervasive, as evidenced by the advent of modern systems trivially integrated into mobile applications. In this thesis, we investigated and enhanced the visual counting task, which automatically estimates the number of objects in still images or video frames. Recently, due to the growing interest in it, several Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)-based solutions have been suggested by the scientific community. These artificial neural networks, inspired by the organization of the animal visual cortex, provide a way to automatically learn effective representations from raw visual data and can be successfully employed to address typical challenges characterizing this task, ...

Ciampi Luca — University of Pisa

Signal Strength Based Localization and Path-loss Exponent Self-Estimation in Wireless Networks

Wireless communications and networking are gradually permeating our life and substantially influencing every corner of this world. Wireless devices, particularly those of small size, will take part in this trend more widely, efficiently, seamlessly and smartly. Techniques requiring only limited resources, especially in terms of hardware, are becoming more important and urgently needed. That is why we focus this thesis around analyzing wireless communications and networking based on signal strength (SS) measurements, since these are easy and convenient to gather. SS-based techniques can be incorporated into any device that is equipped with a wireless chip. More specifically, this thesis studies \textbf{SS-based localization} and \textbf{path-loss exponent (PLE) self-estimation}. Although these two research lines might seem unrelated, they are actually marching towards the same goal. The former can easily enable a very simple wireless chip to infer its location. But to solve ...

Hu, Yongchang — Delft University of Technology

Fire Detection Algorithms Using Multimodal Signal and Image Analysis

Dynamic textures are common in natural scenes. Examples of dynamic textures in video include fire, smoke, clouds, volatile organic compound (VOC) plumes in infra-red (IR) videos, trees in the wind, sea and ocean waves, etc. Researchers extensively studied 2-D textures and related problems in the fields of image processing and computer vision. On the other hand, there is very little research on dynamic texture detection in video. In this dissertation, signal and image processing methods developed for detection of a specific set of dynamic textures are presented. Signal and image processing methods are developed for the detection of flames and smoke in open and large spaces with a range of up to $30$m to the camera in visible-range (IR) video. Smoke is semi-transparent at the early stages of fire. Edges present in image frames with smoke start loosing their sharpness ...

Toreyin, Behcet Ugur — Bilkent University

Generalized Consistent Estimation in Arbitrarily High Dimensional Signal Processing

The theory of statistical signal processing finds a wide variety of applications in the fields of data communications, such as in channel estimation, equalization and symbol detection, and sensor array processing, as in beamforming, and radar systems. Indeed, a large number of these applications can be interpreted in terms of a parametric estimation problem, typically approached by a linear filtering operation acting upon a set of multidimensional observations. Moreover, in many cases, the underlying structure of the observable signals is linear in the parameter to be inferred. This dissertation is devoted to the design and evaluation of statistical signal processing methods under realistic implementation conditions encountered in practice. Traditional statistical signal processing techniques intrinsically provide a good performance under the availability of a particularly high number of observations of fixed dimension. Indeed, the original optimality conditions cannot be theoretically guaranteed ...

Rubio, Francisco — Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya

Cosparse regularization of physics-driven inverse problems

Inverse problems related to physical processes are of great importance in practically every field related to signal processing, such as tomography, acoustics, wireless communications, medical and radar imaging, to name only a few. At the same time, many of these problems are quite challenging due to their ill-posed nature. On the other hand, signals originating from physical phenomena are often governed by laws expressible through linear Partial Differential Equations (PDE), or equivalently, integral equations and the associated Green’s functions. In addition, these phenomena are usually induced by sparse singularities, appearing as sources or sinks of a vector field. In this thesis we primarily investigate the coupling of such physical laws with a prior assumption on the sparse origin of a physical process. This gives rise to a “dual” regularization concept, formulated either as sparse analysis (cosparse), yielded by a PDE ...

Kitić, Srđan — Université de Rennes 1

Bayesian Approaches in Image Source Seperation

In this thesis, a general solution to the component separation problem in images is introduced. Unlike most existing works, the spatial dependencies of images are modelled in the separation process with the use of Markov random fields (MRFs). In the MRFs model, Cauchy density is used for the gradient images. We provide a general Bayesian framework for the estimation of the parameters of this model. Due to the intractability of the problem we resort to numerical solutions for the joint maximization of the a posteriori distribution of the sources, the mixing matrix and the noise variances. For numerical solution, four different methods are proposed. In first method, the difficulty of working analytically with general Gibbs distributions of MRF is overcome by using an approximate density. In this approach, the Gibbs distribution is modelled by the product of directional Gaussians. The ...

Kayabol, Koray — Istanbul University

Vision Based Sign Language Recognition: Modeling and Recognizing Isolated Signs With Manual and Non-manual Components

This thesis addresses the problem of vision based sign language recognition and focuses on three main tasks to design improved techniques that increase the performance of sign language recognition systems. We first attack the markerless tracking problem during natural and unrestricted signing in less restricted environments. We propose a joint particle filter approach for tracking multiple identical objects, in our case the two hands and the face, which is robust to situations including fast movement, interactions and occlusions. Our experiments show that the proposed approach has a robust tracking performance during the challenging situations and is suitable for tracking long durations of signing with its ability of fast recovery. Second, we attack the problem of the recognition of signs that include both manual (hand gestures) and non-manual (head/body gestures) components. We investigated multi-modal fusion techniques to model the different temporal ...

Aran, Oya — Bogazici University

Contributions to the Information Fusion : application to Obstacle Recognition in Visible and Infrared Images

The interest for the intelligent vehicle field has been increased during the last years, must probably due to an important number of road accidents. Many accidents could be avoided if a device attached to the vehicle would assist the driver with some warnings when dangerous situations are about to appear. In recent years, leading car developers have recorded significant efforts and support research works regarding the intelligent vehicle field where they propose solutions for the existing problems, especially in the vision domain. Road detection and following, pedestrian or vehicle detection, recognition and tracking, night vision, among others are examples of applications which have been developed and improved recently. Still, a lot of challenges and unsolved problems remain in the intelligent vehicle domain. Our purpose in this thesis is to design an Obstacle Recognition system for improving the road security by ...

Apatean, Anca Ioana — Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Rouen

Analysis and Design of Linear Classifiers for High-Dimensional, Small Sample Size Data Using Asymptotic Random Matrix Theory

Due to a variety of potential barriers to sample acquisition, many of the datasets encountered in important classification applications, ranging from tumor identification to facial recognition, are characterized by small samples of high-dimensional data. In such situations, linear classifiers are popular as they have less risk of overfitting while being faster and more interpretable than non-linear classifiers. They are also easier to understand and implement for the inexperienced practitioner. In this dissertation, several gaps in the literature regarding the analysis and design of linear classifiers for high-dimensional data are addressed using tools from the field of asymptotic Random Matrix Theory (RMT) which facilitate the derivation of limits of relevant quantities or distributions, such as the probability of misclassification of a particular classifier or the asymptotic distribution of its discriminant, in the RMT regime where both the sample size and dimensionality ...

Niyazi, Lama — King Abdullah University of Science and Technology

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